Udu Council of Chiefs Backs Monarch in Unanimous Vote of Confidence

The Udu Council of Chiefs (UCC) have passed a unanimous vote of confidence in His Royal Majesty Dr. Barr. E. B. O. Delekpe JP, the Ovie of Udu Kingdom.
The motion, moved by Chief James Akpowan and seconded by Chief Donald Bronsu, celebrated the monarch’s steadfast leadership and fatherly role in fostering peace and development within the kingdom.
The council, passed the vote of confidence on their monarch during an enlarged meeting held on Monday 21st October 2024.
They expressed gratitude for the divine grace that has allowed the Ovie to lead the Udu Kingdom for over three decades, highlighting his wisdom and dedication to the community.
In a pivotal decision aimed at enhancing the effectiveness of the Council of Chiefs, the UCC reaffirmed that the membership of the Udu Traditional Council (UTC) resides exclusively with the Ovie and his Chiefs.
The council emphasized that any inappropriate comments regarding the Udu throne, whether from members or the public, would no longer be tolerated.
The meeting, presided over by the most senior chief, High Chief Pleasure Ghavwan, also honored the memory of departed influential chiefs, Chief G. N. O. Sefia JP, High Chief Luke Ogedegbe, Chief Mrs Ejiro Uparan, Chief Isaac Otima and Chief P E. A. Okoro, observing a moment of silence in their remembrance.
The Udu Council’s declaration shows their unwavering support for the Ovie, marking a significant moment in the governance of the Udu Kingdom.