

By Zik Gbemre

We have always “constructively criticized” the PDP-led Government in Delta State for nonperformance since 1999 till date, without fear or favour and regardless of who or what is concerned. This included the 8 years tenure of former Governor Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, who, in our own score card, though performed very low than expected, but he also had some good scores that stand out, even after his reign in office. But considering the enormous revenue accrued to the State during Uduaghan’s time in Government, which was when the oil revenue wealth was at its peakiest in the country, much is left to be desired of that government. So, if we are to juxtapose the huge amount of oil and gas revenue that came to the State during Uduaghan’s two terms in Office, with the level of development achieved, the disparity that exist will not tally at all to justify the actions/inactions of his administration. But regardless of this undeniable fact, that does not mean that it was all bad and ugly. There are certain things we can pinpoint to say this is what the past administration of Uduaghan had left behind as a good legacy in Delta State.

To best explain the said disparity – while Uduaghan’s tenure witnessed a boom in terms revenues that accrued to the State, however, ‘youth restiveness’ rose to the pick in Delta State, and big Oil and Gas companies relocated in their droves from Delta State to other States. Of course, this increased and intensified the Poverty level in the State, as economic activities gradually but steadily came to near-ground-zero. But on the good side too, under Uduaghan, few polytechnics were established, and then there is his renovation/transformation agenda for most of the Government-owned Primary and Secondary Schools in the State, which were renovated into modern standard schools. Before now, these Government-owned Schools were dilapidated, decaying, worn-out, rickety and a mockery of what public schools’ ought to be. But Uduaghan changed all of that during his time in Office. The hospitals were also not left out, as they were partially upgraded.

Also, there was nothing like the Asaba Airport, whether as a proposal or as an ongoing project, before the Uduaghan Government initiated that project. Though, there were initial issues with opening the said Asaba Airport, but there were air flight transportations. Similar to this is the Osubi Airstrip Runway Expansion/Upgrade project to a Standard Airport, which the present Governor Ifenyi Okowa Government has decided to abandon. One would have expected that there should be ‘continuity’ of projects in the State by successive Governments. But that has not been the case. Uduaghan also constructed the network of roads with good drainage system in Ugboroke Layout, Effurun-Warri, as well as other similar network of roads across different areas of the State while he was Governor.

Another major achievement of the Uduaghan past Government was constructing the massive Delta Mall (popularly Known as Shoprite) located at Effurun Roundabout, and another one at Asaba the State capital. He started these shopping malls from the scratch to completion, and now people in Delta State and even from other States and cities, can boast of having such beautiful places to do their shopping, hangout with family and friends. This was not so before now. Then there is the Fly-over at the Effurun Roundabout which was also constructed/completed by Uduaghan’s government. Under Uduaghan, he inaugurated the Warri Industrial Park, but again this was abandoned by the Okowa administration.

Focusing more on Okowa, under him, Government hospitals became substandard dispensaries. And it was during the same period that we have witnessed the mass exodus of medical practitioners to overseas and other parts of the country, where they believe more opportunities exist for the growth of their careers and professionalism. Under Governor Okowa, the poverty and hardship level in the State have increased tremendiously, as the few Oil and Gas companies that remained in the State under Uduaghan’s tenure, have also relocated to other States. It was under Okowa’s reign in office that the issue of kidnapping, cultism, and youth restiveness (youth violence) became more apparent and serious insecurity problem in the State. Yet, all we keep getting and seeing from Okowa is “more and more Political Appointments” for the various “hangers” and supporters of his Government, all of which are nothing but useless appointment without well-defined portfolios and statutory responsibilities. From his list of Commissioners, to his so-called Special Advisers – down to his Senior Special Assistants of one thing or the other, which are nothing but “jobs for the boys”. From the created Asaba Development Agency, Delta State Investment Development Agency, appointment of a Senior Special Assistant (SSA) on so-called Social Advocacy, his inauguration of a 30-man so-called Advisory and Peace Building Council, to mention a few. All of which are nothing but avenues through which Delta State public funds, which ought to be used to build needed infrastructure In the State, are daily wasted on salaries/wages/fringe benefits and recurrent expenditures to maintain these “Political Appointments”.

All the public funds used by the Okowa’s administration to pay these hangers and so-called political appointees like Personal Assistants (Pas), Special Assistants (SAs), etc., are enough to build the basic infrastructure we earnestly need in the State. Can a place be developed without basic infrastructure? Governor Okowa is under the impression that he can buy politicians with these useless appointments that are without defined roles and responsibilities. And that is the best way for him to lead the people. The monies spent to sustain and pay these hangers and political appointees, if used to build basic infrastructures, such infrastructural projects will outlive Okowa’s tenure in Government House. Just like we can pin point some of the obvious achievements of Uduaghan. Governor Okowa should learn and understand that the money he uses to pay hangers and political appointees is absolute waste of public resources, which is also not sustainable. Is it not sad that under Okowa, the Osubi Airstrip has become a ghost Airstrip? What exactly will people remember Governor Okowa for?

Let us reiterate here that we are not here to defend or speak for, and on behalf of Uduaghan in any way. But we are only taking a cursory look at these things which are apparent and obvious for all to examine and honestly judge for themselves. Besides, history has a way of “recording the deeds of men” without their knowledge, and even long after they are gone.

Yes, agreed that there are so many things Uduaghan could have done in the State in terms of development, which he did not, especially with the enormous money that accrued to the State under his reign, but when we look at the the little he has done, and compared that with Okowa’s administration, what can we pinpoint exactly to credit to Okowa’s name in the State, in terms of development? Let this be Food for thought for all.

Zik Gbemre,
August 24, 2019.



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