By Tega Evwrirhe
Since 1999 when the current fourth republic commenced with the return of the military to the barracks, Chief Tom Amioku, a proud son of Urhobo has been a thoroughbred promoter of the Peoples Democratic Party in the state. He is a gentle man to the core, always seeking for the good of those around him. He has served in various capacities in government as Commissioner for Works and most recently as Commissioner representing Delta State on the Board of the Niger Delta Development Commission. He is presently Chairman of the PDP in Delta Central. Tom Amioku had been a PDP man inside out without stoking the fire of controversy in his political engagements. He is one man who has helped to stabilize the party in Delta Central as a reference points for gentlemanly conduct. The likes of Tom Amioku are the men who have invested the PDP with some modicum of integrity especially at this moment when the party, for the first time, just lost the presidency to the former opposition party. Now is the time to rebuild the broken walls of Jerusalem.

As the PDP in Delta State looks in the direction of Delta Central in search of a competent hand to be Chairman of the party ahead of the party congress slated for the first quarter of 2016, we are proud to present Chief Tom Amioku as the best hand to manage the PDP in the state out of troubled waters. A lot of those in the race for the chairmanship of the party have issues hanging on their neck. There are some, who are controversy personified and are the reason why the PDP has suffered many setbacks in the past. Some of those in the race have too many enemies and lack the capacity to unite the party in view of the current challenges in the polity. A cool headed gentleman like Chief Tom Amioku, with his broad-based war chest and peculiar understanding of the idiosyncrasies of man is what the PDP desires at this stage.
Tom Amioku is a household name in Delta Central. He possesses the innate charisma to build an election-winning brand out of the PDP’s current form which is being threatened by nascent challenges, many of which are product of the over-bearing posture of some of those itching to be state chairman of the party. In the present circumstance, the PDP needs a man who can work with the various interest groups in the party. Those whose attitudes and conduct have brought pains to many hurting hearts must be avoided at the stage of retreating to rebuild and charge fourth with renewed vigour. The prospect of a rebound in National politics is high but the caliber of persons elected to manage the party at state levels will determine to a great extend the success that could attend such endeavour. Democracy has grown beyond mere grandstanding and boasting posture to that of consensus building and harvesting of quality and genuine votes at elections. It will take a man of Chief Tom Amioku’s mien to cash in on the goodwill of the people for a more prosperous venture tomorrow.
There are many great and faithful men and women out there who are capable of building the PDP in Delta State. Chief Tom Amioku however stands out as most outstanding amongst them. He has the carriage and experience to move the party forward having served as Chairman of the party in Delta central, to which the chairmanship has been zoned. He understands the terrain very well and is capable of harnessing the hidden potentials of the party members who are itching for a leader they can trust. If PDP desires to make progress in future elections and cancel the threats from the opposition in the state, Chief Tom Amioku is the answer. He will build the right bridges and cultivate progressive relationship amongst various interest groups in the state.
PDP in Delta State is presently facing a major opposition with the resurgent APC hoping to benefit from the emergence of Obaisi Ovie Omo-Agege as replacement for the hitherto PDP senator in the senate. But with the likes of Chief Tom Amioku in the saddle, the situation could be savaged. A lot of people out there are waiting and watching to see if the PDP will make the mistake of throwing up somebody that has broken too many bones, crushed the political career of others with ruthless politicking and make a mess of their lives because of previous unwholesome and abrasive attitude to the people. If the PDP makes the mistake of throwing up a ruthless fellow as Chairman of the party in the state, it could trigger massive defection from our great party because there are many out there who know have no home in the party with such a man in the saddle. Many party faithful are in search of a man with less controversial demeanor to lead them into the future. The party needs a man who would be there to heal many wounds inflicted on them by the attitude of some leaders who have devour people like lion without a conscience. With Chief Tom Amioku as State PDP Chairman, the people will have peace, everybody could be accommodated and given hope to move forward. Amioku would bring healing to hurting souls and restore confidence in the party again. He is therefore the best man for the job.
Our investigations in the field reveal that PDP has the bright prospect of recovering lost ground and consolidating its present strength in the state. Those we contacted in the field were however very straight forward with their position that except the PDP brings a man of peace as Chairman, the party cannot recover from the shock it will suffer. If the party members are to decide the next State Party Chairman without imposition or interference from the Governor, then the people’s choice could prevail to make the PDP stand a better chance of recovering lost ground. But if a man, who politics is not appealing to the people is imposed them, there could be dire consequences hence the need to promote a man like Chief Tom Amioku for the exalted position. The era of arrogant politicking is wearing off. Now is the time for the people to determine their fate through the ballot as reflected in the election of His Excellency in the 2015 general polls. PDP is on the verge of taking a major decision that will affect its future for good or bad. The best way to go in the search for the next State PDP Chairman is to vote Chief Tom Amioku in the best interest of internal democracy within the party, cohesion, trust, restoration of confidence in the PDP and speedy growth.
Mr Tega Evwrirhe, a PDP member from Udu ward 4, writes from Udu Local Government Area of Delta State.