Rotary Build N100m Physiotherapy Centre in Central Hospital Warri – National Reformer News Online

Rotary Build N100m Physiotherapy Centre in Central Hospital Warri

By: Ovedhe Jerry

The Rotary Club of Warri today embarked on the building of one hundred million naira physiotherapy centre at the Central Hospital in Warri, Delta State.

The Warri Rotary Club President, Rtrn. Chris Owunmi Ojeke disclosed this to newsmen while inspecting work done so far at the site which is situated closed to the old physiotherapy Department at the Warri Central Hospital.

Ojeke who was flanked by some members of the Rotary Club during the inspection posited that, Rotary cannot do the building of the project alone, appealing to the Delta State Government, Corporate Bodies, friends of Rotary and other well spirited individuals to support Rotary of Warri in the ecompletion of the project.

He noted that, “The project when completed, will benefit the people of Warri and its environs.”

According to him: “Warri Central Hospital has no standard physiotherapy centre. The physiotherapy centre is the most expensive project the Rotary Club of Warri has embarked upon since we’ve been executing projects. So, we want other people to partner with Rotary to actualize this feet.”

The Chief Medical Director of Central Hospital, Warri who was represented by a Staff of the hospital thanked Rotary for the kind gesture stressing that, this is the first of its kind in the history of the hospital, calling on the Delta State Government to support the efforts of the Rotary Club noting that the project isg oing to be a first class facility with standard ramps and walk waysp urposefully designed to ease movements of patients.


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