
By Zik Gbemre
The subject was from a quote reported to be from Nobel laureate, Prof. Wole Soyinka, who said: “Only in Africa will thieves be regrouping to loot again and the youths whose future is being stolen will be celebrating it…” While he referred to the whole of Africa as having this problem, but we all know that this is predominantly evident in Nigeria, which is supposedly the Giant of Africa. We would also like to narrow it down more to the Niger Delta areas, as a good example of where this situation is prevalent.
Indeed, Soyinka’s statement is very correct, especially as it relates to Nigeria because the country is the only one that political leaders that are nothing but thieves, and even convicted former public office holders, are still celebrated as heroes and mentors, particularly by the youths. Their usual response to anyone that tries to criticize or expose these ‘public thieves’, is: “na our brother. Na only him thief self. Leave am alone.” They give useless justification and excuses in support of such thievery in the public space by one of their own in and out of Government space. With such prevailing situations in the Nigeria, how on earth can such a country develop. How can the youths of such a nation, who are leaders of tomorrow, imbibe the virtues of hard work, honesty, diligence and patriotism when given the opportunity to serve their fatherland in any capacity?
As the example of what we are focusing on, we can say that the Niger Delta politicians who have been known to regroup to steal public funds meant for the development of the region, are simply wicked, inhuman, cruel and heartless for ‘deliberately’ impoverishing their own people for years, especially right from 1999 till date. It is sad that these Niger Delta politicians have all these years, simply appropriated our collective wealth to satisfy their insatiable greed as well as that of their families, friends, fronts and allies. And like I said, some of these Niger Delta politicians are still being praised and celebrated by majority of the people for their looting of our collective wealth, including those of them that have been jailed for their corrupt practices. And they keep doing this without any iota of remorse or repentance. Sadly, those Niger Deltans who dare to expose and oppose these corrupt Niger Delta politicians, are often labeled “trouble-makers”, “blackmailers”, “spoilers” and all sorts of labels to “give them a bad name.” some of these corrupt Niger Delta politicians even go to the extent of paying the ‘poor’ masses to humiliate those opposing/exposing them, for simply standing out boldly to condemn their evil doings.
In the Niger Delta region alone, we have the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), the Niger Delta Ministry, plus other established Development Intervention Commissions/Agencies by State governments of the region. There is also the 13 per cent derivation revenue and Federal Allocations from the Federal Government, all meant for the development of the region. But despite all of these, the Niger Delta region is still one of the most underdeveloped regions in Africa and indeed in the world. And it is simply because all the monies ever budgeted/allocated for the development of the region, are looted with reckless abandon and impunity by the same Niger Delta politicians and the people crying for marginalization and neglect. If all the public funds ever voted/budgeted for/in the Niger Delta region development were judiciously implemented with all ‘sincerity of purpose’; we are very certain that by now, there will not be any word like ‘riverine and creek areas’ used to describe most parts of the Niger Delta region.
Apparently, this deplorable ‘corrupt-ridden atmosphere’ prevalent in Nigeria, especially in the Niger Delta areas, have left us with youths and general masses who are more interested in the ‘peanuts’ being dished out to them by the political thieves, while some of them are being loyal to those in Government positions, so that they too can be given the opportunity to go into public space to start their own looting. And so, does the vicious circle continues. And that is why today, we are left with youths, as supposed leaders of tomorrow, who do not understand the principles of hard work and contentment. It is alien to our culture and heritage to value money, fame, titles and status over worthy virtues like hard work, contentment, honesty, integrity, empathy, love for one another, etc.
In this part of the country, it is sad to see what most of our younger generation are very good at doing – which is to ‘escort politicians’ as bouncers/political thugs. The attitude of the Nigerian youths towards making a living, is really nothing to write home about. It is appalling to note that some of these Nigerian youths have just become too lazy and prefers the ‘easy path’ to success in life than paying the price of hard work, diligence, patience and integrity to make it. Some of them prefer begging and hailing Nigerian politicians with praises like ‘Ose’ – meaning Father, all in attempt to be given free money for their pockets and grooving. But how long will these Nigerian youths be looking for such ‘free money’? And the reason why all of this is happening, is simply because they see the older generation, and some of their mates who were privileged to be in positions of power; becoming millionaires and billionaires overnight without doing much. So, many of them presume that, that is how life should be.
Today, it is also funny that the same youths who claim that the Nigerian politicians are the ones who usually use them in snatching ballot boxes or cause other electoral malpractices during elections, and later dump them after elections, are also the ones who have willingly agreed to play such thuggery roles. They allow themselves to be used by these Nigerian politicians, and they still complain at the end of the day after taking Greek gifts. As a result of making themselves ‘idle’ and ‘unproductive to the society’, these Nigerian youths have made themselves available to be used by non-performing Nigerian politicians to actualize their selfish agendas. Many of them also, who prefer to walk on the fast-lane of life, have resorted to being ‘Yahoo-boys’ in perpetrating cyber-crimes, kidnapping, armed robbery, or engage in illegal bunkering/oil theft/pipeline vandalization/illegal refinery activities.
Then there is the elites in our society, who I blame more in this regard, especially those who ought to know better by virtue of their status, position and enlightenment in the society; but have chosen to still ‘worship’ and ‘doballe’, and ‘follow-follow’ these Public Thieves in their misguided ways, which are often to the detriment of the general masses and the development of the region and the nation. This claim of ownership of thieves/crooks in and out of Government space, should stop. That mindset of “he/she is our brother/sister, and so we should leave him/her alone”, is what is killing the country as a nation. Why should the Elites of the region and the nation be comfortable with this? Or our people being proud to claim ownership of the thieves amongst them?
If we, as Nigerians, or as Niger Deltans, keep ‘celebrating’ and ‘singing praises’ of those in and out of Government/Public space, who have grossly looted our collective public wealth (for their selfish use), meant for the development of their States, the region and the entire nation, then we have no business ‘complaining about the underdevelopment of the Niger Delta region and the country. If we continue to celebrate and praise, obviously corrupt political leaders for having stolen our ‘collective wealth’ meant for the development of the region and the nation, then we seriously do not have the right to complain that the Niger Delta region and the nation have remained underdeveloped in spite of the riches surrounding it. It is as simple as that!
Until we start holding our political leaders accountable and ‘constantly boo and shame them’ (even in public) whenever they mess up, and not sing their praise or celebrate them for doing nothing, we will continue to remain undeveloped in all ramifications.
Zik Gbemre.
June 26, 2020.
*We Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes*