NGO expresses worries over continued militarization of N/Delta region. – National Reformer News Online

NGO expresses worries over continued militarization of N/Delta region.

By Francis Sadhere

A foremost Non-Governmental Organization, Center for Peace and Environmental Justice (CEPEJ), has expressed worries over the continued militarization of the Niger Delta region, condemning the action.

Militants-1The NGO says the region has been turned into a battle ground as a result of confrontation between the military and militants.

Besides, it expressed worries over the bastardization of the region by pipeline vandalism, the current nefarious activities of the rampaging militants and the exploration and exploitative activities of the multinational oil companies.

‘’I will shock the public to know that well over 75 riverside communities are adversely affected as a result of the unabated bombings by militants, illegal bunkering and oil theft as well as the failure of the multinational oil firms to adopt environmental best practices.’’

The NGO believes that the federal government’s reprisal attacks on militants will further bastardize the region as the environment is the only heritage of the people and explains that the future generation will suffer greatly if the environment is completely destroyed.

The Center  carpets the International Oil Companies (IOCs) for starting  the militarization of the region when they engaged military personnel to man key and strategic facilities, thereby ‘’using force to get what rightly belonging to the people from them’’.

It reiterates call for the federal government to engage critical stakeholders in constructive dialogue as this is the only way to resolve the simmering conflicts and restore enduring peace and security to the region for development to thrive.

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