Nigeria’s Foremost Digital Youth Development Platform launched in Warri  – National Reformer News Online

Nigeria’s Foremost Digital Youth Development Platform launched in Warri 

In commemoration with the African Youth Day, a Youth leader Comrade (Engr.) Fuludu Raphael Peremene an alumnus of  President Barrack Obama Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) on Wednesday lunched Nigeria’s Foremost Digital Youth Development Platform (

While addressing newsmen during the occasion, Peremene said that November 1st is a unique day set aside yearly by Africa Union (AU) to promote the increased recognition of youths as key agent for social change.

He added that as a day set aside to also promote economic growth and sustainable development in all areas of African Society,  the timing of the lunch if such an unprecedented platform is a gift to young Africans with emphasis on Nigerians, to help meet challenges bordering on youth development in contemporary times.

Comrade Peremene further noted that haven been given the privileges to represent youths at Local, State, National and International levels, he understands their demographic strengths as well feels the pulse of the youths.

He said he thought it wise to bring his vast experience to bear in proffering solutions to the enormous challenges young people are facing through the invention of  “Nigeria’s Foremost Digital Youth Development Platform” (

Peremene also said that the platform is designed to create easy access to strategic solutions to curb unemployment, lack of essential skill, lack of capital, poor visibility, poor guidance, loss of youth culture, and much more.

He added that it was in this regard that African Union Heads of State and Government declared the theme for 2017 Africa Youth Day as “Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investments in Youth.”

Peremene said he envisioned a nation of unlocked opportunities for young people, admonishing youths of this generation, whom he describes as blessed to exist at a time the world seem to be more globalized than ever with the advent of emerging technologies, to take advantage of the digital platform ( to better their lives and the continent at large.

“The strategy I have put in place is leveraged on the ICT Age to drive this platform that is designed to unlock opportunities through the hosting and promoting; human resources/allied competencies, employment, skill acquisition, innovations, products and services, discount access support for various categories of youths (students, coppers, unemployed and micro entrepreneurs), youth wall of fame, youth programme guide, success guide, e.t.c.,” Peremene said.

He added that services will be available 24hrs to millions of internet users within Nigeria and other online readers internationally.

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