By Zik Gbemre
It saddens me to see how some Nigerian elites and Nigerians are jubilating and excited over the recent appointment of some Nigerians by US newly-sworn-in President Joe Biden, into his Cabinet. And I wonder if we really understand the implications of constantly having our best brains in the country, migrated abroad where their ingenuity and brilliance are harvested for the benefit of these foreign countries.
I mean, where does that leave Nigeria in the next couple of years, if the country’s best brains, geniuses, and bright minds are drifted overseas in their droves, where they are offered the best opportunities to contribute to the growth and development of these foreign countries? While I am happy for those so appointed by Joe Biden, at least their lives and families will be better of, but shouldn’t this situation, which has become normal, be a serious cause of concern for us all? I think we should be troubled to see our brilliant youths excelling abroad for the benefit of others, when they can actually do the same for the benefit of Nigeria if only the right things are done to make this happen.
Of course, it is a thing of pride to see that Nigerians are recognized in the developed countries like the US and UK in various endeavors. But a careful look at these developments, including the said appointments of Nigerians by President Joe Biden, we would then realize that it doesn’t affect the wellbeing of Nigeria and other African countries because these Nigerians will only be working in the best interest of their host countries – not Nigeria.
When we have a situation where about 90% of young Nigerians of this 21st century, who went to study in North America and Europe, don’t return to Nigeria after graduation, then it should be of great worry to any reasonable Government and its people. And there are just three major reasons why this is so. Firstly, it is the obvious fact that they are not sure of having gainful employment in Nigeria when they return. Even starting up a business is harder. Secondly, they are not sure of their security/safety in the country, especially when their status has changed to “those from abroad,” which makes them easy targets for kidnappers in Nigeria for ransom. And then thirdly, they are not sure of having access to proper medical care, like they have been accustomed to in the developed countries. So, they would rather remain in these Western countries like the US and UK, where they would later apply for their Green cards and citizenship, and apparently, stay there to develop those countries.
As I had expected, United States President Joe Biden, has recently signed some executive orders, which included lifting the immigrant visa ban placed on Nigerians by his predecessor, Donald Trump. According to a report by Bloomberg, Biden also reversed the systemic ban placed on citizens from Muslim dominated countries like Yemen. This, to me, is not a good development for Nigeria and Africa. As such, it is ignorant of our leaders/elites to sing hallelujah over this development. This will not solve the underdeveloped questions in Nigeria and Africa. Rather it will inflict more harm on Nigeria and Africa because the country and the continent will be losing their best brains to the US, which of course will drift out our vibrant needed manpower. And we can’t blame the US and developed countries for doing this because it is to their benefit. Our leaders and elites are the ignorant ones.
However, the truth is that I don’t think there is any country in the world that is so endowed like Nigeria and most other African countries as well. Nigeria and most other African countries are simply blessed beyond measure in all ramifications. The only sad thing is that the inhabitants, particularly the political leaders, have refused to, and are not willing, to utilize the God-given opportunities before them to transform and develop their countries to be like those in the developed world. Why can’t Nigerians and other Africans build their countries as the Asians are doing right now? The excitement on the said appointment of Nigerians in US cabinet is not worth it.
Even when, the about 90% of young Nigerians and other Africans of this era who remain overseas don’t enjoy the “developed iced and cold weather countries,” they would rather stay there still out of necessity. At the end of the day, we keep loosing our brilliant and intelligent youthful population to these Western countries, at the detriment of Nigeria’s progress and development. In other words, Nigeria and other African countries are seriously loosing out completely very fast to the Western countries. This is something no one should be excited about! Rather, it is something that should make us weep, and be concerned about the future prospects of this country and Africa.
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