THE CREATION OF TEACHERS “GOD’S MODE” – National Reformer News Online


Pearl Amayo

While the good Lord was creating teachers, he was into His sixth day of overtime when the angel appeared and said, you are doing a lot of fiddling around with this one and the lord said “have you read the specs on this order? She has to stand above all her students yet be on their level; be able to do 180 other things not connected with the subject she teaches; run on coffee, coke, left overs communicate vital knowledge and be right: have as much and sometimes more time for her job than she does for herself; have a smile that can endure everything from practical jokes to pay cuts, go on teaching when parents questions her every move and the administration doesn’t understand, and also have six pairs of hands.

The angel shook her head slowly and said six pairs of hands! Not possible. ’its’ not causing me problems,” said the Lord” it’s the three pairs of eyes that teachers have to have.

‘is that on the standard model? The angel asked. The lord nodded,

‘one pair that can see a student for what he is and not what society has labelled him. Another pair must be in the back of her head , to see what she shouldn’t but what she has to know. Of course ,the ones here in front can look at a child when he goofs up and reflect , ‘I understand and I still believe in you.

‘without so much as uttering a word. “Lord” said the angel, touching his sleeve gently

‘Come to bed. Tomorrow. I, cant said the lord. “I’m so close to CREATING SOMETHING SO CLOSE TO MYSELF. Already I have one who comes to work when she is too sick, can still teach a class when they don’t want to learn; loves thousands of children that are not her own and all of this in both sexes. And wait until you see my special Ed teacher! she is truly special ; she will never take anything her students do for granted.

The angel circled the model of the teacher very slowly “it ‘s too soft , she sighed” but tough., said the Lord excitedly. “ you cannot imagine what this teacher can do or endure”” can she think ?” Not only can she think ,but she can reason and compromise “ finally the angel bent over and ran her fingers across the cheek of the teacher “ there’s a leak” she pronounced “told you that you were putting too much into this model . you cant’ imagine the stress factor. The lord moved in for a closer look and gently lifted the drop of moisture to His finger where it glistened and sparkled in the light.

It’s not a leak .

‘ He said “it’s a tear” a “tear? Asked the angel. “ what is it for? “its for joy, sadness, pain ,loneliness, and pride” “You are a genius” said the angel. The Lord looked sober “ I didn’t put it there”

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