

Lt-Col Satchie Emmanuel Ayomike Etoromi (rtd) fss,psc,MBA

The Seipakumor of Gbaramatu Kingdom”

5, Egbokodo/Ubeji Road, Egbokodo-Itsekiri. P.O.Box 616, Warri.

Tel: 08055309058

Date: 02/12/2014


1. My attention has been drawn to six publications in the Vanguard newspaper of Tuesday November 25, 2014 and Wednesday 26th November 2014 on the EPZ project. It is true that meetings were held on the 24th and 25th of November 2014, at which it was resolved that both sides should refrain from making publications in the press, so as not to escalate the present tense situation. It is shocking that one of the publications dwelt on the deliberations of the meeting of 24th of November 2014. Men of integrity would behave differently. I am very much worried because I moderated at both meetings. The publication of the ‘’Re-State of the Nation’’ by the Itsekiri Leaders of Thought addressed to His Excellency, Dr Emmanuel Ewetan Uduaghan at page 58 and 59 of the Vanguard newspaper of the 25th of November 2014, served as a further food for thought. I am compelled to speak up now to answer to the provocative insults of Edward Ekpoko Esq in the Vanguard Newspaper of Monday 1st December 2014 at page A7. I will quickly remind Barrister E. Ekpoko Esq that I did NOT mention suit No W/29/49 in which my uncle Pa Edremoda Golly was one of the plaintiffs, as a case in which judgement was obtained by fraud. I know that reputable Iye descendants do not engage in vile acts. Now that Edward Ekpoko Esq has stirred the hornets’ nest, I humbly ask him to study consolidated Suit No W/132/70 and W/62/71. He knows that no Kantu community representative went to court to give evidence. Tina who gave evidence in favour of Omadinor was in fact an Omadinor indigene. He eventually became the Olaraja of Omadinor. Also Edward Ekpoko Esq should note that Kantu successfully defended Suit No W/168/90. He is invited to study it well. Were some patriotic Kantu indigenes and myself not around, Suit No W/168/90 could have been indefended and Edward Ekpoko Esq might have got another feather to add to his cap. Let us not further steer the hornets’ nest. We should seek avenues of seeking peaceful co-existence. Miemie did it and I give honour and glory to his legacy, which his true descendants shall continue to uphold. Princess Iye’s legacy is a sign post which we, her descendants especially I as the Head of Golly Family continue to hold in the highest esteem. It is a sorry sight when one watches the behaviour or listens to the rantings of some people who have inadvently seized the mantle of leadership of some communities. If they are not fighting for their personal gain, they are telling stories that lead to acrimony. They display no respect for age, culture or superior authority. The revealed fact that some of them do not even get the consent of their sources of ethnic authority leaves one to wonder whose agenda they are pursuing. The path they thread brings disaster. Youths should respect superior authority ALWAYS if they want to be blessed.

2. Itsekiris and Ijaws need to seek the path that will lead to peaceful co-existence with each other at this time. Let me still say here that I have always respected the veracity of the petition which members of the Itsekiri Leaders of Thought, wrote to the then Brigadier J.T Useni, Military Governor of Bendel State titled ‘’Re-Excision of Ijaw Enclaves From Warri Local Government Council Area’’, dated 28th December 1984. At page 6 of the petition the petitioners, made up of Chief E.N.A Begho (Chairman), S.O. Urunmatsoma (Secretary), Chief O.P. Edodo, Chief G.E. Mabiaku, Chief O.E. Idundun, Justice Chief F.O.M. Atake, D.S.T.O. Pessu Esq, I.O. Jemide Esq, S. Lori-Skinn and Dr G.I. Emiko, stated that ‘’As a result of the persistent agitations of the Ijaw enclaves NOT to be in the same  Administrative Division or Local Government Council with the Itsekiris, the Itsekiri Leaders after several consultations with the people decided that the Ijaw enclaves should be allowed to be merged with their kith and kin(now Burutu) and Benin West Division (now Ovia). The Itsekiris also agreed that they were allowed to go with the Itsekiri Lands which they occupied. This was the price the Itsekiris had to pay in the interest of peace and progress in the Warri Division”. The abandonment of that strategy to have peace has brought us more harm than good. Chief O.P. Edodo, Chief G.E. Mabiaku and Chief I.O. Jemide Esq who were signatories of the petition are still living today. A review of the reasons presented in the petition shows that the conclusions they reached were correct and the adoption of paying the price for peace should have been more beneficial. I am not up turning history. It is those who are unrealistic that need to see reason. Using goblin tactics is not appropriate in our present situation.

3. It is gratifying to note that the Ugborodo and Gbaramatu peoples want the EPZ project to be sited at the mouth of the Escravos River, where they both have been living together. It has been disclosed that most of the land required for the Gas City has been acquired, and the Ugborodo peoples have an interface committee working with NNPC. It is noted that Ugborodo people were in a long and tragic acrimony over who were to be in control. It was also learnt that the Land acquired for the deep sea port is inadequate for NPA needs, and the Delta State government who acquired the Land, have stalled or stated that there are no more lands to acquire for the deep sea port. This is economical with the truth as the Ijaws of Gbaramatu have agreed to allow the Delta State government acquires their land for the deep sea port project. In whose interest is the reluctance of the Delta State government to acquire more land for the deep sea port? I do not wish to state the case of Gbaramatu people on Ikpokpo, as this was done in their brief to the Fact Finding Committee set up by the Delta State Government chaired by His Excellency Prof Amos A. Utuama, SAN. The report was truncated by the false claim that all issues on the matter had been resolved.

4. We should change our mindset for us to have peace, without which there can be no development. We should know that OTON OJI GBE EJU REN (Oji’s children are now of age) and EJU OJOR WAN KA GHO DAA DI PANAMA (You look at the weather before you wear a straw hat). My appeal to all parties is to resolve to seek peace in breaking this deadlock. It is my considered view that since all the parties wants the project to be sited at the mouth of the Escravos River, the proposal of NNPC to split the project name into two,  should be adopted  immediately and in facilitating a quick resolution we should agree to:

a. Adopt the Itsekiri Leaders of Thought proposals in their petition to the Military Governor Bendel State Brigadier J.T. Useni dated 28th December 1984.

b. Name the gas city as suggested by NNPC/Delta State Government and name the deep sea port after Gbaramatu/Ikpokpo/Tebijor

c. Agree that the Delta State Government acquire all the land required by the Nigerian Ports Authority for the deep sea port.

d. Set up an interface committee for Ijaw interests in the project area.

Yours Faithfully,


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