Tidi flags off Polio Outbreak Response (II) Campaign in Warri – National Reformer News Online

Tidi flags off Polio Outbreak Response (II) Campaign in Warri

Chairman of Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State, Dr Michael Tidi, on Monday 13th November 2023, flagged off the Polio Outbreak Response 2 (OBR2) Campaign in Warri South Local Government Area.

Speaking during the formal flag off of the programme, Tidi said that Poliomyelitis is a disabling and life threatening disease caused by the Polio virus that can only be prevented with safe and effective vaccination.

He therefore urged all parents in the Council to avail the children under 5 years of age, of the opportunity of being immunized during the four days programme.

“Nigeria has been experiencing outbreaks of another form or variant of the Polio virus-the circulating variant Polio virus type 2 (CVPV2). A child can get it if he/she is not immunized against all types of Polio virus or lives in an area where the Virus is circulating.

“Polio vaccine given multiple times can protect a child for life. Poliomyelitis mainly affects children under 5 years of age. I in 200 infections leads to irreversible paralysis.

“The best protection you can give your child and community is vaccination with the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV) and the Injectable Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV). Achieving and maintaining high routine childhood immunization coverage is critical to keep every child in Nigeria safe from Polio infection.

“Our children should be given Polio vaccine immediately after delivery and every subsequent vaccination scheduled, including every immunization pluses, until after 5 years of age.

“It is hoped that this exercise will go a long way in boosting and improving the overall health status of our children in Warri South Local Government Area,” Tidi said.

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