Ethiope West L.G Boss: Then and Now …. Where Are We? – National Reformer News Online

Ethiope West L.G Boss: Then and Now …. Where Are We?

By Kparobo Ehvwubare

Life really is full of lamentation. Little wonder the book oflamentations captured it this way when it noted… how solitary the city was, full of people and how she became a window. She that was great among the nations; and princess among the province; how she has become tributary.

Similarly, the book of Ecclesiastes described life as vanity upon vanity which it noted was all vanity. The thing that has been, that which shall be and that which is done is that shall be done and there is no new thing under the sun (Eccl. 1:9). As the world is becoming smaller and Nigeria and of course Ethiope west as part is becoming so minute.

Activities of the ‘then and now’ are two opposite poles. The Ethiope west of Hon. Wilson Omene, Hon. Precious Ajaino and that of ours today is antagonistic of trio.

If the administration of Hon. Dr. Wilson Omene brought 60% development to the local government, it is expected that Hon. Precious Ajaino should upgrade it to 80% or more while his successor Solomon Golley should do better.

Before now, Mr. Solomon Golley was claimed to be God sent occasioned by his humility and as someone who is closer to the people, would ameliorate the plights of the people through massive people oriented projects and programmes, what went wrong?

In his first 90 days in office, he pretended to be who he is not,.used SURE-P fund to tie Ovie palace road of less than 600 meters, repairs some bad spots of Oghara dual carriage way and that of Edjemuoyavwe road leading to the Delta State University Teaching Hospital, Oghara and built NULGE office half way, only God knows when it will completed with the current situation. All these were done with SURE-P funds.

Solomon Golley, whom I know 2010-2012, was not the person I know now when I was wooed into one of his campaign team as National Secretary (Solomon Golley for Excellence Esteem and dreams). In my own capacity as the chief scribe, I succeeded in preaching his gospel and bringing all aggrieved persons on board. Of course I am not Omniscient that would know the heart of men. Subtle Solomon Golley pretended to be a saint as at then.

I was in sober yesterday, seeing youths, women even the popular Oghara Orator (original mozel) was not an exception pouring encomiums.and realigning with Precious Ajaino; (Immediate past L.G chairman); at the palace for his strength forwardness during his sojourn at the council boss.

 And I asked myself, was this Solomon Golley I knew four years ago? 70% of the people are already fed up with him occasioned by his empty promises, vague decision and his subtle deeds. Truth is like a water.prove, if buried remains the same.

As the Delta State House of Assembly swooped on Hon. Baro over alleged fraud, fear grips Golley who jetted out of the country zoom in occasion by some skeleton in his cupboard as he ordered the repairs of some of the council vehicles begging the council Lawmakers to shed him.

Investigations revealed that in the last three months, he had jetted out of the country abandoning his official duties, with tax payers money for more than 3 times for reasons that was not disclosed.

Only God knows, if Solomon Golley has plans for the people of Ethiope west local government. His predecessor built a standard skill acquisition situated along Chief James Ibori way, Oghara, perhaps he did not know what to do. Hmmm the people’s Chairman!

His apathy towards the good people of Ethiope west has become the order of the day. Mr. Chairman Sir, where is ‘my people will rejoice when elected of yours mantra’? Please sit up and I see God helping you in that direction in Jesus Name. Amen.

Kparobo Ehvwubare, is a public affairs analyst, social critics, media

and ICT consultant.

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