
By Zik Gbemre
With regards to the posted video showing Hon. Francis Ejiroghene Waive, Representing Ughelli North, Ughelli South and Udu Federal Constituencies in Delta State, who moved the subject motion on the floor of the House of Representatives on November 28, 2019, I consider it expedient to lend my voice, clarify some points he raised, and rightly advise on what I believe, ought to have been the best line of action in relation to the motion raised. Please forgive the long read, I am just passionate about this subject issue because it adversely affects our people.
Firstly, I believe that for us to holistically address any observed problem in our society, it is very important that we focus squarely on the ‘ROOT CAUSE(S)’ of such a problem, and not focus on the surface outcome, or just one aspect of the problem. So, while we appreciate HONOURABLE FRANCIS EJIROGHENE WAIVE for raising the said motion, however, would it not have been more appropriate to have channeled the said motion to focus on addressing the root causes of illegal bunkering, pipeline vandalization and illegal refinery activities in the first place. Thereby, we would not worry about how the Security Operatives should, or should not destroy seized items gotten from these alleged criminals because then, there wouldn’t be anything for them to seize in the first place.
We should focus on condemning the criminality/proffering solutions, of crude oil theft and illegal refineries in the areas in question, which of course have led to the burning/destruction of seized items used for the illegal trade by Security Operatives in the first place. We should not focus on the activities of the Security Operatives alone, without first addressing the issue of illegal bunkering, pipeline vandalization and illegal refineries’ activities that have been going on in these Communities concerned for years now.
Are the lawmakers aware that the host Communities’ locals/leaders of the areas in question, are actively involved in these illegal trade/refineries in some Communities in Ughelli South LGA, Delta State and other places? There is no way ‘strangers’ can conveniently engage in illegal bunkering/pipeline vandalization and illegal refineries’ activities without the active involvement/collaboration/cooperation of the host Communities’ locals/leaders. So, this criminality is not done by “hoodlums” as stated by Honourable Waive, but by the locals of these Communities. Let us call it what it is. There is no way the locals/indigenes of these host Communities cannot be aware of the illegal trade/activities going on in their rivers and farm areas. More so, why should the host Communities’ locals and their leaders allow their rivers/lands be used as illegal bunkering/illegal refineries Yards? Has anyone bothered to ask that question? Even when some of these alleged criminals are arrested and taken to court, they are freed within days by their sponsors, some of whom are even with some highly placed persons in the society. So the issue is beyond what is being painted by Honourable Waive.
We are also aware, and well informed by first-hand experience, of how these illegal bunkerers/pipeline vandals are even given FTOs (Freedom To Operate – as they should) in these Communities – as long as “those who matter in this illegal trade” in these Communities have been ‘settled’. That tells us that the inhabitants of these host Communities are the ones who have created this problem in the first place. I regard these illegal refineries and crude oil theft activities as SELF-IMMOLATION.
I also do not believe that the Security Operatives were the ones who dispose crude oil/diesel in the rivers of these Communities. We should learn to tell ourselves the raw truth as it is. The reason why we cannot fish in the Obi-Ayagha river-down to Oginibu and Okwagbe rivers today, is simply because of the years of illegal bunkering/illegal refineries activities perpetrated with the active involvement of the locals of the host Communities concerned. Except in few occasions when there were ‘Equipment failures’ of oil company pipelines, the rest of the harm caused to the environment are created by the hands of our Niger Delta people. And until this ‘root’ aspect of the problem is addressed, hammering on the Security Operatives to be mindful of how they destroy seized items from these alleged criminals, will only be regarded as window dressing.
However, let it be reiterated here that the environmental pollution evident in the Utorogu/Okpare creeks/rivers, is caused by the years of activities of illegal bunkerers/pipeline vandals/illegal refinery activities, and not the Security Operatives. We should learn to take responsibility of the actions of our people, and not shift the blame and focus to another angle. The Security Operatives only burnt seized vehicles/badges/items by the Utorogu-UPS Trunk line areas and not at the bank of the creeks/rivers as alleged by Honourable Waive.
I also believe the Security Operatives should be commended for their actions/onslaught against illegal refineries/illegal bunkering and vandalization of pipelines by these criminals in the stated areas. If it was not for the security activities of the Soldiers, we are certain that the situation would have gotten really worse by now. This would even lead to zero production of crude oil/condensate, which would adversely affect the economy. So, Honourable Waive cannot be demanding that the Security Operatives should be called to order, when the root problem is still there and being perpetrated by the Communities. Calling on NEMA and the rest, for a clean-up of the polluted environment, will only serve as a temporary solution to the real problem before us.
For Honourable Waive, he surely has a lot of work to do in his hands in educating and re-enlightening the locals in his various Constituencies of Ughelli North, Ughelli South and Udu, to stop aiding/abating/allowing these criminalities, which only end up destroying their own habitat, heritage and developmental progress.
In my youthful years in my Iwhrekan Community, Ughelli South LGA, the youths then were gainfully engaged in rubber tapping, fishing and helping our mothers in clearing their farms and planting of cassava, maize, etc. But today, some of our Niger-Delta youths are either engaged in this illegal trade which destroys the environment. While others are making a living as ‘political thugs.’ Majority of our youths today are looking for the ‘easy way out’ to make ‘quick money’, hence they engage in all of these vices and criminality. The bottom line is that Honurable Waive and other lawmakers representing the interest of the Niger Delta people, should focus on addressing this problem from the root.
Zik Gbemre.
December 5, 2019
Mobilize Others to Fight for Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes