Celebrating Okowa @ 57 – National Reformer News Online

Celebrating Okowa @ 57

By Michael Tidi

WHAT fitting birthday present can one possibly give His Excellency, Dr. Ifeanyi Arthur Okowa, the Executive Governor of Delta State, a rare politician who turned   57 today if not to salute his professional touch in a state that pride itself as the finger of God? I have come to respect His Excellency since the day I first met him. By virtue of his background in medicine, Governor Okowa would appear to be professionally programmed to be cautious, painstaking, detailed and meticulous.

Governor Ifeanyi Okowa
Governor Ifeanyi Okowa

He comes across as a very respectable, strong and solid man of character.  He has poise and you could discern immediately that he is very cultured, experienced, and exposed. Whenever he opens his mouth in that soft spoken drawl, only words of wisdom with candor and sincerity flow out.

One recalls with nostalgia, the fundamental pledge of  Dr. Okowa during the electioneering period which was that Delta State was poised to witness strategic wealth creation projects and provisions of jobs for Deltans, meaningful peace building platforms aimed at political and social harmony, agricultural reforms and accelerated industrialisation, relevant health and education policies, as well as transformed environment through urban renewal if elected.

A thorough probe of key sectors in the state, showed that the governor is walking the talk of his electoral promises. This is indeed the feeling that resonates across different divides in the state. Specifically, the areas of road construction, education, urban renewal, Internally Generated Revenue, health insurance, and job creation among others, are obviously attracting the governor’s attention. In this regard, it is significant that the commitment of this transformational Governor, to equity, justice and fairness in the governance of our state has been exemplified and reiterated this past one year as has recently been echoed by key actors within the state and at the national level.

At any rate, the successful implementation of his SMART-Agenda, in the face of low revenue receipts, is  legendary. Not only did they touch on lives, they also conform with the United Nation’s eight characteristics of good governance, namely: consensus oriented, participatory, following the rule of law, effective and efficient, accountable, transparent, responsive and equitable and inclusive.

Governor Okowa’s composure also conformed to the required qualities of a leading light even though it belies his professional orientation. He is personable and has a knack for making people feel at ease around him. Though calm and unflappable, Governor Okowa could be passionate about his convictions and occasionally emotional. However, he practices the politics of civility and has been typically courteous to associates and critics alike. He eschews the intemperate jousting, discourtesy and ad hominem attacks that so many politicians favour these days, and prefer to dwell on issues rather than personalities.

By way of legacies as we summarise these reflections, what do all these teach us about the professional in politics? To start with, it teaches us that the solution to the current democratic deficit that our country is experiencing cannot emerge by posing professional as a counterpunch to politics. Am I then suggesting that all professionals in politics has the cure to the socio-economic ills plaguing the nation? That is not my view. However, it is my profound conviction that our country requires – today more than ever before – enlightened, thoughtful politicians with character and integrity who are bold and broad-minded enough to consider things which lie beyond the scope of their immediate influence and benefit. We need politicians willing and able to rise above their selfish interests, or the particular interests of their political parties or states, and act in accord with the fundamental interests of today’s humanity – that is, to behave the way everyone should behave, even though most may fail to do so. That is why I have taken time to put this piece together in commemoration of Governor Okowa’s birthday.

‘Ekwueme’, as he is fondly call, has stayed true to himself as a professional and a politician. Through trials and tribulations, through intellectual peregrinations and political vicissitudes, he has displayed love in hateful circumstances; faith where there is doubt, hope in times of despair; light in darkness and joy in sadness. He has been an instrument of peace – even with all of his foibles and frailties. A medical doctor par excellence, advocate, mentor to many of us, scholar-teacher, servant-leader, exemplar worthy of emulation; a great son of Nigeria. Honour to Governor  Okowa is not an exercise in sycophancy, it is an opportunity to bear witness to what we have lost in our own local terrain in the despicable enthronement of mediocrity at the expense of meritocracy. He is a true exemplar of progressive politics, decency and decorum.  Happy birthday Boss!

Mr. Michael Tidi , is  SA News Media to Governor Okowa of Delta State.

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