2015: Nigerians Urge Politicians not to Arm Unemployed Youths for Elections, Implore Jonathan to Fight Corruption Squarely – National Reformer News Online

2015: Nigerians Urge Politicians not to Arm Unemployed Youths for Elections, Implore Jonathan to Fight Corruption Squarely

By Francis Sadhere


Experts from various fields have cautioned politicians not to arm unemployed Nigerians youths for dirty jobs ahead of the 2015 general elections, just as they implored President Goodluck Jonathan to seriously fight corruption.

In Warri, Delta State, speaker after speaker at the maiden edition of National Reformer Newspaper’s Discourse on State of the Nation and formal opening of ceremony of the office of the newspaper reaffirmed their unity of one Nigeria, but cautioned politicians not to see the 2015 general elections as do or die affair.

Speaking generally on the state of the nation, the speakers urged for a halt to activities of Boko Haram, saying it was harming the nation badly.

The speakers called on Nigerians to stand up for their rights instead of singing the praises of those leaders who are stealing the nation blind.

Speakers at the National Reformer Newspaper’s discourse on the State of the Nation include: Mrs. Veronica Ogbuagu, Barrister Oghenejabor Ikimi, Mr. Sunny Onuesoke, Comrade Paul Bebenimibo, Dr. Evelyn Omawumi, Barrister Robinson Ariyo, Mr. Zik Gbemre, Mr. Matthew Itsekure, Barrister Mike Ukusare and Elder Francis Salifu.

Others were; Mr. Ezele Efeme, Chief Etoromi Satchie, Mr. Joe Ambakederemo, Barrister Victor Otomiewo, Barrister David Ekereokosu, Chief Jeffrey Ojogun, Barrister David Ekerekosu, and Apostle Clement Tonfawei.

They blamed the country’s woes on politicians who, they say have turned their faces on the plight of the ordinary Nigerians, noting that corruption had eaten deep into the fabric of the nation.

While some of the speakers blamed the judiciary for not upholding the rule of law, others said the Nigerian judiciary was more corrupt than the politicians.

On the activities of the Boko Haram insurgency, the speakers unanimously agreed that poverty was not the cause of their agitation, adding that the activities of the insurgency were as a result of bad leadership.

Some also blamed the citizens for encouraging their leaders to be corrupt, stressing that they expect their leaders to wealthy when they come out of government.

The speakers called on Nigerians to stop blaming the country’s woes on President Goodluck Jonathan, noting that the country’s problems predate President Jonathan.

Earlier, the News Editor of National Reformer Newspaper, Francis Sahere, said: “It is exactly 21 years today since June 12, 1993 general election was annulled by the former military President, General Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida (IBB). Our choice of today for our discourse on the state of the nation is that we have not been able to get it right since 1993 even though our democracy has come to stay since 1999 till date. But we are not there yet. We pray we get there someday.”

“The elections are around the corner again and our politicians are on the match again. We are using this discourse on the state of the nation to appeal to our politicians that their campaigns should be issue based and not personal.

“We want to implore them too, not to buy guns for our unemployed youths to kill all of us before and after the elections. If we are all killed before the elections, who are the politicians go to lead? Give the youth gainful employments and not guns. We say enough killings in our nation. Boko Haram should halt their activities and allow our nation to know peace. Our politicians should build more schools and not prisons. They should build hospitals, they should establish industries, give us good roads and bridges. They are out with promises again, promising to build bridges for us where there are no rivers. We do not want such promises again,” he added.

He added; This National Discourse holding today in the oil rich city of Warri is our own little way of contributing our quota to the sea of problems confronting the nation. We are all aware that the nation is passing through serious challenges and this is why we want Nigerians to speak out at this time and come out with solutions.”

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