

The Leadership of the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC), Delta State Council held its regular State Executive Council meeting today, Thursday 7th August 2014 in Asaba.

The meeting was presided over by the State Chairman of the (NLC), Comrade Williams Akporeha and supported by other members of the State EXCO as well as the leadership of affiliate unions of the NLC in Delta state.

Among other things, the meeting deliberated extensively on urgent contemporary issues concerning workers welfare, retirees, vague deductions from workers’ salaries by some industrial unions and hindrances bordering on smooth government/labour relations in the state.

At the end of the meeting, the following far reaching decisions based on the interest of the state workforce and retirees, government and labour relations as well as the general development of the state were unanimously passed as resolutions by the State Executive Council meeting of the NLC in Delta state:

ü That Congress truly and deeply appreciates continuous and pragmatic efforts to enhance the welfare of the state workforce so far demonstrated by the Executive Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan, (CON). In particular and beyond every doubt, the state government has maintained a record of prompt payment of workers’ salaries on as at when due basis. Consequently, Congress hereby pledges its continuous complete and unreserved support to the existing partnership between government and labour for mutual benefit and the overall growth of human resource development in the state. Congress is specifically grateful to His Excellency on the historic approval of the payment of end of year 13th month salary for workers in the state.


ü Congress notes with dissatisfaction government’s unfulfilled promise of a monthly release of N1.5 billion from internally generated revenue (IGR) to offset the backlog payment of retirees’ benefits. Sadly, the government only released the N1.5b only once and since then, the government has been releasing a paltry N500million which is not even regular. The result is that the accumulation of unpaid retirees’ benefits has been on astronomical increase.

ü That Congress however resolves and strongly suggests to government that due to the increasing number of workers that have not been paid their gratuities (lump sum) at the point of exit, retiring workers henceforth should continue to be paid their monthly salaries until they receive their gratuities. Congress envisaged that this system will eliminate the build up of unpaid pensions and reduce the suffering of those that have laboured for the state.

That Congress observed with utter dismay and disappointment the unbecoming conduct of an erstwhile Labour leader in the state and present Special Adviser to the State Governor on Labour and Industrial Relations Matters, Comrade Mike Okeme who has constituted himself as a cog in the wheel of progress of NLC, Delta State Council by collecting from Government ten buses meant for the State NLC’s mass transit; hijacking and appropriating monies meant for the Congress; usurping the powers of SAC members; deliberately destabilizing the activities of labour in the  state; and trying to cause serious and harmful but avoidable acrimony between Labour and Government.

Congress therefore resolved that:

(i) Government should not deal with Comrade Okeme on behalf of Labour any more.

(ii) Government should deal directly with Labour through the State Chairman

(iii) Congress subsequently passed a vote of no confidence on the SA to the Governor on Labour Matters, Comrade Mike Okeme and declared him a persona non grata to the State NLC

(iv) in the light of the above the Government should review the appointment of Comrade Mike Okeme

ü Congress wishes to state for the records that Mike Okeme has opted into a dodged fight to institute a divide and rule tactics among his other anti Congress disposition. In his bid to personally run the NLC from his office as Special Adviser to the Governor, Mike Okeme insisted to personally operate the 10 buses donated by the state government in 2012 for workers mass transit in the state as palliatives for partial fuel subsidy removal.  Typically, Mike Okeme only succeeded in operating those buses within his office at the detriment of workers for which they were meant. Congress has used every available opportunity to urge him to refrain from seeking this unnecessary luxury of grandstanding on activities of labour movement in the state to no avail. No doubt, Congress respects individual’s right to seek or sponsor ambitions but would resist all attempts to polarize Labour movement as such ambitions can only be realised in an atmosphere of industrial harmony in the state.

ü That having exhausted all available means to dissuade Mike Okeme from his ignoble venture to bring Labour to its knees in Delta state, Congress unanimously resolves that henceforth, it ceases to recognise and deal with Comrade Mike Okeme as the Special Adviser, Labour and Industrial Relations Matters to the Delta State Governor. For the avoidance of doubt, Congress hereby notifies Government that letters from Congress to Government and Government to Congress shall only be routed through the office of the Secretary to the State Government as it was the process before now.

ü All Ministries, Department and Agencies (MDA’s) should take note as Congress shall no longer honour, acknowledge or be involved in meetings, correspondences and engagements with Mike Okeme as Special Adviser to the Governor on Labour and Industrial Relations Matters.

ü Accordingly, Congress hereby calls on His Excellency, the Executive Governor of Delta State, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan (CON), to immediately take note and review the appointment of Mike Okeme as Special Adviser, Labour and Industrial Relations Matters to avoid industrial disharmony in the State. By this resolution, Congress is making it abundantly clear that it shall not give further notice of action if Government fails to revisit Mike Okeme’s appointment as stated above.

ü Congress resolves that it shall continue to support the exemplary leadership of the State Governor, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan (CON) in the march towards the provision of good governance and enhancement of workers welfare in the state.

ü That also, apart from the mandatory monthly check off dues, Congress is directing all Industrial Unions in the state to desist from imposing levies and collection of other monthly deductions from salaries of workers especially where there is disagreement among the members. It is the wish of Congress that workers take home pay should actually take them home.

ü Congress also resolves to call on the state government to endeavour to consider without further delay, timely payment of monthly salaries to primary school teachers and local government workers in the state as is done in other sectors.

ü Finally, Congress resolves that it holds the leadership of the state NLC in high esteem and consequently restates its unwavering confidence, loyalty and support for the present State Executive Council of the Nigerian Labour Congress as led by Comrade Williams Akporeha.



Comrade Williams Akporeha

(Chairman, NLC, Delta State)



Comrade Ejiro Egbedi                          Comrade Goodluck Ofobruku

(Secretary, NLC, Delta State)                           (Treasurer, NLC, Delta State)




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