Chief Barr John Nani Chairman DESOPADEC Board, briefing newsmen at the end of the inspection tour of the completed Ovwor-Olomu Model Primary School, Ovwor in Ughelli South Local Government Area, Delta.

By Our Reporter, Warri

The Chairman, Delta State Oil Producing Areas Development Commission, DESOPADEC, Chief John Nani and the Managing Director/CEO Chief Festus Ochonogor have appealed to benefitting communities of DESOPADEC intervention projects to own and safeguard projects in their domain.

The appeal was made yesterday by Chief John Nani while briefing the press at the end of the inspection tour of the completed Ovwor-Olomu Model Primary School, Ovwor in Ughelli South Local Government Area of Delta State.

Nani said: “This is one of the best Model Primary Schools built by DESOPADEC in this area. This completed project as you can see, has been vandalized because the perimeter fencing and the furnishing were not awarded on time for the facility to be put to use.

“We are appealing to every benefitting community in DESOPADEC mandate area to safeguard their projects. The community leaders and youths should see the projects as their own, emphasizing that vandalising projects that have been completed is unacceptable.

“As you can see, the ceiling and some parts of the roof have been tampered with. People should desist from such nefarious acts of vandalising government property,” he said.

Speaking further, he said DESOPADEC will not leave any stone unturned to make sure that the project is retouched and Commissioned in due course since the facility is in tandem with His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s M.O.R.E agenda.

The Managing Director/Chief Executive Officer of DESOPADEC, Chief Festus Ochonogor who expressed disappointment over the act of vandalism however assured all present that DESOPADEC would ensure measures are put in place to protect the school property.

Responding one of the community leaders and the immediate past Chairman of Ughelli South Local Government Council, Dr. Richard Kofi lauded DESOPADEC for a well thought out project in Ovwor Model Primary School, recounting the facilities in the school to include twenty-four classrooms, sick bay, Assembly Hall, walk ways, Toilet facilities and staff rooms.

He however appealed for the provision of a perimeter fencing which is very important and urgent in order to avert vandalisation of the property.

Earlier, the inspection team led by the Executive Director Projects, DESOPADEC, Hon. Taleb Tebite had inspected the completed 150 meter Karo Street road Project at Oruwhorun in Udu Local Government Area where he said that the project which was awarded by DESOPADEC to open up the access roads in the area was completed last year and is due for commissioning.

The team also proceeded to the College of Health Technology, Ofuoma in Ughelli North Local Government Area where the completed Examination Hall Project executed by DESOPADEC was inspected with the representative of the contractor, Chief Dr. Issac Akpoveta taking them round the facility.

The Head of Community Health Department, Mrs. Judith Akpomedaye thanked DESOPADEC for the laudable job in providing Examination Hall for the institution, stating that the school had no conducive place for students to write their examinations until succour came from DESOPADEC.