Keshi Go! It is Well
By Chief Bobson Gbinije
The philosophical principles of Tempus Fugit (time flies), buttressed by the English playwright William Shakespeare that “there is a tide in the affairs of men, which when taken at the floods, leads on to fortune, omitted all the voyages in their lives are bound in tempestuous waves.” But Stephen Okechukwu (Keshi), he came, he saw, and he conquered (Vini, Vidi, Vici).

The issue of whether to terminate Keshi’s appointment as coach of the Super Eagles has been dangling and oscillating in the landscape of public discourse, the hierarchy of Nigeria Football Federation(NFF) and beyond for some years now. It virtually took the mien and characteristic of the crab’s eye which ruminates and flagellates delicately as if it is going to fall. But it hardly ever does. The crab’s eye finally fell.
However, there are open-ended omnibuses and questions sequel to Keshi’s sack. Did Keshi deserved to be sacked, did he contribute anything positive to the development of football as a player and a coach to Nigeria soccer, was Keshi corrupt, was he indisciplined and was he qualified and competent as a coach of the Super Eagles.
There will be as many answers and opinions as there fans, pundits and football aficionados etc to these questions. But it is unambiguously clear that Keshi grew in football not only from the grassroots level, but from root hair base to tree top heights as a player and coach. At academicals level in Lagos (CMS Grammar School) and in Bendel State (Eghosa Grammar school, Benin City), he was indeed, a diaphanous diadem. At club level and captain of the New Nigeria Bank Football Club, Benin City he captained the club to win the West African Football Union (WAFU) Cup 3 times. He captained the Nigerian National Team to win the Africa Cup of Nations and he coached the National teams of Togo and Mali to great heights. He coached the Super Eagles to win the Africa Confederation Cup. But a little slip and faux pas turned the whole world against him.
It is my humble and candid opinion that barring political acrobatics and Machiavellian manoeuvres, Keshi is still the most qualified Nigerian Coach to handle the Super Eagles, because he has the pragmatic cerebral carriage, the verve, the exergual architectonics, the palpable experience and exposure to still contribute positively to Nigeria’s Football growth and development.
However, Keshi should have resigned when the plaudits and ovations were loudest. In the midst of all the brouhaha and rumpus kicked-up after losing vital matches, he should have indeed resigned. He didn’t understand the politics, dynamics, nuts and bolts and the chemistry of football in Nigeria vis-à-vis the great expectations of our fanatical fans and an NFF administrative organogram that is sunken in the oubliette and labyrinth of cluelessness. He had a very big eye, but could not decipher the miasmatic contours of skulduggery and manipulative zeitgeist cocooning the Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). What is wrong with a prospective Coach applying for a job outside the NFF that was sunken in the cesspit of prevarication, planlessness, cluelessness and tergiversation?
We only hope that the NFF and its new crew will take football to the next level and beyond in Nigeria because broken is ‘Apollos Bow’ the only bow that grew and shot fully straight. We wish the NFF and their coaches the best of luck. We pray that the words of their mouth, the meditations of their hearts and the élan of their Zeal be acceptable in the sight of ALLAH, in JESUS name, Amen.
We beseech God Almighty to direct Keshi to the right path in his future job. He should be sagacious enough to beware of back stabbers, moral reprobates, cheats and hierarchical entropy. He must note that Godfathers and Godfatherisms comes and goes so as favours and influences. Hence, an Urhobo adage says “akpobrisi goma o ji we akalamudo wo keroma forke ro fowi” – (the great spiritual and powerful tree still had to rely on a trusted friendly tree because of unforeseen circumstances).
Finally, Sapele boys say “when one door close, another one go open”. Keshi, no matter what they say, you etched your name in the hall, rubrics and the pantheon of fame for soccer Greats in Nigeria and you have left your foot prints in the sands of time in Nigeria. Indeed, you came, you saw, and you conquered (Vini, Vidi, Vici).
Chief Bobson Gbinije
Mandate Against Poverty (MAP)
Warri – 08023250378