

Apostle Dr. Michael Okoh is the founder of Michael Okoh Ministries. For Four decades and more he has been delivering the undiluted words of God from the pulpit that have in common terms proved a solution to the sick, and restoration to lives across the Globe. In this interview with Eben Enasco Kingsley, he spoke on salient issues regarding the life of a Christian and many others.


Apostle Dr. Michael okoh

You have been around for four decades in gospel business; tell us how it has been in the ministry Well it has been a wonderful journey and experience in the sense that it spans through rough and smooth. To a large extent it has been very rough and few times it is been smooth. That has been the journey thus
far. But I must confess that I have no regrets.

We appreciate the fact that the main objectives of establishing a ministry is to perhaps search for lost sheep and ensure that they return to the house of God. Would you say you have been successful as regards winning souls considering how difficult it proves to convince unbelievers?
First of all you must recognize the grace of God because Christianity is about the grace of God. It is on account in the book of life that God so Love the world that he gave his only begotten Son that who so ever believes in him have everlasting life. We came through the grace of God. In Ephesians 2vs 9 says by the grace of god through faith not of war which any man should boast. Again in Romans 5vs8 God commended his words towards us. That’s were Grace came in because the acceptance
of God is where the Grace reflects. By believing in Christ Jesus Grace is made available to us and when grace is available you see yourself living the life you ought not to have lived. So therefore, whatever it portrays it was not an accident and by your own making. By this there is no struggle when the grace is available. There is no struggle in Christianity.  When I gave my life to Christ I saw transformation. But then, it did not come once but gradually it came. I saw the grace of God in me. It was not my effort and to say I pray a lot or so intelligent. No! No!! No!!! It was by acceptance and conviction of the word of God through the Grace by transmission.

By our estimations, pastors are believed to arbitrate between God and his people, but lately in some quarters, pastors have been criticized
for deviating from the aims of establishing the church. What do you think can be done in your own right to fix the scruffy image of pastors in the society?

To start with, any man called by God is called in question. Remember that Apostle Paul said, that am preaching the resurrection of Christ is call in question. Even me, am called in question. You must be a crusader of the gospel of Christ Jesus. This is to say you must be prepared to defend what saved you. This things happening now is not accidental because the scripture must be fulfilled because there must be false prophets before you have true Prophets. There is why this slogan rings bell because if there’s no attack no defense.  No venture no success. No sickness no healing. This thing complements. So false prophets, make true prophets a manifestation. So those who toll the side of false prophets shall be rewarded. Every genuine man of God
should pray for God restoration because God can only restore those who backslide and are ready to reunite with the truth.

The body of Christ is one, but you have people proclaims different denominations. Can we believe this to be absolutely correct; and if not, what are you doing to inform the people the need to come together as Christ recommended?

Look, every one of us should know his calling. The division is because most of us don’t know the areas we are useful and by the calling we are expected to abide by it. You see, like you have the human body with legs, ears, mouths and eyes functions differently but are in one body so is the calling by God. But when eyes function as legs it becomes a problem. It is not possible to say you will function in all capacities. When you function in all capacities it becomes an error and that brings division. In one body all other parts of the body functions. So it is the same thing in the body of Christ. Until the unity of the saints comes together; mind you the togetherness is no done by mere gathering but the wise master builder who planted apostle, prophets, pastors and teachers to the unity of the body of Christ. It is not economical to do that. No man has the capacity to do that. Remember Jesus Christ said, I will build my church and the gate of hell will not prevail. Just like some of us says I will heal and prophecy to you. It is an error because the Holy Spirit gives us utterances to perform the tasks. It is not my duty to convince anyone but the duty of the Holy Spirit. My duty is to preach the word as He
will reveal Christ to us. That’s the role of the Holy Spirit. But a
situation when we want to take his place we would be stalked. In
today’s Christianity the Holy Spirit is not recognize because it is
invisible. Until you search the scriptures to discover the relevance
it will not function in you. The point is that we were told the
present dispensation is of the Holy Spirit but do we recognize him? Do we believe in him?  Failure to recognize him means he cannot come into us. He is the elucidator. He is the one that reveals Christ to us. He inspires unction to function in the realms of the spirit. That is why the Book says not by mine power but by my spirit says the Lord. No Pastors does this job, except the Holy Ghost.  In the old, men were moved by the Holy Ghost when they wrote the Holy Bible. If you don’t believe in Holy Ghost, you are on your own and you will fall victim and then face the consequence. Ephesians 1vs 13 says when you receive Christ he comes into you inform of the Holy Spirit. That means you are
sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise when you trusted Jesus as your Lord and Savior. That is that power to say, ‘But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:  John1vs12 and vs. 13 there says, children born not of blood, nor will of the flesh, nor will of man, but born of God that is to say the holy spirit transform us. In other words, you have been empowered to stand persecution and test of time. He will make you remember things because you will not be isolated in the main stream of God. So the visional is the Holy Spirit in you not mere says I see visions. These are the benefits in Christ Jesus. That is when Jesus said when that benefits of the father comes who I will send after my departure

What would you describe as your challenges in the propagation of the Gospel?

Man power and Financial Resources are two major areas that have hindered the progression. Even as individuals we run our businesses with capital. In the same vein the things of God. Christianity isvcapital intensive. But then God promise to give workers in hisvvineyard to do his work. That is why Jesus said when he saw multitudesvbesiege him, in the book of Mathew he said I will not let them govbecause he saw souls languishing. The scarcity to see pastors who arevafter soul winning is an issue. This is my cry. I need helpers who understand this vision to work with me. We need financial improvement to do more. Look if you are in the part of truth, its takes truth lovers to believe and support you. But most people in these categories are financially handicap.

Now looking at the word of God in ACT 19VS 20, ‘In the City of Ephesus so mightily grew the word of God and prevailed’ does this not suggest that as a Christian you should be far from wants/lack if we actually portrays the exemplary life of Christ Jesus?

The word prevail has to do with effect of labour. That’s where that word came from Yes that’s absolutely correct but I have got much benefit than the hard times. You can imagine a magician after his ordeals he has to make restitutions various churches there’s a gospel you hear and make restitutions. If you ask for this part of the Gospel nobody will be with you. Looking around today the truth is not preached. How many of us can seat down when they preach the truth and seat down to hear it? Remember Christ died because he preached the truth. John the Baptist was beheaded because of the truth. The question is who want to be beheaded? However notwithstanding, he says I will build my church and gates of hell will not prevail. Talking about benefits is awesome in Gods vineyard. I have been blessed beyond
imagination. For sure I am not a reproach to God. By the grace of god the foundation of God standeth tall. I want to urge those who are far from the words of God to return.

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