NYCN Urges Nigerians to Support President Jonathan’s Administration – National Reformer News Online

NYCN Urges Nigerians to Support President Jonathan’s Administration

NATIONAL Youths Council of Nigeria (NYCN) has called on Nigerians to support President Goodluck Jonathan’s quest to take Nigeria to greater height just as they lauded his determination and zeal  in piloting the affairs of the county.

In a Communique issued at the end of NYSN South-South Zonal meeting of state Chairmen and Leaders of Voluntary Youths Organizations (VYO’S) held at Apex Hilton Hotel, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, the Council enjoined all Nigerians to support the administration of President Jonathan.

NYCN also commended Hon. Abdulkadir Inuwa, Minister for Youth Development for his support towards advancing youths development in the country and pledged to support his programmes, saying they had confidence in him.

The Council passed a vote of confidence on the newly elected National Executive of the NYSN led by Comrade Yakubu Shendam and that of the South-South Zone led by Ambassador Hope George (Vice President, South-South Zone) who emerged at the just concluded Makurdi 2013 congress of the NYSN.

The Communique was signed by Ambassador Hope George, Comrade Omomila Michael (Deputy Chairman, NYSN, Edo State), Comrade Fuludu Raphael P. (National Secretary, National Asociation of Volunteer Effort), Comrade Esse Umoh (Chairman NYSC, Akwa Ibom State), Mrs. Chidi Ugeh (National President, Girls Brigade), Comrade Okojaja Bethel (Member Congress Planning Committee, Makurdi, 2013) and Comrade Arwoke Eloroghene (Member, Electoral Committee, Makurdi 2013).

They also commended the Congress Planning Committee (CPC) and the Electoral Committee for a job well done in ensuring a successful National Congress in Makurdi that gave birth to the long awaited Executive Committee of the NYSN and congratulated the leadership of Board of Trustee (BOT) and Advisory Council of NYSN led by Ambassador Akor Dickson and Chief Ben Duntoye respectively.

They equally commended all the state Governors of the South-South zone for their developmental strides and appealed to them to come out with more youth development programmes.

But the leadership of the zone condemned in totality the action of “some deviant youths who instead of embracing the outcome of the just concluded congress took to unwarranted protest to misinform the general public.”

According to the Communique, “The leadership of the zone hereby disassociates itself from these un-progressive youths and called on them to accept the result of the congress in good faith and support the executives in their own little way in other to take the council to greater height, as the overall interest of the Council supersedes personal interest.”

The Port-Harcourt meeting, it was learnt, was well attended by four state Chairmen, heads of seven National recognized Voluntary Youths organizations from the South-South zone and representatives of the zone in the Congress Planning Committee (CPC) and electoral Committee (ELECO) in the just concluded Makurdi 2013 Unity Congress.

In Port-Harcourt, it was further learnt, the leaders deliberated on the state of the Nation and the recently concluded NYCN Makurdi 2013 Unity Congress.

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