2023: Nigeria Needs Fearless, Bold President To Pull Nation Out Of Woods

Prince Emmanuel Okotie-Eboh, the son of first republic politician and federal minister of finance, Chief Festus Okotie-Eboh is the President of Warri Consultative Forum (WCF), a political pressure group. In this interview, he speaks about the President Nigerians should elect next year.
Question: Who should be the next President Of Nigeria
Answer: The ways things are going in the country, only a very bold and fearless President in 2023 that can pull the country out of the woods. President Mohamadu Buhari has done well by building a good foundation so we need to build a very strong structure on it , an eagle eyed and bold minded some to pick a good team to play for him because that is the only way you can win the match.
The administration of President Muhammadu Buhari is coming to an end and Nigerians are eagerly waiting for a new President. We have been through a lot of challenges in the country and it is only a very bold person with independent mind, humble man, principled person, a person with integrity and not necessarily a party man, but courageous Nigerian that can make our nation great again.
Nigerians must look beyond a party man in electing a new President next year. We need a President that can differentiate between official and personal matters.
We must be able to elect a new President next year and should not be a product of the zonig system who will now be looking at Hausa, Yoruba or Ibo man. We do not need a President who will be blinded by ethnicity.
A very serious minded person and business oriented Nigerian should be given a chance in 2023 to pilot the affairs of the country in order to turn things around quickly for all Nigerians.
What we are looking for as a President next year is Abacha , Awolowo , Abiola , Goodluck Jonathan and Festus Okotie -Eboh in one man. If we can get such a person, our country will be better for it and so let us look out for a bold, fearless person to take us to the Promised land.
And also to add to the answer to your question, Let everybody roll out their manifesto and let the best candidate win. We need a President who will walk the talk, we need a President who will turn around the country as fast as possible. A qualified Nigerian should be given the opportunity to rule the country let the best person rule us. We don’t need multiple parties at this stage. All we need in this country is just three parties because this will bring out the potentials in good politicians.
After independence, our leaders were focused but when the military seized power in 1966, the cloud went dark. Then came the second republic where we still had some seasoned politicians from the first republic. Most junior ministers and secretaries in the first republic who worked their way to become masters of administration, were about laying blocks on the foundation built by the gentle leaders of first republic. The military fired again and that was when the tortoise decided to go back home.
We remember the Nigerian green eagles of the ninety seventies, they had about four Atuegbu brothers from one room playing in our national football team. Why was this allowed? It is because they were the best. Let the best players play in the team no matter where they come from.
Another instance was the NYSC scheme. This was introduced into the country to move Nigeria forward and to bring unity to our country.
Power spread can be better achieved by the Parliamentary system of government rather than the Presidential system of government, which again is money wasting. But under parliamentary leadership the minority voices are heard.
Question: President Buhari has sought amendment of PIA from NASS , what is your view on Mr. President’s tactics and amendment that should be made to the Act?
Answer: For a better Nigeria, President Buhari should have signed the Electoral Amendment Bill into law. If it had not been for the silly coup of 1966 that promoted armature politicians, we would not have been here today. Passionate politicians like Shehu Shagari, Obafemi Awolowo, Nnamdi Azikiwe, etc ended with second republic. They were the little left over from first republic. They were not materialistic like what we have today. After that government was toppled, Nigeria progress was toppled.
Again, after the coup of 1966 we have more vulture like politicians in our political space . Coincidentally, Buhari toppled that government, so it is now pay back to Nigeria by signing that Bill to bring back those good old days where the best are allowed to lead. Signing that Bill would have been the best to do for Nigerians. The Bill would have allowed Nigeria to practice what other developed countries in the world are practicing. Most of the members in the National Assembly are just there for their selfish gains. They are not interested in the yearnings and aspirations of the masses and I tell you, this is not good enough as it can lead to mass revolt.