
By Zik Gbemre
It is appalling to note how the Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC), has not only refused to repent and change, but they have completely lost every iota of shame and dignity as a supposed power Distribution Company in the country, with their persistent gross performance in the distribution of power supply in Warri and environs.
For the past several weeks now, the entire Ugboroke layout and major parts of Warri and environs, have been thrown into complete darkness without any justifiable reason by the BEDC, as a supposed power Distribution Company. Except for those the BEDC has connected to their special 33kv line, whom can afford it by buying their own Transformers and also heavily pay for the connection to the said 33kv line; the rest of us in Ugboroke layout and major parts of Warri and environs, are left with no choice but to remain in darkness.
It is a known fact that no community or country can develop in this modern age without reliable power supply. The cost of maintaining a generator (for those that can afford it), is unbearable and unsustainable, for any significant progress to be made in any economy. The BEDC has proven over the years not to have the capacity, capability, expertise and wherewithal to distribute the available power being generated in the country’s national grid. Such an incompetent power Distribution Company does not deserve to remain in the power sector.
We really do not know why it is taking too long for the Federal Government of Nigeria to promptly terminate the operating license of the BEDC. They should be shown the way out with immediate effect. We believe there are more competent and capable Power Distribution Companies out there whom the Federal Government should invite to takeover the BEDC’s coverage area of power distribution. However, we urge that the Federal Government should first promptly terminate the operating license of the BEDC, while efforts are put on top gear to get another competent Power Distribution Company to takeover the BEDC spot in the system.
We simply cannot continue with this apology of a power supply service being provided by the BEDC. Their time is up to leave!
Zik Gbemre.
National Coordinator
Niger Delta Peace Coalition (NDPC)
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