
By Zik Gbemre.
Thinking of the subject matter, one is forced to ask what exactly is, or the right thing(s) the older generation leaders as Parents/Guardians/Public Office Holders and even as a nation, should give the younger and future generations as legacies, in other to guarantee that we have a sustainable progressive society that would positively impact the world around in years to come? What is that one thing, that, if given to the younger and next generation of leaders across all boards, the future of families and the society at large would become a brighter one? Without a doubt, any sane person with common sense, would agree that, if you give the younger and future generations real estates, factories, banks, business empires, enormous amount of wealth, etc., without the sacrifice of giving them access to right knowledge, morality and an exemplary life; it will all be a waste and unsustainable. If you give them the assurance of unimaginable wealth, and filled the bank vaults in their names, but without the right knowledge and built-character to give back what you have given into the society’s overall development; it will all amount to waste, and completely forgotten in years to come.
That is why I personally feel very sorry and pity for those Nigerian politicians who think that, by looting the state public funds dry and starch same for their children, and children’s children, they have succeeded in securing their future. Well, often times, it never turns out to be that way. In fact, it is mere foolishness to still think that way. In as much as securing the financial future of the younger generation is good, but if you do that without being an example for the younger generation (which includes ones children/wards) and making the needed sacrifice for them to have the right kind of knowledge, character and morals, it will be a waste.
An Irish proverbs notes: Better to be a man of character than a man of means. Sadly, we have become a people who are more given to amassing wealth to satisfy our selfish insatiable greed, regardless of how we get it, as against developing good character and integrity that would make us think of the good of others. Hence, our Nigerian society is what it is today. But Character is not something that you buy; it is not a commodity that can be bartered for; it is not a quality suited for only the rich and famous; rather, Character is built upon the foundational commitment of love, honesty, and compassion for others (Byran R. Pulsifer); How we behave toward and around our children has much more influence on their character than if we only tell them about how they should or should not behave (Russel Kolts). If only the older generations of today would understand how their every action of today, would shape the lives of the younger and future generations, and eventually our overall society. This realization will make us do things a bit differently.
These were my thoughts, when I stumbled upon a well circulated video of a young Nigerian in America, whose parents sacrificed a whole lot just to build and mold the gentleman. And today, that American community is benefitting from that same young man. In the said video, Lori Elaine Lightfoot, who is the Mayor of Chicgo in US, noted while on her visit to BOWA Construction in the South Shore Community: For those of you unfamiliar with BOWA, they are a certified Minority Business Enterprise (MBE). It’s a family business, run by a proud son whose parents sacrificed for his success. Nosa, was a son of a taxi driver, who likely picked up fares here at Ohio, and is now participating in that business and watching his son with pride and admiration. BOWA is building our future in Chicago. Their portfolio includes: the Taylor Street Library and Apartments, several projects at the University of Chicago Medical Centre, and the University of Illinois and many more. Under the leadership of President and CEO Nosa, BOWA led the Coordination of more than twenty-five subcontractors to complete this renovation. Transforming a former warehouse into a state-of-the-art facility. BOWA is the first Africa-American Prime Contractor from the State of Illinois to be awarded an Airport Concession construction in Chicago.”
While speaking at the said opening of the facility at the Chicago Airport, in the words of Nosa: “This is exciting, it really is… when you think about the sacrifice that my parents made, Mayor Lightfoot alluded to it; driving a taxi to put food on the table. And yes, my dad picked up passengers from this airport to make sure that we ate. My father always told me, be disciplined, work hard, and good things will happen. This project represents a long journey, as I mentioned. It represents again equality, inclusion, diversity and change. This city has seventy-seven neighborhood, 2.7 million people, and it’s the first time as a Prime contractor that looks like me, has completed a project at the airport as a prime. Can’t have that anymore. Let’s work hard as a city to make sure the next generation, my kids, your kinds, grandkids, don’t have to wait this long. Lets build on this. Let’s grow our farms that look like ours. They are talented, they are skilled, they’re intelligent and I’m okay to stand on this platform and speak for them, and speak for others that don’t have this platform right now. But they are coming. I know they will. Let’s leave a legacy for our kids on the North side, South side and the West side, that we can be proud of. Let’s rebuild our airports, our city. And, for those who love Sports, like I do, you may have heard this analogy before, growing up. You know what it means when they say, it’s our turn, we got net. Thank you, have a great day, and let’s cut the ribbon.”
Evidently, this young Nigerian man now in America, would not be what he is today, and would not have attained that height of giving back to the society, if his parents did not make the needed sacrifice to imbibe in him the right morals and character. When we consider the fact that every society is made up of the ‘family unit’ of different tribes/ethnicities and religious backgrounds, it therefore means that the ‘state of the family units’ – whether good or bad, is what determines how that society will be, because every individual (from different family units) is what makes up part of the population of that society. Even those considered as orphans, are a product of a man and a woman. That is, every child is part of a family unit – which covers the parents, relatives and guardians. That means a society (or country like Nigeria) that is replete with corrupt practices, gross indiscipline, different kinds of criminal activities and all kinds of societal ills; is a society/country with many family units that have failed and are still failing in their responsibilities of bringing up children – who eventually become adults – that are irresponsible, undisciplined, wayward, lacks integrity, dishonest, etc.
Everything we see wrong today in our society – be it corruption, thuggery, terrorism, kidnapping, armed robbery, indecent/immoral behavious, etc., is as a result of the ‘failures’ of the various family units. So, not only are parents/guardians/relatives expected to be exemplary role models to their children, they are also saddled with the responsibility of supplying all the necessary spiritual, physical, psychological, sociological, mental and emotional support the child needs to grow into a ‘balanced and well-equipped individual’ that will eventually contribute positively to the growth and development of the general society. Sadly, we have become a generation that have completely lost touch to the importance of the family unit and our roles as adults in this generation is shaping it for a better society. In fact, for some decades now, our society has been experiencing a lot of chaos, occasioned by unwholesome behavioural and attitudinal inclinations of both young and old individuals. All the values and morality, that once held and made our society relatively stable, noble and productive seem to have been eroded, so much so that many people are now wondering what went wrong. What are the older generation of adults as parents/guardians/public office holders, etc., doing or not doing that is responsible for today’s mayhem in our society?
Aside other factors and deplorable situations and ‘no parenting’ – that has shaped the lives of many Nigerian children on the wrong path, the only answer we can come up with is the fact that some parents, especially the now ‘privileged/well to do ones’, have engulfed themselves with this syndrome of “my children will not suffer what I suffered”, which has left us with youths who do not understand the principles of hard work and contentment. It is alien to our culture and heritage to value money, fame, titles and status over worthy virtues like hard work, contentment, honesty, integrity, empathy, love for one another, etc.
In this part of the country, it is sad to see what most of our younger generation are very good at doing – which is to ‘escort politicians’ as bouncers/political thugs. The attitude of the Nigerian youths towards making a living, especially those from the South-South region, is really nothing to write home about. It is appalling to note that some of these Nigerian youths have just become too lazy and prefers the ‘easy path’ to success in life than paying the price of hard work, diligence, patience and integrity to make it. Some of them prefer begging and hailing Nigerian politicians with praises like ‘Ose’ – meaning Father, all in attempt to be given free money for their pockets and grooving. But how long will these Nigerian youths be looking for such ‘free money’? And the reason why all of this is happening, is simply because they see the older generation, and some of their mates who were privileged to be in positions of power; becoming millionaires and billionaires overnight without doing any legitimate work. So, many of them presume that is how life should be.
Today, it is also funny that the same youths who claim that the Nigerian politicians are the ones who usually use them in snatching ballot boxes or cause other electoral malpractices during elections, and later dump them after elections, are also the ones who have willingly agreed to play such thuggery roles. They allow themselves to be used by these old Nigerian politicians, and they still complain at the end of the day after taking Greek gifts. As a result of making themselves ‘idle’ and ‘unproductive to the society’, these Nigerian youths have made themselves available to be used by non-performing Nigerian politicians to actualize their selfish agendas. Many of them also, who prefer to walk on the fast-lane of life, have resorted to being ‘Yahoo-boys’ in perpetrating cyber-crimes, kidnapping, armed robbery, or engage in illegal bunkering/oil theft/pipeline vandalization/illegal refinery activities.
Now, the latest one is being a ‘Malian’. In fact, the Marlian movement has become a virus and cult ravaging the Nigerian youths today. It is like a showdown with, or affront to parents, as they are not prepared at all for the sorts of mannerlessness their children are exhibiting before them. The singer, Azeez Adeshina Fashola, popularly known as Naira Marley, who has always been in the news for the wrong reasons, is the one behind this latest madness exhibited by the Nigerian youths. The said singer is creating an army of youths called Marlians. His songs and dance steps are inspiring a new generation of “morally deficit youths”, and it seems the youth would be in his grip for a long time, except something serious is done. Our problem with some of the current artists in the entertainment industry is that they do not possess the necessary depth needed to model the Nigerian youth. Most of them are so shallow, worldly, materialistic and devoid of necessary values needed to build the next generation. It is appalling to know that the artists that many of our youths are looking up to do not possess the virtues and values sacrosanct to youth development. Who would then teach the youngsters values? Is it the Nigerian artists, with the evolution of morally bankrupt and deficit songs? I doubt it!
So, until we wake up as a people and nation, and realize that these younger generation as future leaders, if not well brought up, trained, groomed, nurtured, provided for, catered for, etc., with the right knowledge, morality, exemplary life of integrity and good character – we would all be swallowed as a society by the much grievous menace these younger and future generation would bring upon every one of us. Nobody will be left out in todays and tomorrows troubles that will created as the products (children) of a failed older generation. So, as a parent/guardian/political office holder/person of influence, etc., – You cannot be preaching one thing but your life is showing something else negative.
Zik Gbemre.
March 17, 2020
We Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes