Ughelli South L.G. Primary: Again, Aggrieved PDP Chairmanship Aspirants Cry Out, Call on Utuama to Intervene – National Reformer News Online

Ughelli South L.G. Primary: Again, Aggrieved PDP Chairmanship Aspirants Cry Out, Call on Utuama to Intervene

By Francis Sadhere

Aggrieved PDP Chairmanship aspirants in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State have again, cried out for justice, calling on the State Deputy Governor, Prof. Amos Utuama to urgently intervene before the PDP structure in the area was destroyed by Chief John Oguma.

According to them, Chief Oguma was trying to usurp the powers of the Deputy Governor who they see as the leader of PDP in the area, stressing that Chief Oguma was also trying to destroy the political structure of PDP in Ughelli South Council.

In  press statement after a crucial meeting, the aggrieved chairmanship aspirants – Hon. Princess Josephine Oduran, Dr. Amos Itihwe, Hon. Vincent Otidi, Olorogun Godspower Muemuefo, Hon. Andrew Adushoke and Barrister Mike Emuvakpor, reacting to a publication in one of the national dailies which claimed that primary elections were held in Ughelli South, maintained that there was no election in the area, adding that everything in that publication was lies.

They said; “What was published about us in Sunday Vanguard is nothing but tissues of lies. No primary was held in Ughelli South Local Government Area by PDP. Chief John Oguma and other leaders of the party in Ughelli South council area are not telling the people the truth of what happened. We are still standing by our earlier publication in some dailies that a candidate was hand-picked by Chief Oguma and other leaders of the party and this is why we are appealing to the State Deputy Governor, Prof. Amos Utuama to urgently intervene by calling Chief Oguma to order before he destroys PDP structure in the area.”

“No primary was held and nobody emerged; what Chief Oguma and his co-travelers are doing is a calculated attempt to destroy PDP structure. We want our amiable Deputy Governor to step into the matter. We are not out for war, but for peace. We want justice to be done because the selection process was undemocratic. As aspirants, we want our interests to be involved and well protected because as it is now, we are being ill-treated and this is not good enough for democracy.”

“How can responsible old men lie, even His Excellency is aware that there was no primary in Ughelli South. The publication is all lies. It is the figment of the imagination of the so-called leaders of Ewu. There was no primary held and nobody emerged as a winner. The truth of the matter is that they are only trying to cover up their evil deeds, especially the originator of that publication, Chief John Oguma who claimed to be an Ewu leader, whereas he is not from Ewu.” said the aggrieved PDP members.


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