Performance Per Excellence: A chronicle of Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo developmental stride in Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli – National Reformer News Online

Performance Per Excellence: A chronicle of Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo developmental stride in Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli


“A problem is a chance for you to do your best”, Duke Ellington.

By Godwin Utuedoye

With the above aphorism in mind, under the visionary leadership of the courageous and legendary parish priest of Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli, Very Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo during his first Sunday Mass upon resumption as the parish priest, he knelt down before the Blessed Sacrament to make a vow which astonished all Christ faithful, “That if by two years, he is unable to complete a befitting Pro-Cathedral Church for God in Ughelli, in his words; ” God take my life”.

It was a daring vow and this was no doubt greeted in some quota with anger and contempt. It is true that even in the Church, we have some unhealthy rivalries, so it shouldn’t be a surprise. But in all that, he was undeterred.

To begin his homily on that day, he outlined his programmes and how he hoped to achieved this. He however appealed for collaboration and understanding but cautioned that, no parishioner will be tasked or forced to donate or contribute a dime when it is obvious he or she is in a tight condition. No, but first you must be able to take care of your family, pay your rent, your children fees and the rest before supporting this project. To this statement of his, parishioners heave a sigh of relief and succour.

Fascinated by the articulated initiative of a man perceived to be an achiever of sort, the impressive and soaring spirit of solidarity engendered among the faithful to honestly support the high priest of God to achieve his plans within the stipulated time.

In all reality, Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo has remained a force to reckoned with when you talk of development both spiritually and structurally as he has always proved his mettle. With his glaring achievement though with the grace and providence of God, it can be said literally that he has reduced his critics to mere spectators who ironically has become a praise singer of his feat today.

A cursory look at some of the projects he initiated and completed within the time will no doubt proof his outstanding dexterity. I can say personally that it is a faithful and unalloyed service to God and the people of God by an erudite priest and scholar.

What seems to be a mountain was surmounted within a time no one thought would be possible.

In the words of a foremost creative priest, writer and psychologist Warri Diocese has ever produced,  Rev. Fr. John Mark Ikpiki in his book ” Friendship, How to Sustain It”; ” he wrote; the Grave have it not, “whatever praises, good words you have for me, say it now that I am alive, as the grave have it not”. With this I am bold to say thanks you Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo.

So this write up is an appraisal and a thank you for a selfless service to the Church and the people of Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli. It is not to say that his predecessors and all who have worked in the parish before him have not done well, No. It is not also a mere praise singing verse but a reality of a hard work by a committed servant of God.

With the little resources at his diosal, Rev. Fr. Ogheneovo bravely and with the help of God took upon himself a load many sees too heavy to bear. He dammed the cause and faced the consequences. Without wasting time, a cathedrsl building committe was constituted and with the wisdom of God, a well reserved, prudent, agile, committed and superlative noble knight of St. John International, Sir, Chris Ahweyevu was made to chair the committee with the likes of Lady Theresa Uviwgharan and others to man this onerous committee.

Sir Chris Ahweyevu and his committee members could be described as an embodiment of encouragement and support to Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo initiative. Thanks to them all as they all stood firmly as soldiers of Christ.

During the year 2014 and 2015, Sir Chris Ahweyevu was known and addressed by every little child and adult in Saints Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli as, ‘ I beg o, I beg o’ or “Shekke puen”. with their support and commitment of the parish priest who channelled all his resources to the cathedral building, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish Ughelli was built, completed and dedicated within the two years vowed by the talk and do as he is fondly called by parishioners.

In all these, his generous attitude of helping the less privileged and poor in our midst was not abandoned as everyone both Catholics and noncatholics will testify to this. For example, in 2015, a Mercedes Bemz C-Class was used as bate for a raffle draw and it was won by a non-catholic aside his food bank initiative where people from all walk of lives are fed.

To God be glory, today is Ss. Peter and Paul Ughelli has regained her status of being a mother church to all Churches in Ughelli with the magnificents cathedral edifice erected for people of God for worship.

No wonder his parishioners liked him and called him; “Man wen sabi”, as the pro-cathedral project was going on, Rev. Fr. Stephen Ogheneovo at the same time embarked on a building of an ultra- modern six blocks of classroom for Our Lady of Fatima Nursery/Primary and Secondary School located in the mission house. This he completed in no distant time even before the Pro-Cathedral wad completed.

One would have thought since all these is done, he need to rest for a while but no he will continue. He deemed it fit to build a secretariat and a chancery building since the parish is proposed to be become a diocese many years ago.

In his words, this place is due for a Diocese but yet nothing is on ground to show. We need to work harder as we are the mother church in Ughelli; he said.

With this, a three storey building project was proposed and the foundation was laid sometime in 2015. Some parishioners considering the hard economy frowned at the idea of a three storey building. Some where persimistic saying there is no way he can do that since he just finished a massive project, but in all these, he was pessimistic. He never relents his effort nor discouraged or allowed anyone to discouraged him. He moved on with his dreams and vision, and behold a three storey building was built and has also been commissioned for use.

Aside that, his primary role and function as a priest was never neglected. He pushed ahead with his evangelical mission and created another outstation within a shortest time of his resumption. Today, Saints Peter and Paul Parish has another outstation named, Saint John De Baptist Catholic Church, Agishon with a permanent place of worship acquired by the parish priest.

At this point, I must commend the efforts and faith of the parishioners who constantly and untiredly donate towards the various projects. Kudos to the CMO, CWO, CYON, all the Societies and Communities in the parish. All of us have demonstrated that love and unity, and now what is our song? A song of victory.

Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo once asked rhetorical question, if Ughelli Diocese is eventually approved today; where will our Bishop stays? Upon this, he sort to acquire a piece of land beside the secretariat building. This also cost the parish millions of naira, but with the help of some good spirited individuals,  the land was acquired and today, the proposed Bishop Court building has gone past the first floor. Not wanting his tenants; yes the church tenants which is the Iwhreko Government Primary School (staff and students) situated in the church premises to suffer, he built a block of office and a rest rooms for the school pending when the state government will relocate the school. To God be the Glory.

Since the mantra of the parish leadership fell on him, never has the parish experienced a dull moment. Is it the children, the youths, the women or the men? There is always a programme line up for everybody as he builds both the spiritual and the social aspect of his parishioners.

Spiritually, no one is left in isolation as daily Masses, Sunday Masses, Special Masses for different intention and the adoration and exposition of the blessed sacrament is sacrosanct to every other activities coupled with his personel ministry, the Catholic Liberation Ministry where hundreds of souls have been liberated, delivered and broken families restored.

Since his time, Ss. Peter and Paul Parish has witnessed an influx of priests friends from different Dioceses in the country coming to share the undiluted word of God with parishioners, and celebrating the Holy Eucharist all in a bid to build, bring healing, deliverance, peace and increase their faith.

According to the revered  Monsignor Joachim Agwhare during his homily when he represented the Bishop at the opening of the secretariat building on Sunday, July 2, 2017; he admonished that; “In everything we do in life, Christ should be the first as What is good is good, and what is bad is bad”.

To a man who has denied himself of mere pleasure and material gathering, there is no regret saying thank you to him.

To commemorate the opening of the three storey building, Blessing of the Bishop Court ongoing building, the 61 years anniversary of the parish creation and his 20th priestly ordination anniversary, Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo, Ph.D, organised different programmes for both Catholics and non-Catholics alike. For example, there was a marathon race competition for both men and women with different prizes won. Also there was a Cycling competition, football competition, match past for the women, all with different prizes and consolations. All work without rest they say,  makes Jack a dull guy, and in view of this,  a bumper reception was organised for all parishioners for their understanding, cooperation and donations which has made everything become a reality.

It is my prayer for this man who has made all this to happen that as he continue his priestly ministry and his quest to expanding the work of God in his generation, God will continue to empower him and direct his path and grant him more wisdom and anointing to carry on.


Godwin Utuedoye is a parishioner of Saints Peter and Paul, Ughelli. He worked at the Directorate of Social Communications, Catholic Diocese of Warri.

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1 thought on “Performance Per Excellence: A chronicle of Rev. Fr. Dr. Stephen Ogheneovo developmental stride in Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Ughelli”

  1. Hello Rev. Father, this is Michael Eboka reaching out to say hello. You officiated my marriage to Georgia Eloho Anoteback in December of 1999. We came from Atlanta Georgia and were connected to you through Mrs. Egbe.

    Please respond back if you have some time to catch up. I also want to know if you are on Whatsapp or any of the other social medias.


    Mike Eboka
