
…Nigeria being made a country that values and protects the interests of cows and animals against that of human beings
…The National Assembly members and the Buhari-led Federal Government should focus on protecting the lives of Nigerians and not that of cows.
…It’s absurd for the Senate to work on having a Data base for cows, in a country that is still struggling to have a unified Data base for its population of over 200million that are human beings
…The priorities of the lawmakers are completely misplaced…as Nigeria is being made a laughing stock across the world with this move
…Public opinion of Nigerians suggest majority are not in support of the said move by the Senate
Many well-meaning Nigerians like us, were shocked and left speechless when it was recently reported that the Nigerian Senate is considering a bill seeking to create a national database for cows in the country. The said bill for an act to provide for National Livestock Bureau, which was sponsored by Muhammad Enagi representing Niger South, has already scaled Second reading at the Red Chamber’s recent plenary session.
According to them, the agency will be in charge of identification, traceability and registration of livestock such as cows and goats, to among other things curb cattle rustling. Aid intelligence gathering by security agencies towards mitigating the incessant conflicts between herders and farmers. It will also ensure the protection, control and management of all livestock in Nigeria. Let us recall that a similar bill was considered by the previous Senate but it was not passed. Enagi said that in addition to checking cattle rustling, the bill will help address the diseases and other threats to human lives caused by the movement of livestock. He said the agency in charge will also ensure that animal products being imported into, or sold in, Nigeria are easily traced to ensure human safety. The senator said livestock identification by the agency will include ownership and other details including their origin, birthplace, sex and breed.
We can just imagine the height of irresponsibility by these lawmakers. This is a country that is still struggling to have unified data base for its population of over 200million that are ‘human beings,’ yet the Senate is now working on a Bill for a data base on cows! What a country! What a people! What sort of political leaders have they brought on all of us in this country? Since when has the life and well-being of a cow become far more important than that of a human being? Apparently, it is under the President Muhammadu Buhari-led Federal Government.
The National Assembly members and the Buhari-led Federal Government should focus on protecting the lives of Nigerians and not that of cows. Human beings are meant to feed on cow meat, and that is how God created it to be for man – to feed on cows and not the other way round. The entire cows in the world, is not worth the blood of one human being. Hence it is sad that the Nigerian lawmakers and President Buhari are more interested in protecting the interest of cows.
As expected, a lot of well-meaning Nigerians are outraged with the said development, and have not held back in expressing their utmost disappointment on the Senate. Some of the responses from Nigerians online are: “This is a private business though. It will take billions to fund this useless database for cows. A country that can’t boast of a working database for its own citizens; Everyday cow empowerment, cow rights, cow territories, cow welfare, cow protection, cow this and that and yet, the country imports dairy products from yoghurt, milk to cheese year in year out. What a shame on governance at all levels; No good database for human diseases, out of school children, hunger, poverty, and so many things that affect the average Nigerian but the Nigerian Senate wants database for cows and goats…. Nigeria has been reduced to an alternated state, where animal lives is superior to humans.”
Some other commentaries expressing how ridiculous, absurd and insensitive the said move by the Senate is, include: “Nigeria has become a laughing stock to the world. This can only happen in Nigeria and its senate; After being called the worst House in the world history, one would think these set of morons will go back to their rooms and put on their thinking cap and surprise us but No they have cow dungs for brains, what else is surprising about these stupid lots; This is a welcome development for this country. At least, we would take the first position in international ratings of countries with database for animals. Similarly, Pantanmi could handle this and even create NIN for easy identification against stealing; Cow should register for NIN and voters’ card since Nigerian Senate don’t have any better things to do with their time; I suggest that the Senate should just enact a law that would give power to FG to create a special state for cows. The country will then have 37 states.”
Here is response from Dr. Emmanuel Ojameruaye, a former Shell Manager in the Western Division. “Zik, you are correct. There are just too many Federal and State agencies, departments and institutions in Nigeria, many of which do little to nothing but simply to drain resource and bloat the recurrent expenses of governments with little left for capital expenses/investment, hence the increasing public debt. There is an urgent need to examine all the agencies with a view to reducing the number to ensure effectiveness and efficiency. Unfortunately, Buhari and the National Assembly are incapable, or unwilling to do the needful. What Nigeria needs is leadership that understands and practice values of effectiveness, efficiency, accountability, integrity, transparency, diversity, equity, inclusiveness, etc.”
I am only glad to see that many Nigerians have heavily condemned this move, as the majority are of the opinion that the priorities of the lawmakers are completely misplaced, especially considering how Nigeria is yet to set up a standard updated database for her citizens. It is really sad that, when other countries are planning and strategise on how to improve the welfare of its citizens, and economic recovery from the effects of covid-19, Nigeria is only talking about cows, since this Buhari-led administration came into existence. It is rather unfortunate that we have to be dealing with this rubbish in this 21st century, when other nations are busy breaking grounds in scientific and technological innovations toward improving the lives and living conditions of their citizenry.
Zik Gbemre
May 2, 2021
We Mobilize Others To Fight For Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes