DELTA ASSEMBLY PASSES YEAR 2018 BUDGET  – National Reformer News Online


The Chairman of Finance and Appropriation presented the report on the year 2018 budget before the House.

The Majority Leader of the House, (Hon) Barrister Tim Owofere, was called to move a motion to receive the report and was seconded.

The Speaker, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, called on the Chairman, Rules, Business and Judicial matters on a date for the committee on Supply and gave same date for consideration.

The Majority Leader moved a motion for the House to resolve itself into a committee of supply.

At the Committee of Supply, the Appropriation Bill with the annexures was considered clause by clause and sector by sector.

Also very important amendments were considered by the Committee on Finance and Appropriation and the entire Bill with the proposed amendments were thoroughly scrutinized by members.

The Speaker called on the Majority Leader to move a motion for the third reading of the Appropriation Bill and pass.

It is worthy of note that the House suspended the rules to enable members sit beyond 1pm and the budget of N308,888,558, 898  was subsequently passed at about 5pm on Thursday, November 30, 2017.

Speaker  Oborevwori afterwards thanked members for working assiduously towards the passage of the appropriation bill.

Observers who witnessed the plenary session commended the members for following due process in the passage of the Budget.

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