
By Zik Gbemre
We strongly condemn the recent reports of what was described as Pipe bombs sent to several prominent US Democrats, including former President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which has set off an intense investigation on into whether figures vilified by the right opposition party were being targeted.
Whatever the reasons, or the case may be, we believe there is practically no justification for such wicked acts. From Washington to New York to Florida to Los Angeles, the relevant US authorities were said to have intercepted a wave of crudely built devices that were contained in manila envelopes.
In the center of Manhattan, the Time Warner Center, an elegant office and shopping complex, was evacuated because of a pipe bomb sent to CNN, which has its New York offices there. It was addressed to John O. Brennan, a critic of President Donald Trump who served as Mr. Obama’s C.I.A. Director.
A fifth device sent to Mr. Obama’s attorney general, Eric H. Holder Jr., was apparently incorrectly addressed, and because Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s name was on the return address, it was ultimately delivered to her district office in Florida, the F.B.I. said.
Another package, addressed to Representative Maxine Waters, a California Democrat, was intercepted at a congressional mail facility, Ms. Waters said in a statement.
The device that went to CNN’s offices arrived by courier, a law enforcement official said.
However, it still had half-a-dozen first-class postage stamps on it. So far, the US authorities have recovered 9 Pipe bombs suspected packages of the same nature like ones sent to others above.
The last two packages were sent to Robert De Nero, a famous actor and another Trump critic, and former US Vice President, Joe Biden. Though, none of the devices harmed anyone, and it was not immediately clear whether any of them could have. However, the devices contained some of the components that would be required to build an operable bomb, but US law enforcement officials would not say, as at the time of this write up, whether they were viable.
The devices were being sent to the F.B.I. lab in Quantico, Va., where they would be analyzed.
One law enforcement official said investigators were examining the possibility that they were hoax devices that were constructed to look like bombs but would not have exploded.
The F.B.I. said the devices were similar to one found also recently at the home of George Soros, the billionaire philanthropist and liberal donor, in a New York City suburb.
The crux of the matter is that the said attack is barbaric and unjustifiable, especially as it was targeted on Democrats, which are in the opposition.
This is against the will and dictates of democracy. It is no news that the entire world regards the United States of America (USA) as the foremost and upholder of democracy in the world.
So, if prominent persons that are in the opposition in US are attacked like this, it should be a source of worry and concern for the world, especially for democratic nations.
It is expected that in any democratic government, people must go into contest with one another to be elected in positions of political power. So, we really do not understand why the threat to lives of prominent opposition leaders in the US.
No matter how we look at it, this development; of parcel bombs being sent to top US leaders with opposition views different from those of the ruling Republicans – is painting a very bad image about the US Government under President Trump, and the US Democracy as a whole.
Though, those affected, and US President have all come out to air their minds in condemnation of the said threats, the truth is that this is highly condemnable. We believe such barbaric act of intimidating of top politicians, should not be heard of in the US because what it stands – as an enforcer of global peace and democratic ideals.
Surprisingly, it was noted that earlier this month, US Federal authorities said they had intercepted multiple packages suspected of containing the lethal substance ricin, addressed to President Trump and at least two top Pentagon officials.
Also, in February 2018, an envelope containing a white, powdery substance that investigators later determined was cornstarch was sent to the Manhattan apartment of Donald Trump Jr.’s mother-in-law. With such frequent reports of attacks/threats and counter-threats coming from both the Democrats and Republicans, it clearly means there are serious underlining political issues/differences that needs to be addressed between these two political parties in the US Government.
President Trump, is already talking in this tone, when he said: “In these times we have to unify. We have to come together and send one very clear, strong, unmistakable message that acts or threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America.”
He continued in the same vein later at a recent rally in Wisconsin, encouraging “all sides to come together in peace and harmony,” before taking aim at the news media. “The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks,” Mr. Trump said.
Mrs. Clinton, in an address to a crowd of about 200 Democratic donors in Florida, also said: “It is a troubling time, isn’t it, and it’s a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together.” As for the media, we believe they should be protected from being intimidated or harmed by any person or group of persons. This is because, the Media plays a very vital role in any democracy. As it acts as the ‘information agent’ – where the general public can be well-informed about the happenings and activities in and around the world. We only ask that the US Government and its opposition leaders should always find a common ground to settle their differences, and not resort to these kinds of barbaric threats of using bomb-like and suspicious life-threatening-look-like substances to try to shake one another.
It clearly does not speak well of the US Government and its democracy. There is need for both Democrats and Republicans to embrace unity and stop this ‘INTIMIDATION-WAR-OF-BOMB-PARCELS’ AND POLITICAL HARASSMENT OF ANY KIND. So that other developing countries do not start imitating this barbaric act. They should all embrace peace, and keep the peace.
Zik Gbemre, JP.
National Coordinator
Niger Delta Peace Coalition (NDPC)
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