When professor Faraday Osasere Orumwense was announced as the substantive Vice Chancellor, VC, of the University of Benin, by the Governing Council, it could not have been more justified that the huge responsibilities of running the affairs of one of the largest and oldest institution of higher learning in Nigeria could be entrusted to a man who, by all indices have been adequately prepared to champion such task. It became clearly apparent from his first bold step and the determination he brought to bear since he assumed the hot seat.

Indeed, his first 100days in office was a memorable achievement occasioned by the theme; UNIBEN STRATEGIC PLAN FORUM, held on Tuesday, March 11, 2015 at the Akin Deko main Auditorium Ugbowo campus used as official presentation of his plan of actions for the next 5years he would be steering the leadership of the institution.
However, the University auditorium on every other day would not have been jam packed but that day was absolutely remarkable as Deans, Heads of departments, non-academic staff and large numbers of cheering students besiege the occasion.
The euphoric Prof. Orumwense while declaring the event open was quick to express confidence on the strategic plan, pointing out that the great developmental stride embarked by his predecessor Prof. Osayuki Oshodin, will be carefully consolidated as well as exploring new opportunities to usher in further development.
According to him, “it is with great joy that I welcome you all to the University of Benin Strategic plan forum. Today marks my 100 days in office as Vice Chancellor of this great University, there can e no better forum to unveil the strategic plan for the development of theUniversity for the next five years. This strategic plan forum is very significant to my administration because it provides a strategic platform to present to relevant stake holders action that will shake and guide my administrational directions. My administration is ready to build on my predecessors’ legal and existing structure to achieve a global standard.
Continuing, he said, he would adopt an open door policy that will allow all and sundry contributes to his developmental strides within his tenure as the Vice Chancellor of the institution. However, he also expressed satisfaction on some of the projects his administration has thus embarked on since his assumption in office, noting that, staff endowments will be of great priority to his administration.
In his words, “my administration is open to all for meaningful partnership. I sort for myself, the good work of my predecessor Prof Oshodin and promise to continue to develop more strategy that would bring about rightful positioning in global rankings. Let me assure you that nobody will be denied of his promotions, salaries and other benefits. Salaries will be paid on 19th, of every month.
He said, “The residence procurement activities has kick-started and in due course we hope to deliver some of the projects as soon as possible. Adding that, the laid down work ethics is imperative to bring about coexistence.
“Let me say this, for us to work together we must follow laid down rules and regulations. I strongly believe that with God and our side the harvest will be bountiful,” he reiterated.
“This strategic plan forum is very significant to my administration because it provides a strategic platform to present to relevant stakeholders actions that will shape and guide the development direction of this administration. As you may be aware, several administrations of the University in the past have done great things to ensure steady growth of the University,” he remarked.
Notably, Prof. Orumwense mentioned some key areas he has streamlined that will receive affirmative action. This according to him would be outcome of effective collaborations and partnership between stake holders.
“One notable areas that would receive attention is informationcommunication technology where there are plans to invest massively, infrastructural and software development for students and lecturers uses
In a similar vein, the key note address on the strategic plan for five years was delivered by the chairman of the planning committee Prof.
Luis L. Ojogwu with key emphasis on various areas that needs urgent attention by the University authority.
“It is a pleasure to be asked to give a road map on what the VC need to do: we have carefully streamlined some areas that needs urgent attention. Like you know, the planning committee has developed a new five years strategic plan that will enhance internally generated Revenue (IGR) improved upon.
The discussant, professor, Ojogwu stated that key areas such as student welfare, maintenance of infrastructural ICT development at steady performance financial reports are to be given special attention.
“Students are the reasons we are here as lecturers and must be properly accommodated. The hostel facilities of the school are an apology and I don’t believe human beings live there. Again, we would try and have a yearly narrative financial report of the University performance; with a mid-term evaluation of the university fund raisingduly intensified and more so, advocacy for increased Government funding, internal revenue generated to be improved by 50% within 1 – 4 years geared towards the best of time during this administration.