Recession: We brought this on ourselves, Niger Delta group tells Nigerians – National Reformer News Online

Recession: We brought this on ourselves, Niger Delta group tells Nigerians

Mr.  Joseph Ambakederimo, Convener, South South Reawakening (middle) with others during the press conference in Warri, yesterday.
Mr. Joseph Ambakederimo, Convener, South South Reawakening (middle) with others during the press conference in Warri, yestNigeria

By  Francis Sadhere Warri

The economic recession Nigeria is passing through today is as a result of decades of mismanagement and corruption brought on it by successive leaders, says Mr. Joseph Ambakederimo, Convener, South South Reawakening Group.

Ambakederemo who spoke to journalist on the state of the nation during Nigeria’s 56th Independence anniversary weekend, said Nigeria failed to diversify its economy to boost manufacturing and agriculture during the oil boom period.

He also blamed past and present leaders together with Nigerians for reckless lifestyle of importing virtually everything they used in the country rather than thinking of ways to manufacture and produce their own goods and services.

He said, “In a country where we are proud to import Toothpick from China and dubai, Irish potato from South Africa, sugar from Brazil, fish from Mauritania, Morocco and Norway , Toamato Purée from China and Italy, Water from France, Rice from India, Pakistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Palm oil from Malaysia, and Indonesia, Polypropylene and Carbon black from China and Southeast Asia, etc….all of these are paid for with our paltry foreign exchange which we  have managed to earn from low oil prices even when all of these materials and food items mentioned are available in abundance here in Nigeria, nothing tangible has been done over the years to ensure that we become self sufficient of these items.”

Ambakederimo lamented that even in the face of the economic recession Nigeria is still importing rice and other food items from outside the country, stressing that the country was lied to five years ago when the government said it has become self sufficient in rice production.

“In trying to pull the wool over our eyes we were taken on a fantasy ride the last five years when we were told that Nigeria has become self sufficient in rice production meanwhile all the Thirty Six State Government Houses across the country that usually purchase rice for sharing to people in their states never bought the so called Nigeria grown rice, all the rice so bought had been foreign rice and mark my word let us check the brand of rice the Government Houses will share this Christmas.

“Some state government engaged in direct importation of rice to share during Christmas. The question to ask is can we imagine the economic boost and the benefit to be derived if the money paid out by theses Government Houses are given to rice farmers across the country, i am sure your guess is as good as mine.”

Suggesting ways out of the recession, Abakederimo recommended massive borrowing and effective monitoring to ensure that funds are religiously and judiciously used for the suppose of which it was borrowed.

He said, “Massive borrowing will do the magic, after all the biggest economy in the world, the United States of America is the biggest borrower in the world with excess liability of trillions of dollars and ironically the United States is the most prosperous country in the world.”

The Niger Delta group also suggested that government engage in farm settlement scheme for the states, bring back the commodity boards, reduce government expenditure, reduce presidential fleet to three planes, cut down on our aides, convoy, recurrent expenditures and others.

Speaking on Niger Delta issues, Ambakederimo said no to the withdrawal of military from the region adding that it has brought some sanity and safety of lives and properties.

“It is only those who have something to hide would be uncomfortable with the presence of the military. If we follow due process and employ civilized means of ventilation of grievances there would have been no need for the military to be deployed to the region.

“We invited them and therefore we have to endure the pains and discomfort that comes with it.

He said the region should be concerned about the overall development of the region which he said is gradually taken place with the approval and establishment of an Army Battalion formation in Bayelsa, and Agbarotor in Delta state and the establishing of a marine police training school in Bayelsa.

“These are what we refer to as institutional development and empowerment of our people, we commend the President for its foresight to establish these institutions. We further urge the President to give further approval to establish another military formations in the Bonny axis of Rivers State and the Escravos axis in Delta State. This will unarguably forestall and bring to minimum the activities of criminal elements,” he added.

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