
By Zik Gbemre
It never occurred to anyone of us that the year 2020 will turn out to be what it is presently since the outbreak of the Covic-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, which had practically changed our lives and daily routine as we know it. It still seems like a mystery, that within days, close to a third of the world population and global economy is on shutdown. The situation has left leaders of all spheres of life and governments, from Kings, Queens, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Governors, Secretary-Generals of the UN, etc., to be scared, and no one can move freely as they used to.
Regardless of the fact that situation with the corona-virus is becoming gloom by the day, even though we still pray that it does not get worse in Nigeria, however I simply cannot help but also try to look at the other circumstances and changes that this pandemic has created in our lives, as well as other prevailing things our leaders need to take note in managing the situation. This is because the coronavirus is no respecter of persons, regardless of your status and position in the society. The long convoy of Security Operatives cannot help one in this situation. The amount of money in your account, status and acquired wealth (especially if this is acquired illegally), will not even guarantee your safety, apart from doing what health officials have advised/warned the populace to do. It therefore means that all that usual babblings and bragging of: “Do you know who I am? Or that “I am the strongest. Or “I am the richest man, or the most powerful, or the most intelligent man on earth; are all vanity upon vanity. Even all the so-called powerful and untouchable Nigerian politicians are all scared, and they cannot be brave to fly around the world like they used to, from one city to another and from one country to another. Practically all of them have vanished into their homes and have gone on self-isolation.
In a recent piece by Akinmutola Abayomi, a Clinical Pharmacist, he noted the adaptability of man in the wake of coronavirus. In his words: “Our way of life has drastically changed following the emergence of the dreaded Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As tough as this could be, we are being forced to suddenly change our pattern of greetings as we no longer accept hugging, kissing, and handshakes even from dearest loved ones. We have adopted the “Hindu greeting” pattern of greeting with either a slight bow and our own palms pressed together. Others simply give a wave, elbow bump or even leg shakes. Our appearances and cosmetic look have also suddenly changed over the last few weeks. People are fully clothed with hand-gloves and face masks all day long, even though a number of them do not still know when and how to properly use these protective gears. Some still see this as disrespectful, but it is what it is, and we have no other choice rather than to readjust our lifestyles and maintain social distancing.
“In all of this, the reality check is that we have realized our wrong doings, our over-reliance on foreign goods, foreign food, foreign expertise and even foreign health care. We have discovered our creative potentials as individuals and as a nation. We have learned to produce, cherish and value our indigenously made items such as the alcohol-based hand-sanitizers and face masks due its gross scarcity. Not only this, we have found time to co-exist even along party/religious/social-class/ethnic lines, and care for each other. This is simply because, if we fail to do so, our immediate neighbors, friends, enemies, colleagues, or family members can easily infect us with the virus. Nations of the world with opposing views, has swallowed their pride, thrown away their differences and briskly settled in search for help. There have been numerous philanthropic donations in cash, supports, and provision of preventable equipment from notable personalities, from different walks of life, with the likes of Bill Gates, Jack Ma, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Roger Federer, Aliko Dangote, Folorunsho Alakija and others around the world as front liners. This is in a bid to reduce the tension and to prevent deaths arising from the virus. We urge others to do the same.
“With the high incidence and prevalence of Coronavirus (COVID-19) each day, it is therefore a threat to every sector of our economy and also a teacher for all of us to learn, DO AWAY WITH GREED which has buffeted us as humans and adjust our lifestyles accordingly. This timely lesson, should obviously make us easily co-exist in peace with others on this planet earth. Pharmaceutical companies across the world are in the race to develop a vaccine that will grant protection on healthy individual against the disease and a possible drug to cure those already infected. Many of these companies have gone into partnership to do so. We could only hope and pray that God who is the Almighty and the great revealer of deep and secret things, gives them wisdom and insight into a possible timely solution.”
Also, recently, a thought-provoking post, said to be by an ex-MP (Member of Parliament) in one of the Asian Countries that went viral on social media, tried to look at the bright side of this deadly disease, which has rampaged the world. The said message looked at the advantages that have arisen as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. It started with: “DONT CURSE THE CORONAVIRUS – It has brought back humanity; Brought back people to their Creator and to their morals; It has closed down bars, night clubs, brothels and casinos; It brought down interest rates; Brought families together; It has stopped people eating dead and forbidden animals; it has moved one third of military expenditure to health care; Arab countries have banned shisha; Coronavirus is pushing people to prayers; It undermines dictators and their powers; Humans are now worshipping God rather than progress and technology; It is forcing authorities to look at its prisons and prisoners; It has taught humans how to sneeze, yawn and cough; Coronavirus is now making us stay at home, living simple lives. We thank God for waking us up to reality and for giving us an opportunity to ask Him for His Forgiveness and His help.”
Without a doubt, these are valid points worth making us to think as humans, and also make life adjustments in areas where we have lost our senses and conscience. Perhaps, this outbreak will make us, especially our political leaders, to change their ways, and consider those things that should be priorities in life from those that are not.
Interesting, Coronavirus conspiracy theories are now rife on the internet with many people theorizing where the virus came from. The one that intrigued me most is in a song tilted: Natural Mystic by legendary Bob Marley. The song spoke of: “There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air. If you listen carefully now you will hear. This could be the first trumpet, might as well be the last; Many more will have to suffer, Many more will have to die – don’t ask me why. Things are not the way they used to be. I won’t tell no lie. One and all have to face reality now…There’s a natural mystic blowing through the air…”
In another side, some people have claimed coronavirus was foretold by the 16th-century physician Nostradamus. Others have said the virus was prophesied in the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Christian Bible that spoke mostly of the end of time and things to expect. Many have also unearthed a passage from a book penned in 2008 by the self-titled psychic, Sylvia Browne. In the book titled: End of Days: Predictions and Prophecies about the End of the World, Ms Browne predicted a widespread pneumonia pandemic in 2008. Although, the coronavirus is not outright pneumonia, the virus can trigger flu-like and pneumonia-like symptoms. But what exactly did Ms Browne, who died in 2013, say? Her book reads: “In around 2020 a severe pneumonia-like illness will spread throughout the globe, attacking the lungs and the bronchial tubes and resisting all known treatments. Almost more baffling than the illness itself will be the fact that it will suddenly vanish as quickly as it has arrived, attack again 10 years later, and then disappear completely.” For us, whether it was just a good guess or she actually had a premonition about the Coronavirus, we will never know. The book was written five years after the 2002 to 2003 SARS epidemic, so Ms Browne likely based her prediction on that event. But during her life, the psychic was also often criticized for making predictions that were later found to be false. In 2006, she infamously said a group of miners trapped after a mine explosion at Sago mine in West Virginia, would likely not be found. The miners were later found alive and rescued.
That being said, with the way the Coronavirus pandemic has hit the entire world, there is no better time for humanity to wake up from their selfishness other than now, and start being our brothers’ keepers. Especially in a place like Nigeria, where the height of ‘Insatiable Greed’ and ‘Selfishness’ is at roof top, particularly amongst the political leaders against the people. As noted by one Reverend Father Sunday in another well circulated video on social media, while explaining that famous scripture talked about how to love others. In his words: “Love your neighbor as yourself – Why did God not say ‘more than yourself’? So, your self-love is the measure your love for others. So, first of all, before you judge people, check if they really love themselves. Like Nigerian leaders. Do they really love themselves? If you go abroad, who are those who use Sirens on the roads? It is the Ambulance that carry’s sick people. Here in Nigeria, who are the people who use Sirens? (our politicians), So, are they well? That is how selfish they are.
“Nigerian problem is not corruption. Our problem is Greed. If you give me N6billion I will not wake up tomorrow. It will kill me. I don’t know what am going to do with it. I can’t count it. I fit no wake up – heart attack. I will just give it to the poor around me and go away. Give it to your neighbors. Give us good roads, good hospitals, good schools; give us our salaries make we chop go church, go live life and help others. But only you carry N1billion, N2billion, N3billion; you know well! You need Doctor. I have said this before. SOME OF OUR LEADERS ARE NOT BAD PEOPLE WHO NEED TO BE GOOD, THEY ARE SICK PEOPLE WHO NEED TO BE WELL. It is like a husband who eats N18,000 per sitting, and enjoying himself with a side-babe, and then goes to his house and give his wife N5,000 for food. Is that man different, or more than our typical Nigerian political leaders?
“So, WE ARE TO LOVE OURSELVES, AND LOVE OTHERS ACCORDING TO HOW WE LOVE OURSELVES. Let nobody deceive you that our leaders do not know what to do. When you enter their private compound, you will see well-interlocked paved entrance road and walkways, clean environment, security all over, and one unserious son in the house, with Dstv and constant electricity. So, na we dey good to dey pass roads wen dem no fix for two years, three years and more. So, them no wetin them supposed do. Them they eat well, rob better cream, their face fresh like tomatoes, wear beta clothes. So, na we good to remain as kpakos. GOD GO JUDGE ALL OF US BECAUSE THEY’VE NOT LOVED US WELL AS THEY LOVE THEMSELVES. And their anthropology is bad. We need to pray for our leaders, not because they are bad and need to be good, but because they are sick and they need to be healed… I love them, but I don’t love their actions. Don’t harbor grudge in your heart against them. Be holy, for your Father is holy.”
The above message is obviously for everyone, especially our Nigerian political leaders. But again, since the Coronavirus issue became a global pandemic, most of us have not been thinking about our personal problems and challenges. Those problems and issues we were crying about weeks ago do not even cross our minds for now. Suddenly, all our pursuits in businesses, investments, careers, academic, ministries, relationships, etc. are no longer important for now. Right now, our strongest urge is to live, and the only thing we are stocking in our homes is food. Many are equally running back to God. All we want and pray for now is for the world to come back to normal. While everyone is advised to stay at home, it should also be noted that Quarantine is in the Bible. Isaiah 26:20 read: “Go home, my people, and lock your doors! Hide yourselves for a little while until the Lord’s anger has passed.” As far as many can tell, it is as if God is angry with humanity because we have deviated from the right ways, especially as leaders of Christianity, Islam and other religions, including world leaders. Men and women have prided themselves to think that they can do without God, and they are all and all. This has made many so arrogant, full of pride and selfishness. Especially on the part of Nigerian politicians. They daily strive to deceive, live in LIES, DECEPTION, and then think they are smarter than everyone else. But here we are – see how just one pandemic has humbled all of them like the ordinary man on the street.
THIS SPEAKS VOLUME AS TO THE THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER IN LIFE. It is very obvious how much we need other people in life. No matter how lofty your plans may be, no matter how intelligent you are, you need other people to function. You need the systems of the world to run normally for you to executive your plans. Your desires and pursuits cannot be achieved in isolation. Also, Apostle Paul said 1st Timothy 6:6-8: “Now godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.” So, when this crisis is over, do not ever forget that Godliness + Contentment = Great Gain, and that’s what gives total rest in life.
Together, we can ‘heal the world’ if only each and everyone of us would play their part, in consideration to others. Like the lyrics of the famous song in the 80s: “We Are The World” – noted: “There comes a time – When we heed a certain call – When the world must come together as One – There are people dying, Oh and it’s time to lend a hand to life – the greatest gift of all. We can’t go on Pretending day-by-day – That someone, somewhere soon make a change. We’re all a part of God’s great big family – And the truth, you know, love is all we need. We are the world – We are the children – We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let’s start giving – There’s a choice we’re making – We’re saving our own lives – It’s true we’ll make a better day, just you and me…”
Zik Gbemre.
We Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes