
By Zik Gbemre
I have repeatedly noted that one of the major problems I have with members of the National Assembly, particularly the current 9th Assembly, is that often times, they are more consumed and focused on seeing through issues that affect their welfare and what they would benefit from the system. But when it comes to issues adversely affecting the general masses of the Nigerian people, all we see them do is to talk and talk, bringing up motions upon motions on the floors, and also complain and complain. And after that, it is business as usual. As they have refused, and have not been willing to issue a stern query, or even a Vote of No Confidence to President Buhari for his dictatorial tendencies and not being able to address the insecurity situation in the country. In fact, many of Nigerians are beginning to wonder and conclude if we still have a National Assembly of supposedly elected legislators meant to checkmate the excesses and inefficiencies of the Federal Executive Government?
These lines of thoughts were reechoed again recently when a member of the Senate, in a video that has gone viral online, aired his mind concerning the insecurity situation in the country, and why the Senate needs to rise to the occasion in addressing it with the President.
In his words: “Yes, we have a national crisis on our hands… one that has been devoid of leadership, both politically and morally. And we must say it as it is. Here is a little statistic: BETWEEN MAY 2017 AND MAY 2020, THERE HAVE BEEN 654 ATTACKS; 2,539 KILLED, 393 WOUNDED, 253 KIDNAPPED, 16 RAPED, AND 7,582 HOMES DESTROYED. That is an analysis that has been done, by a research firm that is based in Brussels, of what is happening in the country. And I listen to us here saying these criminals are not Nigerians.
“It is an indictment on our leadership that people are coming into this country and killing our people, rapping our people, destroying their homes, and all we can say is that they are not Nigerians. Yet, these are the State Security people that we are now going to promote to be Ambassadors of this country representing this country. It’s an indictment! And it’s not acceptable! I represent a border community that is bordering some neighbouring countries. I went there over the weekend; the whole place has been destroyed by the so-called herdsmen. People’s earnings, people’s lives, have all been destroyed… It is upsetting. And we must rise up to this occasion. This country is on the verge of a civil war, or even fallen apart as a failed state. I rise to urge that the President needs to speak, and calm the nation, and talk to the nation. Here we are, looking at what is happening in America now. In less than one month, the US President has passed over 30 Executive Orders. The Nigerian President can pass Executive Orders banning open grazing, banning the criminality of carrying ammunitions, guns, and AK47s. Humiliate all these herdsmen. THERE ARE ACTIONS THAT CAN BE TAKEN IMMEDIATELY. But nothing is being done. I so rest my case.”
Some valid points made here we would all agree. The statistics presented are greatly disturbing, and should be enough to keep any Political Leader that means well for the people, awake until the situation is reversed. Mind you, these statistics are just the recorded cases. We can imagine what will be the numbers when we consider the many other cases that are unheard, and not recorded.
It is even appalling that the said statistics were conducted by a firm based in Brussels. One begins to wonder what the relevant Government agencies and Security Operatives in the country have been doing all these years. But again, it often ends in the chattering and noise-making in the Red Chamber. After all said and done, little to practically nothing to follow through with their threats/statements/motions will be seen. The Green Chamber (House of Representatives) is also not different in this regard. They seem to even be worse than the Upper Chamber.
The bottom line is that our Federal lawmakers should realize that Nigerians are indeed tired of their barking like a dog, but have not been able to bite and make their impact and relevance felt by the people that voted them in to represent their interests. It is better that a concrete move was made but it failed than for nothing to be done by them to call President Muhammadu Buhari to order because when it comes to the security of the country, the buck stops at the table of Mr. President as the Commander-In-Chief of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
We cannot have a 9th National Assembly that is best known for only barking and barking. As rightly said by the Senator above, the former Security Chiefs, despite the atrocities recorded under their reign in Office, are still being rewarded with promotions to represent Nigeria as Non-career Ambassador-Designate. And like I said, I believe the said move by the Presidency was a strategic tactic aimed at achieving an objective – which is, to ensure that the former Chief of Army Staff, Lt. Gen. Burutai, and Others, may not face trial at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, for genocide, crimes against human nature and abuse of Human Rights, especially with the EndSARS episode at Lekki Tollgate.
With all of this, our lawmakers are just there like rubber stamps. Are they not the same National Assembly members that will confirm these appointments of people that have grossly failed in their duties as Service Chiefs? The same people that will be compensated well to represent the Nigerian Government as Ambassadors, regardless of the fact that they called it Non-career Ambassadors Designate. What a shame? What a shame for all! That we have ended up with barking and noise-making lawmakers that have turned themselves to mere entertainers of their audiences.
This sad situation reminds me again of a statement made by a social affairs commentator, political analyst, and Campaigner for social justice, Smart Ofugara, who said: “The National Assembly is compromised, and as such, THEY ARE COMPLICIT IN THE FAILURE OF PRESIDENT MUHAMMADU BUHARI. The power of the purse, power of oversight, of ascents, of impeachment, of bringing him to the House to explain issues, have all been eroded by the GREED of the legislature. They no longer have what is called the INDEPENDENCE of the House, rather they’re just Party Faithfuls. Again, the painful thing is that the COUNTRY HAS NO PRESIDENT, rather we have ENABLERS, who are more or less faceless.”
Truth be told, the members of the National Assembly are nothing but jokers. The figures of those who were killed, wounded, kidnapped, displaced, and rendered homeless without anything to call their own, as said by the Senator of the Federal Republic, is alarming, and should not be swept under the carpet. If it is evident that both the National Assembly and the Presidency under President Buhari have failed the Nigerian people, the onus still lies on the legislators to reverse the situation. They have the Constitutional Powers to act and do what is necessary, and fast too.
If things should continue in their deplorable state in Nigeria, I greatly fear the worst in the near and far future of our nation Nigeria. I only hope and pray that our Nigerian Federal lawmakers, who were elected to Represent the general interests of the Nigerian people, and also check the excesses of the Executive Government, would rise above sentiments, party affiliations, ethnic and religious bias and expediently do what is right, regardless of who or what is involved, in addressing the insecurity and economic problems daily making life miserable for the Nigerian masses.
We simply cannot continue like this because it may lead to a state of anarchy and more chaos in the country. As noted again by Smart Ofugara: “When you have people governing a country without ideology, vision, or goal. Whose selfish desires are greed and not SERVICE, then each branch of government can be compromised? What you then have is WEAK CHECKS AND BALANCES, or it’s none Existence. Of course, the outcome is suffering, neglect, and abject poverty all over the land. Sad state of affairs of a nation called Nigeria.”
Zik Gbemre.
February 16, 2021
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