

Comrade Chief Ovuozourie Macaulay
The Warri Uvwie and Environs Special Area Development Agency (WUEDA)has vowed to create a healthy business environment where investors can grow their businesses and in turn give way for rapid development of the once booming oil city of Warri and environs just as it has promised to carry out massive clean up as well as re-orientate the inhabitants of the the area to embrace cleanliness..
This was disclosed by Com. (Chief )Macaulay Ovuozourie, Director General, Warri Uvwie and Environs Special Area Development Agency while addressing journalists at a maiden press briefing, he said that the agency which was created in May 16, 2019 was the outcome of an executive bill passed by the Delta State House of Assembly.
He said the state Governor, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa created the agency in his quest to build a ‘Stronger Delta’ in which Deltans can freely and confidently- pursue their dreams of prosperity and happiness in a safe, secure and clean environment.
Chief Ovuozourie further disclosed that the law had established the agency as a multifaceted interventionist agency with focus on ecological and environmental remediation, health, economy and social infrastructure of the catchment areas.
He said the agency in its quest to create a healthy business environment for all, will emphasize on Urban renewal, demolition of illegal structures/ sanitation, roads rehabilitation and Construction, sensitization, values re-orientation and Flood Control.

According to Chief Ovuozourie, “consequently, we aim to ensure that our catchment areas remain livable cities with good road network and recreation opportunities. Even much more significant is our forecast, that success in this sector will not only save thousands of jobs but will also create several others as well as further opportunities for the informal business sector to grow.”

While noting that the fast rate of urbanization has been one of the major challenges which many national and local government authorities in developing nations have to grapple with, Com. Ovuozourie added,  “Urban renewal was most often undertaken to make life more secure and comfortable to the urban dwellers, to attract wealthier individuals to live in that area or to boost economic activities in that area.”
Speaking further, the Director General, WUEDA has this to say, “however, we have identified the main challenges militating against Urban Renewal in Warri Uvwie and Environs to include illegal erection of structures, inappropriate waste disposal, traffic jams as a result of the deplorable state of the roads. We have also identified flooding as a result of blocked drains occasioned by building of illegal and unapproved houses on water channels and natural waterways, such buildings must give way in order to actualize the Warri of our dream.”
He stressed that in its quest to boost business in the twin cities of Warri and Uvwie, the Agency will take some drastic measures which will hurt some people, he pleaded for understanding as those measures were for the overall good of all..
Chief Ovuozourie further noted, “we responded to some questions during our swearing -in reception; my response is still causing ripples and of course, that is the way it is going to go. We cannot put a new edifice on top of a decaying one. If we wish to develop Warri, we need to clean it first and in the cause of doing that, there will be some displacement and sacrifices. Why should Warri be a city of caravans? That, we must also address. People just get lands and the next thing is to erect caravans and start business. It is not perfect for the aesthetics, sanitation and beauty of any city. Residents of Warri, Uvwie and Environs should be ready for purposeful change, and it cannot come by without making some form of sacrifice.”
Chief Ovuozourie said that effective urban renewal actions are inevitable in contemporary urban cities if our cities would compare with those of the developed economies or comparable developing economies, adding, “to this effect, specific policy issues and strategies must be put in place and conscientiously pursued and implemented.. We shall remain mindful of the fact that whatever we do without laying a good foundation for development, we would be ‘building blocks on quick sand’. Parents, guardians, teachers and community leaders rise up to their duties.”.
He then appealed to all residents eapecially”I appeal to all residents of the Warri, Uvwie and its environs, especially the youth to be law abiding and refrain from acts inimical to the peace and stability,”

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