Fresh plot to remove Mu’azu uncovered – National Reformer News Online

Fresh plot to remove Mu’azu uncovered

Aggrieved Peoples Democratic Party members may be hatching a fresh plot to sack the party’s National Chairman, Adamu Mu’azu and members of the party’s National Working Committee (NWC).

The fresh plot is to remove Mu’a zu and members of the NWC before the end of the tenure of President Goodluck Jonathan on May 29.

The plot involves mandating and forcing Mu’azu to call for the meeting of the National Executive Council (NEC) of the party between now and May 15. During the meeting, a vote of no confidence would be passed on Mu’azu and other members of the NWC.

The Chairman and the NWC would then be asked to resign to pave the way for the reconstitution of a new NWC.

The aggrieved members have the support of some influential members of the party’s Board of Trustees (BoT), who have also agreed on the need to sack the Mu’azu led NWC.

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