

The attention of the Political Communication Unit of Faith Majemite Solidarity Movement (FMSM) has been drawn to a publication in the current edition of Urhobo Voice Newspaper at page 7 captioned: GROUP REJECTS MAJEMITE LG CHAIRMANSHIP ADOPTION, credited to an Abraka group that goes by the name: Anointed Abraka United Forum (AAUF). 

The group in a statement signed by its Secretary, Brother Umiaghwa Okeoghene accused Abraka PDP Leaders for the political backwardness of Abraka Kingdoms through the adoption of Mrs Majemite as PDP consensus candidate and demanded that the next local government chairman should come from the Abraka axis of Ethiope East. The AAUF group also accused the Abraka leaders who adopted Majemite as being responsible for the massive electoral failure of the party in the 2011 House of Assembly and House of Representatives elections.

In the light of the above and in line with Mrs Majemite’s promise of proactive leadership, it becomes necessary to respond to the publication and debunk the “divisive and incisive” false allegations levied against our amiable Abraka PDP leaders in the following itemized points:

  1.  That the said statement by AAUF can best be described as the biblical “Hand of Esau” and “Voice of Jacob”. We have pierced the “veil” and can tell the source of the ill-conceived statement.
  1.  The first lie of the AAUF group is that Abraka has never been politically backward in the political scheme of things in Ethiope East. The administration of Olorogun Tony Oboroh had an Abraka son as the Vice Chairman of the Council.  The incumbent Chairman, Caretaker Committee of the LGA, Okakuro Sunday Onoriode is an illustrious son of Abraka Kingdom. The current vibrant Ethiope East LGA Chairman of the PDP, Chief (Dr) Kings Okpako is another well respected and responsible son of Abraka Kingdom, to mention but a few.
  1. The second “political mess” of the group is that they did not tell us some of the prominent sons and daughters of Abraka Kingdom who are members of their group so as to give it some seriousness and collective sense. The Statement is therefore the “hand of Esau” and the “Voice of Jacob” politically.
  1. The “dance of shame” of the group was further worsened when they “goofed politically” by stating that Agbon Kingdom will retain House of Representatives for second term as well as House of Assembly and therefore suggested that Abraka should have the Chairman of the LGA Council.

From the three issues above, it is therefore clear that the group is crafted by “political masquerades” sponsoring the AAUF group to raise certain political issues which they think may conjure sympathy to raise hope for their chances of re-election in 2015. It must be stated that the entire Ethiope East political structure is currently undergoing major overhauling and may spring surprises. These surprises will necessarily be anchored on the resolve our people to elect people who will bring positive change and attract socio-economic and political advancement for our LGA with effect from the October 25 LGA elections and beyond.

It is therefore laughable for the members of the unknown AAUF to engage itself on certain “cloudy political permutations” and forecasting that it does not have the capacity to contract. Our great party, PDP and its leaders under the dynamic leadership of Chief Bernard Edewor are at alert and will at the appropriate time puncture the demonic political scheming of certain smart political actors who are at the moment thinking that they are “wiser than the party elders, leaders and stakeholders”.

Mrs Majemite’s choice is anchored on PDP new leadership concept of giving women opportunity to participate in governance. Emphasis should be placed on political pedigree, qualification, ability to deliver the dividend of democracy and not where the candidate hails from. Mrs. Majemite is an astute politician with sound credentials and experience. She is well integrated into state and national politics and can with the snap of the feet blend and connect with shakers and movers in Delta State Government and beyond to attract dividend of democracy for our people and communities in Ethiope East LGA. Her choice is sacrosanct and subsists. Our leaders, traditional rulers and the good people of Ethiope East have spoken and so be it, disloyalty of few deviants notwithstanding.

It will be recalled that recently certain disgruntled elements in our party circulated invitation with the intention to overthrow the leadership of Chief Bernard Edewor by calling for a meeting of PDP Party leaders and Elders to hold in a hotel in Udu Local Government Area miles away from the jurisdiction of our LGA. The said meeting which fractured vital provisions of our party’s constitution was masterminded by some “political outcasts and sinking actors” who felt by overthrowing the well constituted and solidly rooted leadership of Chief Bernard Edewor, could map-out some devilish political strategies to divide our party and cause election crisis during the forthcoming LGA elections and beyond.

Therefore, the statement by AAUF under review and other publications in the media are currently before our Party Leaders and Elders who will at the appropriate time take drastic decisions that will put paid to all anti-party activities currently stage-managed by some disloyal members of our great party. Mrs. Majemite is not ruffled by these “worthless” publications. She is in high hopes and presently basking in the euphoria of the massive support of party leaders, elders, traditional rulers, youths, women and the good people of Ethiope East as the consensus candidate of our great party. It is also on record that the Chairman of the LGA Council Caretaker Committee, Sunday Onoriode is unrepentant political son of Chief (Mrs) Faith Majemite and has since declared that the Majemite’s mandate is his personal project. On Faith Majemite we stand and on her mandate the good people of Ethiope East stands. October 25, is a date with history and on that day we shall know “who is who” in Ethiope East Politics.



Head, Political Communication, FMSM.



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