A Delta State women’s group, the Concerned Tisun Community Women Group (CTCWG), has accused Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) of gross marginalization in the Dibi Field located in Warri North LGA.

The group has expressed concerns that this alleged marginalization poses a threat to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s “More Agenda” in the state.

In a letter addressed to the Governor and dated 14th June, 2024, the CTCWG, represented by Madam Evelyn Omajugho (Women Leader), Mrs. Phileta Ebrohimi (Secretary), and Madam Grace Abaje (Assistant Women Leader), raised issues regarding the planned disengagement of two Tisun indigenes working for a contractor, Aursmon Nigeria Limited.

The disengagement of Messrs Erhahon Augusta Sisan and Amaye Suzy Toritse was reported to have taken place despite previous agreements and resolutions reached with community elders during a meeting held on April 18th, 2024.

During the meeting in April, it was agreed that all staff of Aursmon Nigeria Limited would be retained and transferred to a new contractor. Additionally, the former Aursmon Nigeria Limited was supposed to bear the cost of paying all community beneficiaries for contract work from May 2024 to January 2025 to ensure peace in the area.

The women’s group expressed disappointment at CNL’s recent actions, stating that the disengagement of the two staff members constitutes a breach of the agreements made. They described this move as “totally unacceptable” and a form of gross injustice against them, warning that it could lead to anarchy if not addressed promptly.

The CTCWG demanded the immediate recall of the disengaged staff for peace to prevail, threatening to take legal action if their demands are not met within 14 days.

The women had previously staged a successful 5-day protest against Chevron, leading to the agreements and resolutions that CNL is now being accused of violating. The group emphasized their readiness to engage in further actions to ensure their rights are upheld and justice is served.

“We insist on the recall of the disengaged staff for peace to reign or you shall meet us with the desired results of your refusal to halt the planned disengagement within 14-day from now”.

They therefore appealed to Governor Sheriff Oborevwori to urgently intervene in the matter stressing that they are prepared to take their destiny into their own hands if the matter continues to linger.

The letter is copied to all the relevant authorities including the Olu of Warri, Chevron Nigeria Limited Managing Director Lagos; GM Operations (JV); Superintendent (PGPA) and Area Manager CNL Warri respectively.

As tensions escalate between the women’s group and Chevron, all eyes are on Governor Sheriff Oborevwori to intervene and address the situation before it escalates further.