

By Zik Gbemre

It is surprising to see that in this day and age of ‘global democracy’, when military government is seen as barbaric and outdated, some group of soldiers tried to topple the present Government of Tayyip Erdoğan of Turkey in what is now seen as a failed coup attempt. We condemn in strong terms, the said coup attempt as we also call on all global leaders and well-meaning stakeholders to support the democratically elected Government, Institutions of Turkey and its Rule of law.

EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / People react after they take over military position on the Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul on July 16, 2016. At least 60 people have been killed and 336 detained in a night of violence across Turkey sparked when elements in the military staged an attempted coup, a senior Turkish official said. The majority of those killed were civilians and most of those detained are soldiers, said the official, without giving further details. / AFP PHOTO / Bulent KILICBULENT KILIC/AFP/Getty Images
EDITORS NOTE: Graphic content / People react after they take over military position on the Bosphorus bridge in Istanbul on July 16, 2016.
At least 60 people have been killed and 336 detained in a night of violence across Turkey sparked when elements in the military staged an attempted coup, a senior Turkish official said. The majority of those killed were civilians and most of those detained are soldiers, said the official, without giving further details.

_90417731_4eaeff1f-5d10-4c9d-9bcc-b97964b36eefWith events still unfolding in Turkey as at the time of writing this, but what we know and has been reported for now is that after the said failed coup attempt on Friday evening/night (July 15, 2016), a furious President Erdoğan arrived at Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport on Saturday morning (July 16, 2016) and declared his government remains in charge. The President vowed to round up and punish those behind the military revolt, as his government announced hundreds of people have been arrested on suspicion of involvement, including Senior Colonels and Generals. Reports also revealed that the Coup leaders have continued to put up a defiant front, with anti-government groups claiming there are still pockets of resistance around the country. But video footages that have emerged, show soldiers leaving their positions or being taken away under arrest, with one large contingent abandoning their blockade of Istanbul’s Bosphorus bri dge, hands raised in surrender.

Local reports claim at least 161 people have been killed, many of them civilians. Sixteen people involved in the attempted coup died in clashes at military Police command, while about 17 Policemen were said to have been killed during the attempted coup, and 250 others were arrested in connection with the failed coup, according to reports. Separately, 13 soldiers who tried to storm the Presidential Palace in Ankara were arrested.The Head of the Turkey Armed Forces, General Hulusi Akar, is reportedly freed, having been taken hostage earlier in the military revolt. More than 2,839 members of the Turkey Armed Forces have been arrested and detained, among them are Colonels and Generals, the government had announced.One Rear Admiral Nejat Atilla Demirhan and General Memduh Hakbilen, the Chief of Staff of Turkey’s Command for the Aegean region, are said to be among those detained .So far, about 161 persons are said to have been killed in the Turkey failed coup attempt. In the process of executing the said failed coup, the coup plotters were said to have raided the CNN News room in Turkey. All these are aggressive, primitive and barbaric action of the said faction of the Turkey Military that executed the failed coup.

Reports further noted that President Erdoğan blames the coup on factions loyal to dissident Fethullah Gülen, a US-based Turkish Cleric who is a former ally turned prominent critic of his home country’s President. Gülen, who lives in exile in Pennsylvania,strenuously denies any involvement in the coup. The cleric, who heads the Hizmet movement, is an influential figure among Turks at home and abroad, frequently accused by President Erdoğan of trying to destabilize his government.The military’s grip on key civil institutions, including major transport hubs and media organizations, appears less strong than reported earlier in the coup.

Whatever the case may be, the bottom line is that those military officers and their sponsors/supporters should, as a matter of utmost importance, be appropriately disciplined with the full weight of Turkish and international laws to make others know the consequences of such illegal action of treason against any State. If possible, those involved in the attempted coup in Turkey, which has left many dead, should be tried in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague for war crimes. We believe such drastic move will make others nursing such thoughts of a coup against democratically elected Government to have a rethink; not just in Turkey but also in other democracies across the globe. Coup Plotters should be made to face trials at the ICJ in The Hague for war crimes. The United Nations (UN) Assembly must outlaw coups globally and countries that refuse to adhere or acknowledge this should be made to face economic sanctions. The essenc e of this move is to enhance and protect the integrity of ‘global democracy’.

Using the ‘power of the guns’ to attempt to or take over the elected political power of any State is absolutely criminal, and as such, it should be treated with the full weight of the law. The primary role of the Military/Army, globally, is to protect the security integrity of its country and citizens from internal insurrection and external aggression, invasion. The Military/Army should have no business of wanting to take over the reins of political power in any democratic State. No matter the grievances or issues at stake, it is absolutely wrong and illegal, especially in this day and age, for the Military/Army to want to take over the administration of civilian affairs in any State, especially when there is an existing democratically elected Government. We are however glad with the massive resistance being put up by the people of Turkey as they heed to the call by President Erdoğan to take to the Streets in protest of this silly coup.

We know that Turkey has a long history of coups: the most recent occurring in 1997, and one of the most brutal in 1980, however, we call on the UN, European Union (EU) and other global leaders to rise up and consistently condemn these coups and coup attempts in Turkey, and ensure that democratic ideals are upheld and sustained there. The democratic order in Turkey, as well as other democracies across the globe, must be respected. Military interference in the affairs of any State is unacceptable and should be condemned totally.


Zik Gbemre, JP.

National Coordinator

Niger Delta Peace Coalition (NDPC)

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