

By Zik Gbemre

In the unscripted words of a picture of US former President, Theodore Roosevelt: “Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the President or any other Public Official.” Perhaps, this explains why former and present American Presidents have always put the interests of the country first, far and above any other interest. A US President like Donald Trump, demonstrated this in great dimensions. In fact, right from when he came into Office, his motto and vision was to make America great again by making “America First.” And the evidence of such patriotic disposition and understanding by what Patriotism is all about, has made America and other developed countries to continually advance in improving their economies and the citizens welfare/livelihood.Sadly, in our dear country Nigeria, we have everything turned around. Our political leaders definition and understanding of patriotism is shewed and turned opposite down. Our Nigerian politicians idea of patriotism is to themselves first, before the interest of the country, that is if they even consider the country’s interest in their equation. Hence, the evidence is all around us. From grossly poor infrastructural development and lack of provision of basic amenities for the citizenry, to the pursuit of self-centered interests driven by greed, bias, nepotism and favoritism.At the end of the day, we constantly have before us politicians who have induced abject poverty, hardships and sufferings upon the majority of the citizenry. And the people themselves cannot even resist the peanuts given to them by the wicked politicians. And when you do resist them, you are labelled a trouble-maker and an enemy of the State.A look at the present administration is evident of this fact. I for one, stood by President Muhammadu Buhari all through his ascension to power. Even though I am not a member of any political party in Nigeria, I still campaigned for Buhari thinking he was going to end or reduce to the barest minimum, the insecurity and poverty in Nigeria, as well as the overwhelming corruption in the land. As we can see, none of this happened, including all the campaign promises of Buhari. Rather, the Nigerian people have become poorer, and practically everything has gone from bad to worse.To say that I am disappointed in the Federal administration of President Buhari, is to put it mildly. The saddest part is that, Buhari’s Dictatorial disposition towards governance in a supposed Democratic Government, has made things worse. As people can’t talk freely for the fear and worry of being sent to jail, haunted or frustrated one way or the other.Under this Buhari-led administration, the Nigerian Judiciary has become nothing to write home about. Corruption is higher than before now. The exchange rate is higher than normal. Almost 80% of University Graduates in Nigeria have turned into Taxi and Tricycle (Keke) drivers just to earn a living. Every sector is replete with serious problems begging for solutions. And there seems to be no hope in sight, as the Political leaders appear to be overwhelmed, and they really don’t have any new ideas to turn things around.For instance, imagine a situation where the Buhari-led administration is planning to subject Nigerians to another lockdown in the name of preparing for a supposed Second Wave of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Yet, the same Government are creating a situation that would allow for a crowded gathering (with no social distancing) because of its directive that every Nigerian should link its mobile SIM number with a National Identity Number (NIN). Who does that? All they do is copy and paste what other developed societies are doing to manage the pandemic, without considering its unique environment in Nigeria.As said by Smart Ofugara, a tireless advocate for social justice and good governance in Nigeria: “Our economies are different and the way we operate are different. People work on daily pay in Nigeria and so, asking people to stay at home means no more livelihood. Therefore what should be the best approach? Government needs to address the rental system, the food needs, the education and the essential services of the citizenry. Like we see being done by other developed nations. Then address true palliative. All these are rift with dishonesty”.One of the major problems in this country is the issue of HIGH PROFILE CORRUPTION. And fighting this level of corruption in Nigeria is more dangerous than anything you can think of. This disease (called corruption), has made many to sell their birthrights for a pot of porridge; it has made many to smear their conscience with hot iron so as not to feel any iota of empathy and pity for others; IT HAS THROWN THE SPIRIT OF PATRIOTISM and brotherliness outside the window. In fact, it is lack of patriotism, which cuts across tribes, religion, age, and status, that makes public officials steal and loot the nations resources at will. It is the reason we see some obviously ignorant people and society elites’ queue behind, defend and support a recognized “NATIONAL THIEF” simply because that person is from their tribe, or Religion, or of the same political affiliations.This problem of the lack of patriotism amongst Nigeria’s political leaders, is far more devastating and damaging at that level, since they are the SUPPOSED CUSTODIANS OF THE NATION’S RESOURCES. However, it is not only within the political leaders, but the FOLLOWERS as well.PATRIOTIC FOLLOWERS CAN CHECK THE EXCESSES OF UNPATRIOTIC POLITICAL LEADERS. But in the Nigerian situation, the followers also lack patriotism as much as the political leaders do. It is only in Nigeria that we see political leaders that are obviously corrupt (both alleged and convicted), daily praised, supported and followed by many people.The question is, why can’t these “POLITICAL OGAS” use their stolen wealth to build factories and car assembly plants for instance, which would gainfully employ the crowd of persons that follow them everywhere they go, both day and night as ‘hangers-on’? For how long will such persons be roaming and escorting political leaders from one place to another? What about when they get old? Will they still have the energy and strength to be escorting politicians? Is it not ironic and a sad tale, that the same set of few powerful politicians who stole the collective wealth of the masses, are still being followed, praised and hailed by all kinds of big titles like Double-Chief, Triple-Chief, My Leader, Governor-For-Life, etc. What a shame! All of this is because we lack an understanding of what Patriotism is all about.There is also the way everything is attached/aligned to politics in the country, as such, laudable infrastructural projects, programmes and policies that ought to benefit the Nigerian people, are usually unevenly distributed, distorted, unjustly carried out, marginalized, diverted, robbed, seen as an avenue for pilfering the public purse, etc. At the end of the day, it is the general populace that suffer the most at the receiving end, while those behind these atrocities and cheating, are made richer to the detriment of all. Perhaps, we can attribute all the unhealthy and anti-development prevailing circumstances around the polity to the root factor of our diversity and multiplicity of cultures, ethnicity, languages and religious backgrounds. We believe that is why every ‘action’ and ‘inaction’, every ‘decision’ and indecision’ – be it of the government of the day or at any level of the public and private sector space – are viewed through the lens of ‘DISTRUST’ AND ‘SUSPICION’. Nobody seems to trust anybody that is not of their own stock. The said distrust is even amongst those of the same tribe and religion.This brings us back to the issue of ‘NO PATRIOTISM’ and ‘No COMMITMENT to serve the interest of others and the Country’ – every man/woman for his/her selfish-self and those around them. These and many more make us to wonder if Nigeria is still redeemable? Truth be told, except there is some ‘DIVINE INTERVENTION’, we really fear the worse for this nation’s overall growth and holistic development that will benefit all. Which is why many believe that perhaps, a well-thought-out-people-oriented Restructuring will address some of these anomalies in the country for us to make a headway.

*We Mobilize Others To Fight For Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes

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