By Zik Gbemre
Some recent weeks, a publication caught my attention that I could not help but wonder what sort of misplacement of priorities should we tag it. And that is the donation of N5billion to a Church Project by Theophilus Y. Danjuma, who, during his speech at the Centenary Anniversary Award night of Cathedral Church of Christ, Marina Lagos, aligned himself with the ambitious Centenary City and advised that the said project must not be rushed, and that aside the said N5billion he gave to the project, he also promised to support it with N1billion every year. That means, after the initial N5billion donation, for every year the project will last, Danjuma will support the said project with N1billion.
As far as I am concerned, the said huge amount being donated by Danjuma for the Church Project, including the amount he promised to support the Project yearly, is absolute waste of scarce resources and a complete misplacement of priorities. Sometimes I wonder how these Nigerian elites and leaders across all boards think and reason, when it comes to spending money. Some of such donations and nothing but a ‘show off,’ or probably a distractive method to keep public eyes away from the individual, especially as regards the source of their wealth. Whatever the case may be, the question I cannot help but ask is, how does donating such huge amount of money toward a Church Project, uplift the sufferings and hardship being experienced daily by Nigerians all around these wealthy people? How does such a Project better the living standards of even the Church members of the said Church? These questions are imperative because it is very obvious that the said Centenary City Project of the Church, will end up being executed for the benefit of the rich amongst them. Just like we have so many Schools and Universities today that were built with Church Offerings/Tithes/Donations of Church members concerned, but are too expensive and not affordable by majority of the same Church members concerned.
That is why I believe that this so-called donation and yearly support by Danjuma, over the said Church Project, is nothing but a waste and misplaced priority. Though, Danjuma is entitled to how he wants to spend his wealth on whatever thing he likes, but I think God will appreciate him more if he spends this money on those who really desperately need it, and not allow it end up in the pockets of Pastors, Bishops, Church Elders and Leaders.
If I were Theophilus Y. Danjuma, rather than spend my money on such Church Project, I will channel it towards creating a Scholarship platform strictly for the less privileged and poor indigenous students at the local community levels whose families cannot afford to send their wards/children to good Schools and higher Institutions. While I do not know if Danjuma is already doing something like this in his Community, it still does not matter because If I were him, I will still do more in this regard by sponsoring the education of School Dropouts at the local Community levels. It is never enough, considering the enormous number of School Dropouts and those unable to go to school at all, in Nigeria.
If I were Theophilus Y. Danjuma, another aspect that will be a very good option to spend such an amount of funds, is to start addressing the existing lacuna in country as regard Caring For The Elderly and Older Generation in our midst – by setting up well-equipped and well-staffed Homes For The Elderly in every State across the country, just like we see in developed countries. With N5billion and yearly support of N1billion, so many lives of the elderly amongst us will be greatly touched and changed in every State of the Federation. It is a known fact that Old age, especially those within the bracket of 90years+ referred to as the Older-old; often brings about a whole lot of problems from health, social, emotional, psychological and decreasing functional capacity which may affect the sense of wellbeing as individuals and the quality of life. Other than health problems and functional impairments to which most elderly persons are vulnerable to, old age in Nigeria may predispose them to some social and economic problems. Poverty is rife in the country and elderly persons may be more at risk since they are no longer in the economically active phase of life and THERE IS NO NATIONAL SOCIAL SECURITY TO PROVIDE ECONOMIC BUFFER IN OLD AGE. Access to health care is severely limited both by paucity of health facilities and manpower. Social network is dwindling and traditional family support is decreasing as urbanization and migration take young members of the family away.
The bottom line is that, there is need for the younger generation, and the society at large, to show more love and care for the older-old in our families, and possibly make their last days on earth, a not too burdensome experience before their inevitable exit. Besides, we all, no matter your age today, will someday be in those same shoes of the elderly, and then you would fully understand what the older-old around you were passing through. As such, the Elderly amongst us can be taken care of with such funds, instead of giving it to a Church. In Europe/America the old retired people are made to retire to the Old People’s Homes built by their Government and some Corporate Bodies. And those that are well to do, retire to their private homes often built in the countryside – outside the bustling cities. Just a click on Google Search on this particular issue, you will be presented with pictures of the sad State of Nigerian retirees, and when you compare that with the European retirees. You would see the European retirees obviously happy and well catered/taken care of as they are often seen dinning and feasting in their very comfortable Government-built Retiree Homes. While on the other hand, a look at our Nigerian retirees are pictures with so much pain, grief, frustration, sadness, disappointment and anguish. Worst part is that they are often made to sit on bare floors, stand for long hours on queues just to wait for their retirement benefits as usual, which oftentimes will never get to them in their lifetimes.
So, if I were Danjuma, these are charitable areas I can channel my money on and leave indelible marks in the lives of the down trodden in our society. And not waste such monies donating to a Church Project, which I am very certain a large portion of that money, will end up in the pockets of individuals.
Truth is, God remains the creator/maker/sustainer of everything in this life. From the air we breath, the rain that falls, to the Sunlight that brightens our day. In other words, there is absolutely nothing we can give to God, other than obey His Word, and care for/help those in our midst. Especially those who cannot pay us back for the good done. This would be a more endearing venture to embark on by Danjuma, with his Billions of Naira, and not waste such money on a so-called Church Project. This is simply my take on this issue!
Zik Gbemre.
January 7, 2020
We Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes as if Those Were Our Causes