Only God can end world problems-GKS – National Reformer News Online

Only God can end world problems-GKS

By Our Correspondent

The God’s Kingdom Society (GKS) has called on mankind to turn to God and seek righteousness always as the only sure way to end world problems.

The GKS during the 2015 Christian Feast of Tabernacles at Saint Urhobo Square, GKS Headquarters, Warri, Delta State disclosed that until human beings turn away from sin, wickedness and corruption in any guise world problems would continue to increase.

Tje Chairman of the Executive Board of the GKS, Brother Godwin Ifeacho during the Feast addressed the celebrants on various topics supported by several bible passages to equip them with the word of God that leads to peace and salvation.

Brother Ifeacho disclosed that the Feast was quiet significant to all Jews from the time of Moses and Jesus Christ also celebrated it, stressing that God Almighty commanded Christians to observe the Feast of Tabernacles annually for their blessings and Salvation.

Brother Ifeacho noted that some persons are leading many astray with wrong teachings by false prophets and religious leaders from some religious organizations which are the signs of the end of the world, assuring that hope of peace and development to mankind could come when we know the accurate truth from the bible and practice righteousness.

He affirmed that the doctrines of God which is the truth leads to salvation and eternal life but wrong teachings, false prophecy and emphasis on prosperity teachings by greedy and get rich quick men of God have compounded world problems.

According to him “You have to acquire the accurate knowledge of the word of God. Don’t be the hearers of the word of God alone but also be the doers of the word. Those who harken to the word of God and practice righteousness will have peace and God’s blessings, but those who acquire wealth illegally and listen to Satan the devil will have no peace and they would fade away with time”.

During the weeklong Christian Festival, various anointed GKS ministers preached various spiritually filled sermons and lectures to glorify God and messages to guide the celebrants and mankind in this troubled world and to lead them to seek peace and righteousness always.

Brother Ifeacho explained that obedience to the word of God has great benefits but disobedience and sin would lead to destruction, adding that repentance and knowing the truth remains the only escape route.

In his word “God has promised us his blessing after we have celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles. With the end of this year Feast we have accomplished what God has commanded us. We thank God and his son Jesus Christ and we are going home with assured God’s blessing, protection and peace. Let the word of God continue to be our guide” he added.

In his message titled “A man’s Life Consisted not in the Things which he Possessed” the GKS leader stated that a man’s comfort, happiness or well-being does not depend on affluence as there are other blessings that do not necessarily go with wealth, adding that a man may be rich and yet have no peace of mind or may not have good health as it was obvious that those who made their wealth from crooked means suffers from excessive anxiety and panic attacks.

“Its it not true that in several societies people shower undeserved honour on anyone who is rich even though they know him to be wicked? Have we not seen through several experiences that such honours do not last as such people are exposed in the course of time or they die untimely? We have equally seen how the same people who praised them to high heavens quickly changed colours like chameleon and start pouring curses on them”.

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