

By Odugba Ochuko

When it became clear that Delta State Governor, Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa had inherited an astronomical debt profile with many ongoing projects to complete, I was one of those who initially wrote off his government as one that would have little if anything to show for his stewardship in the traditional first 100 days in office. My pessimism was equally anchored on the fact that with the state running on paltry Internally Generated Revenue receipts and ever dwindling monthly allocation from the Federation Account out of which the greatest chunk is expended on salaries, there would be precious little left for any government to utilize for developmental purposes. It is therefore to my utter amazement that thanks to what I must concede is careful planning, prudent management of resources and an avowed commitment to the welfare of the people, Governor Okowa has been able to jumpstart his administration on a scale and quality that are both unprecedented. Thus within the short period of its first 100days, Governor Okowa’s iconoclastic democratic package has showcased confidence building among Deltans with an approach to governance that entrenches unprecedented innovations across all strata of government.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa of Delta State

There are surprisingly many examples of the strides taken to consolidate and improve on the policy initiatives of Governor Okowa within these first 100 days in office. For instance, the proposed creation of 6,000 jobs through the State’s Youth Agricultural and Entrepreneurship Program , YAGEP and Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Program, STEP within the period of six months was announced at the inception of this administration. As we commemorate 100days of the Okowa’s Administration, it is heartwarming that the scheme has recruited 1,645 youths in the first instance, and they are expected to proceed to various skills training centers to obtain the requisite technical/vocational skills after which they will embark on an internship in an existing business set-up in their chosen field. The underlining idea is to build entrepreneurs, who will be self-employed and in turn be in a position to create employment opportunities for others. This will undoubtedly help in checking crime as thousands of idle hands who could otherwise have taken to crime and other social ills are being productively engaged under the Governor’s S.M.A.R.T. Agenda in faithfulness to his Prosperity for All Deltans mantra.

Other sectors have received attention with equal vigor. Health wise, for instance, Delta State still has the lowest infant and maternal mortality rate as well as the lowest HIV/AIDS infection rate in the entire country, chiefly thanks to Governor Okowa’s free maternal health care. As attested to by our revered traditional rulers, the free health mission as sustained by the Okowa administration, has benefitted many lives by according adequate care to the most vulnerable segments of the society including children, pregnant women, the elderly and the physically challenged.

In the education sector, the Okowa administration has continued to offer free education to students right from primary to secondary school levels. In fulfillment of the Governor’s promise to place renewed emphasis on technical education, the 5th State Assembly passed the Delta State Technical and Vocational Education Board Bill, 2015 and was subsequently signed into law by His Excellency. This was done to encourage pre-vocational and general technical education in schools. Not merely as a basis for creating early technological and direct practical skills for earning a living, the initiative is aimed at inculcating in the people of Delta State the attitude of, respect for, and appreciation of the role of technical and vocational education in building an optimally functional society.

Through the participatory governance culture of this administration, all citizens have been given a voice and a stake in shaping the future of the state. It is on record that, Deltans themselves are actively involved in determining the policies that are transforming their communities. Governor Okowa has made it his duty to factor in the aspirations of all Deltans in re-directing government focus to their areas of priority. The administration in responding to popular feedback has thus been concentrating more efforts on human empowerment while not neglecting its commitment in the area of infrastructural development. Deltans can now begin to realistically anticipate the feel and look of how modern democracy should be practiced for without mincing words the volume of achievements and depth of performance within the spate of a hundred days pay undeniable credit to the Okowa administration as one capable of taking the state to its long awaited level of genuine development.

– Ochuko, a public affairs commentator wrote from, Emevor.

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