Youth Of Anglican Church Sapele Diocese Calls For Removal Of Bishop – National Reformer News Online

Youth Of Anglican Church Sapele Diocese Calls For Removal Of Bishop



By Our Correspondent


Youths of the cathedral church of ST. Luke’s Sapele Diocese, Delta State (Anglican Church) the headquarters of the Diocese, are Protesting against what they called financial recklessness, insubordination, intimidation of members etc, by their bishop, Rev. Dr. B.A Erifeta (JP) calling on the general headquarters Abuja to remove him from office with immediate effect to allow for speedy

growth of the Diocese.


The youths in their hundreds who rose from the youth synod meeting

preparatory to their annual general synod at Jeddo on 29/07/2015, in

Okpe Local government area placed the cathedral which is one of the

largest worship centers in sapele under lock and heavy keys, carrying

placards with the inscriptions, “without congregation no Bishop,

without laity no Bishop, stop insulting our elders in church, Enough

of Embezzlement of church funds and intimation, we need accountability

of church fund, etc”.


The youths in their letter Dated 14th July, 2015 which was copied the

Bishop of the Diocese, Rt Rev, Dr. B.A. Erifeta (JP), The Vicar,

Cathedral church of St. Luke’s, the standing committee of the church,

the Elders of the church and all groups within the cathedral, which

was signed by the youth president Mr. Gbaragada O. Clintin and many

others including another letter from Coordinators of all the Diocese

branches which was addressed to His Grace, Most Rev. Nicholas D. Okoh

Archbishop Metropolitan and Primate of all Nigeria on the 24h day of

July, 2015, states that having noted the reduction of the church

membership with its attendant dwindling fortune occasioned by the

Maladministration of the presiding Bishop, they have therefore

resolved that he should take a bow and leave them immediately so that

the church of God can move on.


The youths also listed the alleged sins of their Bishop to include,

the dissolution of the church choir for no justifiable reason, hurling

of insult on the elders and members by the Diocesan whenever he comes

to the cathedral to worship and sometimes to outsiders, while also

sometimes uses offending and insulting words to members such as, “is

there something wrong with you upstairs, are you alright? Which they

said has sent many packing in droves to other sister churches or to

other denominations.


They added that in terms of development of the church, they are

registering their grievances about the stagnation of projects,

especially the non completion of the church building, the church

schools and other meaningful projects for the propagation of the

gospel of Christ including the church finances which no other member

of the church could access despite the huge financial contributions of

members not with standing the drastic reduction on the numerical

strength of the church.


They resolved therefore that henceforth “Assessment should be reduced

to a barest minimum in other for the church to pay the back log, that

the funds meant for the building of the church should be used for the

building and not for assessment, advising that insult to elders and

members from the pulpit and the altar should be stopped, since he, The

Bishop has been called by God to bless and not to curse the members,

calling on the Bishop to allow the church to move faster, but not the

slow snail moment they are currently subjected”.


All groups in the Diocese in their letter to their leader, called on

all well meaning members of the Diocese to put a stop on the payment

of the assessment and equally boycott this year synod because of the

payment that has brought hardship to all members, the Bishop turning

the synod to his personal business hustling ground where he gathers

enough cash for his foreign trips and shopping, etc.


They also alleged that the Bishop has purchased two jeeps with the

church money, calling on members to say no to greed/oppression, no to

financial embezzlement and telling of lies, no to evil prophecy etc

warning too that since Christ is coming soon, members should not say

they were not warned over the Bishops atrocities over time.

At the time of filling this report, the Bishop of the Diocese could

not be reached for his comments on the allegation leveled against him,

but a senior pastor of the cathedral venerable Otemu Oyibo said they

were taken aback by the activities of the youths yesterday the 28th

day of July 2015 when they (youth) came out in their large numbers

protesting against the Bishop.


He assured that the leadership of the church will do everything

possible to put an end to the crisis so that normal church activities

could resumed adding that security operatives have been invited to

fall stall any possible break down of law and order.

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