Jonathan sacks Petroleum Fund boss, appoints replacement – National Reformer News Online

Jonathan sacks Petroleum Fund boss, appoints replacement

President Goodluck Jonathan has approved the appointment of Asabe Asmau Ahmed as Executive Secretary of the Petroleum Equalisation Fund (PEF).

Mrs. Ahmed, who is currently the Minister of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, takes over from Sharon Adefunke Kasali who has been Executive Secretary of PEF since 2007.

The new PEF Executive Secretary hails from Niger State and holds Bachelors and Masters Degrees from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria and the Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna, respectively.


asabe asmau ahmed

is expected to put her years of experience in public service to good use in re-engineering, repositioning and re-invigorating PEF for present and future challenges.

President Jonathan has similarly approved the appointment of Denzil Amagbe Kentebe as the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Content Management Development Board (NCDMB).

Mr. Kentebe, an architect with years of experience in strategic planning and policy management, takes over from Ernest Nwapa who has been Executive Secretary of the NCDMB since April 2010.

Meanwhile, Denzil Amagbe Kentebe hails from Adagbabiri in Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. I present myself to you the good people of Bayelsa State, first as your son and also as one who is deeply interested in seeing a positive transformation in the everyday lives of our people.

I am not a professional politician but an everyday Bayelsan who is genuinely disturbed by the slow pace of basic development in our state. As such I can only promise you that which I know I can give within my ability, when I am elected the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State.

A tour of our state by road or by sea will evidently reveal to anyone the true picture of a people so blessed yet living in abject poverty. My dear people of Bayelsa State; each time I see these, my heart bleeds because I can also see that lives basic essentials such as quality education, food, affordable shelter, modern infrastructure, youth empowerment and economic development are lacking. It is therefore my fervent believe that together we can work towards providing these and more for our people and inadvertently restore the unblemished heritage of our fatherland. With your co-operation and support, it can be achieved.

Our dispensation will in all ramifications be humane, transparent and inclusive. Evenly distributed development in all parts of the state shall be our goal. We believe the promise we make to you now is a social contract that MUST be kept.

Ours shall be a Government of the Bayelsa people, by the Bayelsa people and for the Bayelsa people. Our Government will work in co-operation with the Federal Government to bring federal presence to Bayelsa State. We will encourage healthy competition amongst the Local Government Councils for State supported projects. State financial support will be given to Local Government Councils who project State policies within their jurisdiction.


Denzil Amagbe Kentebe.

Government shall abide with the principle of the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary as this ensures checks and balances in government. A Department of Due Process will be established immediately. This Government shall as a matter of deep urgency put into place enabling mechanism for the provision of amenities and services in the following areas:


Apart from our state, the entire Niger Delta Region is one that has been raped and robbed of all its naturality. My government shall provide the necessary succor for our people, most especially in the areas of provision of basic social amenities that is suitable for our peculiar situations. All efforts will be made by my administration to fight back environment degradation and to improve aquaculture of our creeks and rivers so that our fishermen can cast their nets and come up with a bounty harvest.


It is my hope to fully implement the 6-3-3-4 educational systems in its entirety so as to provide quality and effective education that can prepare our citizens both for personal and communal growth. My government will aspire to provide:

  • A free and compulsory primary education for all Bayelsans.
  • A subsidized secondary education at the junior level.
  • Quality teaching aids and technical machineries that are necessary for effective impartation of knowledge.
  • Our technical and craft centers shall receive adequate funding and will be transformed to centers of excellence, where those that could not make it to the senior secondary school can go to and acquire necessary skills for their everyday survival.
  • Our students in the various tertiary institutions across the state and Nigeria shall receive an improved bursary allocation that is genuinely aimed at helping them ease the very expensive demands of higher education in Nigeria of today.
  • The Niger Delta University and other higher institutions will receive great attention during my tenure. We hope to radically improve on all aspect of higher institutions both academically and administratively. We will do all we can to secure accreditation for various course at the Niger Delta University (NDU) within the first year of our administration.
  • My administration will strive towards rejuvenating the reading culture amongst the youths in particular and all citizen of Bayelsa state in general. To achieve this, libraries will be set up at various locations within the state. Mobile libraries will also be introduced to reach the people at the grass roots.


The present state of infrastructure in our beloved state will be improved upon. My government will within its budgetary allocations and from other special funds embarked on:

  • Constructing more-rural feeder roads to link the producing communities to the urban centers and where the community is landlocked, more boat terminals and jetties shall be built.
  • Special rural housing projects aimed at uplifting the living standard of our people shall be embarked upon in every community within the state.
  • Urban housing estates will be constructed in Yenegoa and all Local Government Headquarters for the civil service. They will be with functional drainage facilities; Playgrounds; recreational areas; landscaping etc.
  • We will go into partnership with the private sector on urban housing development.


Our government will improve the present tragic state of drinking water in a state that has water everywhere yet none is fit for drinking. We will aim at providing drinking water throughout the state before the end of our tenure.


This government will not rest until Bayelsa State is connected to the Federal grid. This will enable us channel the colossal sum we spend on generating power through the gas turbine and diesel run generators to other more meaningful use. When this is achieved, it is our wish to extend electricity to all nooks and corners of Bayelsa. The value of economic benefits from this cannot be over emphasized.


This administration will aim at establishing small but effective cottage industries across Bayelsa state, aimed at providing employment to various communities based on the predominant skill and occupation available in each community. Industrial parks will also be established in strategic locations throughout the state.


Bayelsa State is a major player in the oil sector in Nigeria today. Irrespective of this, our government will not be totally dependent on her allocation from the Federal Government. Our goal will be to operate a multiple economy where the state is able to mobilize its entire human population towards economic growth and empowerment in areas such as Fish farming; Crop farming; IT Technology; Movie Production; Tourism; Manufacturing; etc. Our government will provide the enabling environment for any genuine business to thrive in our state. Micro loans shall be given to the citizens through the various co-operatives in the state.


A tour of the state shows that our healthcare system is collapsing and almost in a state of non-existence. Realizing also that a healthy body and mind are instrumental in our collective vision to a positive turn around in our state, there will be special programs aimed at young children below the age of ten, pregnant women, seniors citizen above the age of 65 and the physically challenged. This government will provide medical services at the state and local government levels in line with the Federal Government health insurance scheme.


We will, by our policies attract investors to the state who in time will create employment. The civil service would be made more efficient and all incentives will be given to civil servant to attain 100% dedication.


Bayelsa being a state that is surrounded by water, substantial efforts towards specialized provision of various transportation modes will be made across the entire state. Priority will be given to Aqua Transportation through the acquisition of functional boats suitable for various types of passengers. A state Transport Corporation will be established to oversee the transport sector.


As a young and growing state, we must safe guard Bayelsa from criminals and their agents. Our government will institute appropriate mechanism for crime fighting in consonance with relevant security agencies in the state.


Our government will map out special projects that will transform our state to a tourist destination. Such projects will integrate the lifestyle and customs of our people, such as the annual Fishing Festivals. We will continue to encourage the Bayelsa State cultural troupe till they attain worldwide recognition. Hospitality units will be established throughout the state to accommodate the inflow of tourists. My fellow Bayelsans, I strongly believe that with God on our side we can transform this state to the destination point of most tourists coming into Nigeria.

A realistic timeframe will be given for all the issues listed above.
Let us together create a future for our children. Let us together make Ijaw nation the glory of all land. Let us do this together because I trust the power of the people.
Your son,

Amagbe Denzil Kentebe
2007 Governorship Aspirant
Bayelsa State, Nigeria.

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