MODERN SLAVERY – National Reformer News Online


We are living in a country where by any foreigners can come in and do whatever they like in the country without anyone questioning them.

My dear, this cannot happen in other countries. These foreigners come to Nigeria in the name of making their own establishment in the country, yes it is very good so as to create job opportunities but in the other way round, we are been maltreated and enslaved by these foreigners. They even go as far as insulting us and even calling us names, this cannot happen in other countries.

Most of time they come to Nigeria with wrong description, after they find their way to Nigeria and started working  with their so called brother organizations “insult done start”. They even go as far as maltreating the security men that follows them here and there but because of bribing and corruption they cannot do anything.

The question now is; can a Nigerian go to these countries and behave same way they are behaving here? Can a Nigerian insult them in their country same way they are insulting us in our country and we can’t do anything about it?  What is our country turning to; this can’t not happen in other countries?

Let’s take Ghana for instance; the government in Ghana creates a standard for the Ghanaians that any foreigner coming there to established must treat the Ghanaian citizens same way they will treat their own foreigners.

What is our immigration doing? Do they know their job?

A Nigerian cannot go to other countries and stay without having their stay/residential permits or else they will repatriate them.

The immigration sector is full of bribery  and corruption, they don’t do their job. They allow this at the first place. I believe the federal government assigns a body that heads these areas, but nobody cares about it. Come to think of it, has Nigeria repatriated any foreigner before? I have never had about it.

These foreigners that enslave us never see anything good in Nigeria/Nigerians but they come to make money from Nigerians.

Federal government should look into this areas and do something about it.

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