
By Zik Gbemre
Some weeks back, I wrote a piece expressing why I have a soft spot for US President, Mr. Donald Trump. And this is simply hinged on the fact that Donald Trump remains the most ‘Patriotic and courageous’ President of a country that we have at the moment around the globe. Right from the moment he took over Office as US President, Trump has consistently and persistently stood by his decision and mantra to “Make America Great Again,” regardless of what anyone thinks about that. And we also see this similar trait amongst the political leaders of Britain like Nigel Farage and Boris Johnson, who have consistently pushed for Brexit – which is a term which refers to Britain’s decision to pull out of the European Union (UN). These are simply examples of political leaders whose primary interest is to secure and protect the political and socio-economic interests of their citizenry and country.
Sadly, it is a different story in Nigeria. No normal person that is sane and reasonable will ‘deliberately’ set his own house on fire and then take shelter in his/her neighbour’s house. As absurd as this may sound, that is exactly the case of Nigerian political leaders and their families who prefer to take shelters in foreign countries like the United Arab Emirates (UAE)/DUBAI, UK, US, FRANCE, etc. So, if I like and prefer to praise those patriotic foreign political leaders like Trump, Boris Johnson and Farage, who have made up their minds to protect their citizens’ interests and countries, regardless of the huddles and challenges they have to face or subjected to.
It is against this backdrop that, in my own opinion, Brexit is basically about political leaders establishing a tough immigration policy to checkmate a porous border in other to stop/reverse the unrestrained ‘free access’ of their European neighbours’ citizens into the United Kingdom. Same way, US President Trump’s tough immigration policies are also geared toward checkmating the free access of foreigners, including their neighbouring South American countries’ citizens, into the United States of America (US). I therefore commend Donald Trump of US, Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage of Great Britain, for championing their individual countries’ interests for the good of their citizens.
For the US President in particular, never have I seen a political leader facing so much opposition from all angles, including an impeachment process, yet he is able to go against all odds, against the norm and still able to keep his head up high, regardless of what anyone thinks – like I have seen demonstrated by US President Donald Trump. From having to deal with an anti-Trump US media, with the CNN at the front, that does not hide its opposing disposition to practically everything the US President does; to having to deal with a heated political atmosphere that is divided on racial lines, political views, religious extremism, global economic policies and what have you. Yet, since he assumed the Office of the White House as US President, Trump has been able to achieve tremendous success in global trade deals which have improved the economy of his country, as he has subdued the Asian power blocks like China. He has broken global diplomatic lines and protocols that have never been recorded in US history dealings with their perceived rivalries. He has turned existing situations in the US immigration laws to punch a hole on the possibility of the growth of terrorism. Even in the midst of the barrage of criticisms from the opposing Democrats and the US Media, he has been able to always put them in their place, and still take steps towards reconciling the growing division and differences within and amongst the American people.
On the other hand, our Nigerian political leaders have constantly and deliberately destroyed the county’s economy and infrastructure in pursuit of their self-centered agendas driven by insatiable greed, nepotism, tribalism and favouritism. And afterwards, they run to take shelter, and enjoy the good things of life in these foreign countries. What a shame!
A friend, recently asked me why am I excited over Brexit. And my answer was simple and clear: that majority of the Nigerian elites are selfish, and who do not think of the pains of others. Hence, they have never liked the idea of Brexit, neither do they like Trump’s tough immigration policy. Majority of the Nigerian elites are even more offended if they are refused Visas to the UK, US, etc. I still remember how in the 60s, 70s, early 80s and even down to the mid-80s, about 95% of Nigerians who studied in the UK, US, Germany came home to Nigeria immediately after graduation, to start the pursuit of their careers back home in Nigeria, where they were many job opportunities then. In my secondary school days, I saw many foreigners as teachers in remote villages in Nigeria. Sadly today, all that has changed.
So, the problem has always been our Nigerian political leaders who have deliberately destroyed the country with their very own hands. Yet, the Nigerian elites that ought to know better, and majority of the masses, still sing their praises and hail them for destroying Nigeria. These UNPATRIOTIC POLITICAL LEADERS, are even given Chieftaincy titles and honourary awards by Traditional rulers and Institutions of learning/corporate bodies respectively. Just recently, the Delta State Traditional rulers gave former Delta State Governor and ex-convict, James Ibori, and Governor Ifeanyi okowa, awards for Best Performance. And one begins to wonder what exactly has these people done to improve the living standards of Deltans and State’s infrastructure and economy, to deserve such awards?
Also recently, one of the factional Urhobo Progress Union (UPU) President-General gave an Urhobo honourary title/award to Governor Okowa, as the supposed Ochuko of Urhobo land (meaning the Helper of the Urhobo People). That is like saying/likening Okowa as a Mentor anointed by God, or as the messiah/saviour of the Urhobos. It is this title that I consider inappropriate because I really do not know what exactly Okowa has done to deserve such a title, especially in the eyes of the Urhobos.
Succinctly, when Nigerian Political Leaders deliberately destroy their country and then run/and prefers to go to the UK and US as their country, to enjoy the same things that they have refused/unwilling to provide for their Nigerian citizenry, then they are the main problems of Nigeria. And it is time the Nigerian citizenry should start seeing these Nigerian political leaders as the country’s major problems. Besides, who will fix our country for us if we do not fix it. Nigerian politicians and elites should grow up intellectually and become patriotic in the service of their father land. Sadly, the problem is not only in our political leaders, but also the ‘zombie followers’ who still praise these politicians for causing harm to them.
Zik Gbemre.
January 27, 2020
We Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes