
By Zik Gbemre
The subject is the million-dollar poser that crossed many minds, after we beheld a recent circulated video online of the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, doing his own private shopping at a Supermarket, having rode to the place on a bicycle without security agents disturbing him with artificial protocols, or any sort of motorcade somewhere around. Hence the subject question, should be a profound food for thought for all Nigerian political leaders.
What fascinated me the most in the said video of Boris Johnson, was the humble way and manner he carried himself, as he paid for the items he bought from his wallet, shock hands and exchanged pleasantries with other shoppers and passersby who were quite delightful to see their Prime Minister in that manner, as they took pictures with him. For a man of his status – making humility, modesty, and simplicity the epicenter of his personality is a phenomenon that nearly transcends logic; and it is by that very fact that Boris Johnson remains more endearing, but most sacrosanct for all and sundry, more exemplary.
This is something that is absolutely alien to Nigerian politicians, whose trade and stock is to continually waste public funds in the name of doing government work. Public funds which ought to have been channeled towards making life better for all sundry. But in their thirst for materialism, status showoff, they have become so full of pride, arrogance, unempathetic and without conscience as supposed public office holders.
Today, our lawmakers still remain amongst the highest paid in the world. But the general masses, whose collective wealth is what is being used to take care of these politicians, have nothing to show for it other than continuous sufferings, hardships and dehumanizing living conditions. And because of the evil and wickedness these Nigerian politicians have continued to perpetrate against the people, they know deep down in their hearts that they are never safe. Because over the years, their ill-advised actions and bad governance have created and sustained a system of insecurity, threats and apprehensive atmosphere. So, the only way they know how to get around, is to disturb our ears with their sirens, and our peace with their bogus entourage and motorcade. All of which is also their way of intimidating the public and demonstrating their supposed power. That is why they can never be seen riding a bicycle on their own, without any security protocol, like UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. Doing that will make them demean their so-called political status/power, personality and ego.
The wastages on the cost of governance in Nigeria is simply disturbing. And no country can develop with such wastes of public resources. It is a pathetic and sad situation to have a ‘small number of our political leaders’ as lawmakers and the Executives, swallowing the nation’s Recurrent expenditure to the detriment of Capital expenditure that would have provided developmental strides for the over 190 million people of this country. When we consider the salaries, bonuses and fringe benefits yearly paid to the members of the States Houses of Assemblies and members of the National Assembly alone, compared to that of their counterparts in other parts of the world, we would be amazed at the disparity. And then understand why I have been insisting that our nation should no longer be made to satisfy the huge insatiable appetites of these so-called politicians in the State legislatures and National Assembly.
One wonders what duty or responsibility these lawmakers for instance, are discharging in Nigeria to warrant such annual appropriation! The reality of their performance is even a greater embarrassment: empty seats during plenary sessions, sleeping during plenary sessions, fisty-cuffs and free for all fights over issues, merry-go-round on non-conclusive inquiries which are often turned into rent-seeking exercises, and what have you.
I find it out of place to observe our public leaders in government circles earning millions and hundreds of millions of naira annually through the front and back door, when millions of Nigerians are living below one dollar per day. When over 60 percent of Nigerians do not have access to regular power supply, good health care, good roads, standard education, shelter and food on their tables. Even Nigerians that are privileged to earn a six digits salary figure are still ‘struggling’ to keep their heads afloat from sinking with the ‘high cost of living’.
While I ask Nigerian politicians to learn from the good example of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, of what it truly means to be a ‘Public Officers’, I also believe that Nigerians have had enough of this nonsense from our so-called politicians-turned-public-masters/emperors. It is high time every well-meaning Nigerian should rise up, consistently speak out and against this ‘broad day light robbery’ of our national wealth by some selected few who call themselves politicians and lawmakers. It is high time they realize that our nation can no longer take care of, cater for their insatiable huge appetites.
Zik Gbemre.
November 5, 2020
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