THE POWER OF A TEACHING TEACHER – National Reformer News Online


I feel sometimes powerless and small, overwhelmed and inadequate, engulfed in thoughts that perhaps what I am doing is insignificant, that my life‘s pursuit or that my teaching is futile.

And I say “who am I to change the wind? Who am I to think that I can make a difference?”

And I then reflect on the young people under my charge, and I think about my role and about the power, if any, I have.

And I find that I am not devoid of resources or strength, that I am, indeed endowed with talent, ability and strength. I do, after all decide what will be taught and no one else. And it is largely my prerogative when it will be taught and how and where, and why it will be taught. To a great extent I determine the curriculum, the richness and intensity with which it is taught is in my hands.


And I have the ability to think, to plan and to implement, to select from my repertoire of skills the one best suited to my purpose yet still be able to adapt myself to student needs with the dexterity of an artisan.

Most adults would be fortunate to perhaps lost out one day overseeing a round roomful of children. my orchestration makes enlightened music of the chaotic din. I guess you could say this is power.

I have the power. I have the vigor to motivate. The fullness to laugh, the courage to control. I have the power to uplift and to creat and when I ‘m red , hot, the intensity to inspire , I can form my students into lines or circles, triangle or squares. My influence is such I can turn their very feelings into Fs or As.

With just one look I can let a student know that everything is well with the world and that he or she has the perfect right to aim for the very top of it all.

And I can use my hands, turned up to lift them up or turned down to keep them down.

What power do I have in the system? In the eyes of my students I am the system.

I have the power to lead them to places they did not know existed , be a back up when society tears them down to catapult them higher than I myself will ever reach and push them gently, but assuredly , into the unknown , painting for them in broad brush strokes a future I can never hope to see.

And every day I have the wherewithal in my classroom to build walls or to build bridges between the generations.

And it is within my discretion to design a rigid, competitive structure or a cooperative, helping network in my classroom.

I even affect the weather, what I do every day determines whether their world will be indifferent, cold or sweathouse hot, or warm, inviting, alive and vibrant for learning.

I have an awesome power, if I succeed I pass the knowledge about what is important to the next generation. And, because their world will be better for my labor, mine is an important service to a just cause……hhhmmph!

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