I am poised to make a legacy – BYCAS Rector …commends Governor Dickson on Educational policies
By Felix Jeremiah
Dr. Jeremiah Yabefa is the Pioneer Rector Bayelsa State college of Arts and Science (BYCAS) which is now upgraded to polytechnic status in running accredited National Diploma and other certificate courses, the school also runs interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (I.J.M.B) which is an officiate of Ahmadu Bello University. The proactive Rector, while answering questions from our correspondent Mr. Felix Jeremiah, he bares his mind on several issues concerning the Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science, especially, the issues of accreditation of courses, academic standard and also highlighting his brief score card, as the pioneer Rector of BYCAS Excerpts:
As a pioneer Rector of the reputable School and erudite scholar, can you tell us how the school is been run for the past four years of its existence and can you give the score card?

The Bayelsa State College of Arts and Science is going on fine. The school is being established to increase middle class man power development, well qualified lecturers in various departments, very dutiful lecturers and non academic staff in running the school to this level, which can compete favorably with other schools in Nigeria. I am proud of my working team and the respected students community who are working in harmony with me to realize the set goals of the school in training middle class man power development in a bid to make students self reliant after graduation.
We have a National Board for Technical Education (NBTE) that oversees our activities. The board coordinates our programs. In my achievements less than one and half years ago, I was able to accredit some of the programs in the school from (NBTE), which I think is a great achievement because for you to start a polytechnic, you must have accredited programmes so that students who graduate from the school may not have any cause to riot. You know that for a school to get accreditation is not an easy task. It has laid down principles and for the school to have accreditation for one and half years that is one of my greatest achievements. Right now, we have six accredited programmes. We have Interim Joint Matriculation Board Examination (IJMB), an affiliate of Ahmadu Bello University, three programmes accredited by (NBTE), a law program and information communication Technology programme and as I speak, more than two hundred and fifty students have graduated, those who score very high during their graduation were automatically given employment by Bayelsa State Government, basically in ICT level, while the National Diploma (ND) programmes are on, it is a two years programme. So, we are on course and I thank the Bayelsa State Government for the support giving to the school in realizing to these great esteem developments. Also, I appreciate my staff and students for their cooperation so far
Sir, can you be specific about the accredited programmes in the school?
They are computer science, accountancy and statistics, they are ND programmes, and good enough, we have well equipped ICT laboratories that the students can utilize while performing their practicals.
Recently, a reputable organization gave us one Hundred and ten laptops to enhance the ICT dream in the school. We are grateful to the president of the federal republic of Nigeria for the kind gesture and I belief, more bodies will still support us in due course. So, these are good things within this short period of time.
Vividly sir, can you tell us when other courses will be accredited since only four courses are been accredited presently?
As I told you, getting accreditation is not an easy task. It is under the provision and supervision of NBTE and you must have your minimum requirements for them to give you a accreditation of other viable
courses in the school. When the requirements are met, we will surely be accredited in such areas like, banking and finance, Computer Engineering, mass communication and other courses. We will invite them to inspect and see things for themselves for our accreditation.
Can you highlight the policy frame work of accreditation of NBTE?
It is not like before when you will just Jump out to establish polytechnic. Polytechnic is all about middle
manpower development and minimum requirement is needed before accreditation is normally granted to schools. The minimum requirements are the particular equipments needed for the students to use
adequately in the course of their studies. In fact, the minimum requirements are spelt-out in different programmes. You need to have enough computers, laptops, chemicals, power generating set (s) and they will come and inspect how viable your equipments are. It is not all about paper work.
Sir, from my investigation I was made to understand that about
fifteen million naira was expended in the accreditation of courses. With such huge amount of money, why is it that only few courses?
The process of accreditation of courses is not done in one day. It is a process. Advisory visitors will come, supervisors will come, and the courses that were not accredited did not meet the required
academic standard. but, we will try to ensure that the needed attention will be given for the accreditation of courses even in the science based courses. We will invite them again because it is a continuous process as far as course accreditation is concern. Like the money you are stressing, we used the money judiciously. We bought chairs and you can go and check our laboratories. Part of the computers there was bought with the money. The fixing of burglary proofs and the furnishing of the laboratories were all part of that money you are talking about. We have made judicious use of that money. For you to start a project in pioneering level is not easy. But, I promise to lay a solid foundation and I have to manage what I have to the best of my ability. I pledge to leave a legacy for posterity.
Sir, can you tell us your relationship with the former commissioner of Education Mr. Salo Adikumo. I was told you were so influenced by the ministry, especially your projects execution in the school?
Well, the former Bayelsa State Commissioner for Education, Mr. Salo Adikumo is a very proactive commissioner and he is just like my father. He made me to be very proactive and our relationship is very
cordial. As Education commissioner, he was very helpful in so many things. The speaker of Bayelsa State House of Assembly Rt. Hon. Konbowei Benson is very good in policy direction.
As a Renowned school administrator, and astute Academician, can you tell us your challenges in piloting this educational institution to this level of development that has been applauded by Bayelsans and Nigerians at Large?
Well, as far as I am concerned, when I was appointed, I was appointed as a Rector along side with the Bursar. I formed the school management team and for the fact that I want to make a mark, I dragged all of them to work assiduously with me. For you to make any head way in achievements, there must be good leadership style. There is peace, love and unity amongst us. Although to be frank with you, there are administrative challenges, but we are always able to contain them and solve them amicably. We have problem of logistics, provision of official cars, among others as an institute that is so vase in circle. As I speak, as a rector I don’t have an official car but I know Government will provide one soon.
As a full pledged polytechnic have you received funds from Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND) and is the school affiliated to JAMB?
We are just two years plus, minus the months for the ravaging recent flood. So you can see that one and half years in real academic work we are in the process and very soon we will be receiving from TETFUND to execute some viable projects in the school. We will surely build some structures.
The school is affiliated to JAMB for the conduct of Exams and admission processing. Actually, JAMB is responsible for admitting students into the institution. We are in the JAMB brochure, but the law
faculty is not. The college recognizes the law faculty, which can basically be applied for direct entering into accredited universities.
For maintenance, such as fuel, NEPA bills, from my investigation, I was told that huge sum of money, is allocated to this department, over seven million, but the money allocated is not commiserated or not so reflected. Several complain here and there, what is your take sir?
Where did you get this information from? Is it from the treasury or from which source? Seven million naira as allocation? That is a big lie. We have a big generating plant, we buy fuel. We supposed to be under Hyundai industry having international school of welding, and welding being what it should be is an
an industry that consumes a lot of power. Government has given us two 1000 KVA giant generators in the school. Although the welding school has not started yet, but according to them, we
are temporarily cut off, but will address this issue of power soon.
Sir, please tell us the present condition of HYUNDAI project. It was supposed to be a project that will help un-employed youths in Bayelsa. Why is it that the project is being delayed?
I came in as a rector of Bayelsa State college of Arts and Science and not as a rector of Hyundai. But, when they came, we made provision for heir welding location and a memorandum of understanding
(MOU) with Hyundai was signed. It is during my tenure that two giant generating plants were bought and the welding workshop was set up. We have over fifty four booths with welding equipments. Kio tried as well and we have been pushing this till now, it was the ministry of power that brought the two generating plants. The project has been on but I know few areas have not been met in the MOU for final take of the gas, the essential component of the project. Gas storage system must surely be put in place but I believe that soonest the project will be completed in training our youths on welding which is of international standard. Perhaps when the equipment installed it will re-direct the attention of the youths from anti-social vices.
Precisely May 2013, this school experienced a burglary issue as a result of impeding audit in the school, from confirmed source, the save was destroyed and money stolen by the perpetrators in averting the audit, what is your reaction, I was told over Eight hundred thousand naira was stolen?
As an academician, you are linking an alleged burglary matter with an audit matter which cannot be aligned in this concept. A safe is meant to keep money and I don’t know where you get your own fact from. We are not a bank to save that huge amount of money. The school authority set up a committee, but from the findings and reports giving to me, no money was stolen as you alleged that over eight hundred thousand stolen. We are not a bank to keep that kind of money. You know there is a guiding principle of saving in an institution and this it is a big lie.
For students’ intake of the institution, sir, can you give us the update in diploma and IJMB?
Total number of students is over Eight Hundred, the school is fully operational and the IJMB is afflicted to the Ahmadu Bello University.
how do you solve the transport problem students go through in the school?
The school bus is available for the to and fro transportation of students from Yenagoa to Imiringi, where the school is located. The ministry of transport provided a bus with a subsidized rate of fifty Naira (N50) transport fare. The money realized is for buying fuel and maintenance. In fact, I have not heard of any students complaining. The issue of no fuel and students getting stranded is a big lie.
How would you describe the academic standard of the school compared to other institutions in Nigeria?
Well, it is excellent. The academic standard is very high and so competitive with others. We have
proactive and committed lecturers. I will describe the educational development as so rapid and so developmental. I thank the Executive Governor of Bayelsa State, Hon. Dickson for bridging the educational divides in Bayelsa state.