By Zik Gbemre
As we enter the year 2020, we only have one message for the Nigerian political leaders at all levels of Government, Nigerian Elites and the entire Nigerian citizenry; and that is – let the Golden Rule: “Only Do Unto Others as you would want them to do to you,” be the guiding principle that should govern our lives.
In other words, whatever is your societal level, status, position, influence, standpoint and what have you, let the Golden Rule be your motto and resolution for the new year. That means, whatever actions/decisions you want to take, which will affect others, let it be something that, if done to you, will be what you would accept and accommodate. It is called empathy and selflessness. That means those in Government for instance, should change from carrying out actions that would only add to the sufferings and hardships of the Nigerian people because if it is done to them, they would not like it. Rather, they should learn to sacrifice’ for the good of the people they are supposed to be representing their interests in Government.
Similarly, as we enter the new year, let every Nigerian citizenry realize that no one else, especially foreigners, can develop the country for us all. That onerous task, no matter how daunting, impossible and scary it might seem, can only be effectively carried out by us as Nigerians. You can ‘enjoy’ all the developed world has to offer, but it will remain ‘their own’, not ‘our own’. There is no better place like home. Let all our political leaders and societal elites, imbibe the attitude of standing for the ‘Truth’, and making the necessary sacrifice that is required to take Nigeria out of the league of ‘developing’, ‘underdeveloped’, and ‘third-world’ countries. We need to realize that these foreigners, be it China, UK,US,France,Germany,Netherlands,etc., are only interested in the upliftment of there countries. No matter what appears to be there ‘good bilateral intentions’, it is always tilted towards serving the interests of their nations and not ours. So, our political leaders should wise up.
As we enter the new year, let us be less selfish and more selfless. Enough of the stealing and misappropriation of our collective wealth, which ought to make life a lot better for all and sundry. Let us realize that we can only drive one car at a time, sleep on one bed at a time, stay/live in one room at a time no matter the numbers of mansions or the numbers of rooms in one’s mansion. As such, let us be reminded of the ‘vanity’ of life. Besides, a rich and very influential man that is surrounded by poverty stricken neighbors and citizens, is himself a poor man. What makes a man, is the legacy and footprints left behind in the lives of others, which would outlive him.
Let these lines, be food for thought to ALL, as we enter the new year.
Happy New Year. Welcome to 2020. Be The Change That You Want To See.
Zik Gbemre,
January 1st,2020
We Mobilize Others To Fight For Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes