Delta Speaker, Oborevwori , condoles Gov Okowa over father’s death – National Reformer News Online

Delta Speaker, Oborevwori , condoles Gov Okowa over father’s death

Pa Arthur Okowa

…says Papa lived well

I write to express and convey my heartfelt condolences to Your Excellency the Governor of Delta State, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa on the passing unto eternal glory of your beloved father, Chief Arthur Okorie Okowa on Wednesday 27th, January 2021. You could not have imagined this moment. It is painful no matter the age.

 I commiserate with the family, children and the Ika nation on the death of this Iconic figure.

Papa  excelled as a   teacher’s teacher before retiring from the Teacher’ training College.  

 As a teacher, Papa did not only teach the curriculum but also taught his students morals, civics, hardwork and value for self esteem.

I  remember with nostalgia Papa immense contributions to the development of the teaching profession as First Member, Post-Primary Education Board under the administration of the late Olorogun Felix Ibru.

Papa was a father of all  that came in contact with him as he never ceases to admonish for good morals. 

 I enjoin you, your siblings and all that are left to mourn him to be comforted by Almighty God.

Kindly  accept my sincere condolences.

May   God grant Papa’s soul eternal rest

Rt Hon  ( Chief) Sheriff F.O.Oborevwori (JP), FICMC

Speaker DTHA

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